You are correct when you say we should go to church to honor God. But that is not the only reason. God expects us to help each other and for parents to teach their children. If my children are to learn about God it will have to be inspite of the Catholic Church. Most of the people and priests they encounter there are useless as teachers and representatives of Christ. I have tried multiple times to return to the Catholic Church only to be turned back by my conscience. I won’t live forever. How can I abandon my kids to such a mess? The Catholic Church in the US does nothing for the people.
When you do encounter good Catholics they are shinning examples of Christ. They are true warriors for the faith. Unfortunately, the vast majority of US Catholics are apathetic and cynical. Most Protestants haven’t a clue what the Catholic faith is. But guess what, neither do most Catholics. I’ve met up and coming priests who were “pro-choice” I haven’t met a single Southern Baptist minister who was. Not one.
Yes, the Evangelicals are stereotyped by those flamboyant, plastic haired, pink suited, thick accented, used car salesmen type preachers on TV. But it if you go into one of their churches they’ll shake your had ask how you and the family are doing, invite you over to dinner and then go straight to the point and ask how things stand between you and the Lord. And if they aren’t good they’ll show you how to change it. No, none of them would pass for a Thomas More, John Henry Newman, G.K. Chesterton or even a Scott Hahn or Karl Keating. But I guarantee everyone in the church knows what they believe and are trying to do their best for the Lord… When George told us that a Priest told him to get out of the church how many of us know of a Priest with such and attitude? Many I’m sure. Now could you imagine a Baptist preacher telling someone looking for information about the church to get out? It doesn’t happen…
I know it sounds like I’m bashing the church but I’m not. I love the church. I guess I’m just venting. I’m disappointed and disillusioned. I wish it were otherwise. I wish I could bring my kids home to the church but I can’t. I love them too much…
You are correct when you say we should go to church to honor God. But that is not the only reason. God expects us to help each other and for parents to teach their children. If my children are to learn about God it will have to be inspite of the Catholic Church. Most of the people and priests they encounter there are useless as teachers and representatives of Christ. I have tried multiple times to return to the Catholic Church only to be turned back by my conscience. I won’t live forever. How can I abandon my kids to such a mess? The Catholic Church in the US does nothing for the people.
When you do encounter good Catholics they are shinning examples of Christ. They are true warriors for the faith. Unfortunately, the vast majority of US Catholics are apathetic and cynical. Most Protestants haven’t a clue what the Catholic faith is. But guess what, neither do most Catholics. I’ve met up and coming priests who were “pro-choice” I haven’t met a single Southern Baptist minister who was. Not one.
Yes, the Evangelicals are stereotyped by those flamboyant, plastic haired, pink suited, thick accented, used car salesmen type preachers on TV. But it if you go into one of their churches they’ll shake your had ask how you and the family are doing, invite you over to dinner and then go straight to the point and ask how things stand between you and the Lord. And if they aren’t good they’ll show you how to change it. No, none of them would pass for a Thomas More, John Henry Newman, G.K. Chesterton or even a Scott Hahn or Karl Keating. But I guarantee everyone in the church knows what they believe and are trying to do their best for the Lord… When George told us that a Priest told him to get out of the church how many of us know of a Priest with such and attitude? Many I’m sure. Now could you imagine a Baptist preacher telling someone looking for information about the church to get out? It doesn’t happen…
I know it sounds like I’m bashing the church but I’m not. I love the church. I guess I’m just venting. I’m disappointed and disillusioned. I wish it were otherwise. I wish I could bring my kids home to the church but I can’t. I love them too much…
Have you had time to read any of the saints. I think that so many times we forget that we goto Church for God’s sake not ours and when we do it that way we end up being fed because His flesh is real food indeed, and what more could you want in the way of being fed then to recieive Our Lord?
The reason that I ask about the Saints is for a long time I had a very self centered view of what the mass should be for me, but when I look through their eyes, I see what it must be for us all. Another suggestion would be the Lamb’s supper by Scott Hann
God Bless and go for Him