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What are the attributes of that “someone”?I think that the world had to be created by Someone. I don’t think it just came out of nothing without some divine intervention. It is so complex
Seeking truth and questioning your beliefs is not giving up. It’s strength. Many people cannot do this. Best to seek out and try to understand all perspectives. Then work through to your own conclusion. Whether Catholic or otherwise a view you come to personally will be the most fulfilling.I don’t want to give up.
A famous convert to Catholicism sarcastically once quipped, “what else is there?” (Walker Percy)
- If Theism is correct, why is one religion the fullness of Truth? Why is the Truth not a non-contradictory combination of the Truth claims in different religions?
- If one religion is the fullness of Truth, why Christianity?
Just curious whether you think there is some rival to Catholicism/Orthodoxy out there. In the spirit of St Peter, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
It’s certainly logically possible that one religion embodies more truth/goodness/beauty than all the others, isn’t it? Isn’t that part of what is meant by the “fullness of the faith?” It doesn’t have to mean that you find that religion to be flawless, but the best of all of them—the utmost.
And, the question would still remain no matter what—what else is there? What is Catholicism/Orthodoxy’s rival? Scientific atheism? Islam? Buddhism? Honestly, “what else is there” might have been a smart-a_ _ response, but there’s also something to that remark.
Well who else is going to believe and help answer you except fellow Catholics? It’s only going to be Catholics who can show why Catholicism is the one true religion.I don’t think I can look only at Catholic perspectives on the issues.
There is the difficulty. Since there are so many psychological dispositions, what constitutes that proof varies. Understanding a Creator or why there is a creation may be impossible for some.… I just can’t accept it though if it is not the truth if I do not have some proof that it is . …
1 Faith is the realization [hypostasis] of what is hoped for and evidence [elenchos] of things not seen. 2 Because of it the ancients were well attested. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was ordered by the word of God, so that what is visible came into being through the invisible.