For several years I drifted to occasional masses, and I attended communion ( don’t throw things at me, I know better now!).
Anyway, being unfamiliar with the various churches either because I was new to the area or it was a one time attendance, I would look for “landmarks” and that would include people.
Silly me, I thought that the other peopple around me who appeared to be so pious were actually so! So I would go to Communion, return to what I thought was my pew…and find myself sitting 3 rows ahead of my original spot!
How embarassing! But nontheless, in spite of strange looks from those remaining, I would kneel and pretend that I had not made any error at all!
I have to admit, though that since I saw so many people leaving early, I started to do so as well. But something in me told me it was wrong…so I would stand in back or kneel in the rear pew and end up staying at least until the final blessing. And sometimes I left because I was crying. It was as if God was calling me and recognizing me even though I was really seperated from the Church…and really questioning not only my faith but a lot of other things in life. I didn’t know anyone, I felt completely alone in and out of Church, so as soon as I could I would flee…and sometimes even cry all the way home.
Now when I cry at Mass I just try to deal with it and keep it to myself and ask God to keep others from noticing. I think the fact that veils are coming back are a good thing!
On Good Friday this year I HAD to leave early as my family was coming into town, they’d never been to my new home and as I couldn’t have my cell phone on in church, I ended up leaving very close to the time I thought they would be arriving.
I missed the veneration of the cross, which is one of the most meaningful moments, outside of Communion, throughout the year.
People’s reasons for leaving aren’t always apparent, and those who leave for good reason probably have God’s blessing just the same.
But those others…:tsktsk: