Leaving the church

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You are correct when you say we should go to church to honor God. But that is not the only reason. God expects us to help each other and for parents to teach their children. If my children are to learn about God it will have to be inspite of the Catholic Church. Most of the people and priests they encounter there are useless as teachers and representatives of Christ. I have tried multiple times to return to the Catholic Church only to be turned back by my conscience. I won’t live forever. How can I abandon my kids to such a mess? The Catholic Church in the US does nothing for the people.

When you do encounter good Catholics they are shinning examples of Christ. They are true warriors for the faith. Unfortunately, the vast majority of US Catholics are apathetic and cynical. Most Protestants haven’t a clue what the Catholic faith is. But guess what, neither do most Catholics. I’ve met up and coming priests who were “pro-choice” I haven’t met a single Southern Baptist minister who was. Not one.

Yes, the Evangelicals are stereotyped by those flamboyant, plastic haired, pink suited, thick accented, used car salesmen type preachers on TV. But it if you go into one of their churches they’ll shake your had ask how you and the family are doing, invite you over to dinner and then go straight to the point and ask how things stand between you and the Lord. And if they aren’t good they’ll show you how to change it. No, none of them would pass for a Thomas More, John Henry Newman, G.K. Chesterton or even a Scott Hahn or Karl Keating. But I guarantee everyone in the church knows what they believe and are trying to do their best for the Lord… When George told us that a Priest told him to get out of the church how many of us know of a Priest with such and attitude? Many I’m sure. Now could you imagine a Baptist preacher telling someone looking for information about the church to get out? It doesn’t happen…

I know it sounds like I’m bashing the church but I’m not. I love the church. I guess I’m just venting. I’m disappointed and disillusioned. I wish it were otherwise. I wish I could bring my kids home to the church but I can’t. I love them too much…



Have you had time to read any of the saints. I think that so many times we forget that we goto Church for God’s sake not ours and when we do it that way we end up being fed because His flesh is real food indeed, and what more could you want in the way of being fed then to recieive Our Lord?

The reason that I ask about the Saints is for a long time I had a very self centered view of what the mass should be for me, but when I look through their eyes, I see what it must be for us all. Another suggestion would be the Lamb’s supper by Scott Hann

God Bless and go for Him
That’s exactly how I feel Demerzel, well said. I read the bible everyday trying to learn what God is saying to me and what he wants me to do. Then I read the church law and it’s all together different. Ten years ago I picked up my first bible. I asked an old timer what bible I should buy, it was a Catholic book store. He said buy the NAB and don’t read the foot notes, just read the word of God just as he wanted it read.So I did, no problem. Then I picked up the Catechism and what a difference, I could not believe. So I have to go to the church to learn the word, not for communion only. I find it hard to believe that the bible and the Catechism are so far apart. I also can’t believe that all the other churches are doing it wrong. Everybody that goes to the church of there choice will be saved. I don’t think that God wanted all these divisions going on with all his followers. I don’t know what all these laws are that the church has and I don’t care to know all of them.I don’t have any problem with tradition, but I believe that the word of God is the only law we should have to know.

I think one of my biggest problems is I’m trying to satisfy the church and do what is right in the churches eyes. I think if I put more focus on what God wants I would be better off. George :o
I only have a minute, so I will post more later since this is weighing heavy on my heart.
Where does it say that going to church is suppose to be a bible study. Do we not bear some responsibility ourselves? How much time do you spend personally on reading the bible? We shouldn’t expect Father to spoon feed us. At some point we have to own our faith.
How on earth do you get that the bible and the catechism are worlds apart?!! You give 5 different people the same passage in the bible and you will get 5 different interpreatations (similarly, you stop following the church founded by Christ, you get 38,000 different denominations with 38,000 different bible interpretations as well.) WE need guidance and only one church was granted that authority. It is kind of like buying a designer watch from a street vendor, looks the same, tells time the same but it isn’t the same as the original because the original can’t be repeated. It wasn’t intended to be repeated. I think perhaps too much focus is on what you are GETTING from mass instead of what you are GIVING God. It isn’t about you on Sunday, it is about Him.
And as far as not lettting your children go to Catholic church, I haven’t a clue what you are talking about! I wouldn’t dream of my children being anywhere else but where Christ intended them to be. To hear my 7 yr old singing the gloria, giving thanks to God makes my heart soar. To hear her ask our Blessed Mother to pray for her. To know she understands the meaning of the Eucharist (as much as a child does of course) and looks forward to making her communion is beyond words for me. I wouldn’t dream of not permitting my child to receive our Lord in the Eucharist, that is like denying her life, denying her true spiritual nourishment! She also attends Catholic school and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I want her totally immersed in her faith. What do you think is going to happen if you send your kid to a Catholic church? I have been Catholic all my life, Catholic school 1-12 and been nothing but loved and nourished in the faith. have I run into fellow Catholics that were uninformed, yes (sadly I was one of them but that was MY fault). Sorry, that happens in any faith. Has there been scandal, yes. Any instution that has been around for 2000 years will have that. We are sinners, no way around that. Are you implying that the protestant churches are wtih out sin and scandal!!! You dont’ have to dig to deep to know that every church is victim to that.
I need to go feed my little one but I will be praying for both you. If your dioceses is as bad as you make out to be, morally corrupt and without knowledge of the faith, why aren’t you setting up a time with the bishop? Put in a call to Rome and let them know! Don’t just sit there complaining, you are being called to action not to turn a blind eye and leave. Don’t be a Martin Luther. Be a part of the solution, not the problem.
When I go to church I thought they were reading from scriptor and when I go to confession I thought I was bearing responsibility. I read some have to be fed milk before meat to learn. I not that smart and I don’t know the bible or Catechism that well. That’s why I’m here. I know many protestants in this area and they said that there ministers have doctors degrees in theology. I don’t know if that’s true or not but the people sure have a lot of faith.I don’t have time to CRY to the Bishop but I did go over to the Tribunal 3 times and I called no less than6 times. For the most part they tell me there is nothing they could do and there is a shortage of priest.Please have an open mind we all weren’t brought up in the Catholic church and it’s a hard religion to learn. I just picked up a book on St. Francis, Teresa of Avila and The Confessions of St. Augustine.I am not bashing the Catholic church I’m just trying to tell people what is going on here. If you think I’ve been treated fairly so be it . I don’t, and its obvious it’s happening to more people than myself.Again there is a lot to learn and in time I will. George
I apologize if I came across harshly, that wasn’t my intent.
You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to be knowledgable in your faith, don’t every let that stop you. I am certainly no scholar myself. There were many saints that were from humble origins but had the faith of a mountain. St Therese comes to mind. She was a very humble young nun who became one of our greatest saints of the times.
yes they are reading from scripture at mass but it isnt’ a bible study so to speak, that was my point.
Going to confession (which is a wonderful and necessary thing) is taking responsibility for your sins. I was speaking of taking responsibility for learning and knowing your faith.
I don’t know the catechism by heart by any means! And I can’t rattle of scripture quotes off the top of my head. BUT I do my best to read about the faith and understand that which pertains to me (I read a lot about annulments recently because my MIL is converting and needs three. It is going to take her 2 years, at the least. But she is still going to church weekly, God bless her!). There are tons of resources out there, this website being one of them.
As fas as the doctorate degrees for Protestant pastors, not impressed. Our holy priest are in the seminary for a very long time, many of them hold advanced degrees as well. The degree does not make the man. Yes you need to be informed to lead the faithful and our priests are. Granted some have lost their way, they are but men. Sounds like you have run into a few of them. Also, no matter how schooled these Protestant pastors are, they did not have the hands laid on them that were laid on the priests before who can trace all the way back to the apostles. Therefore, they have no authority. Well meaning intelligent men, yes. Apostolic succession? No.
Telling the bishop of abuses in your dioceses is not crying, it is your responsibility. According to Canon law, the flock has the right to let their pastor know of their needs. If yours aren’t being met, you need to go to the next level. Rest assured you aren’t the only one this is happening to but if you don’t speak up it will never change. IF you have time to tell us, you have time to write a note to your bishop. I bet you can find his email on the web. I have emailed my bishop several times and ALWAYS gotten a response.
I don’t know enough about what is going on in your situation to judge and it is not my place. All I know is that you are discouraged and for that I am very sorry. Sometimes we dont’ know or understand the process and that in and of itself cause frustration. I dont; know how the marriage blessing process works so I cant speak to that. have you tried asking the priest on EWTN? They are usually very well informed about the norms that are to be followed in all circumstances.
And just because you are around Catholicism all your life doesn’t make it any easier to learn or understand. I actually think on the average we cradle Catholics are the worst at knowing our faith. We take it for granted. I may have known the order of mass like the back of my hand but couldn’t have told why we did what we did. I have to look it up and read just the same as converts to know my faith. There is always something more to learn and our faith can always be improved. That said, if you leave the water source, it is hard to get a drink 😉
I am not sure how I can be of assistance to you other than to pray for you. But if there is anything more I can do, don’t hesitate to ask.
God bless you and press on
Funny we were just talking about this. There is a thread,What have you heard in homilies, on this forum.George 👍
George M:
I know I don’t have the faith I should, and that one of the reasons I go to church.I go to worship as well for fellowship I don’t care how comfortable I am but I still have to be fed. I thought that was one of the main reasons to go to church. I know you go to receive communion but if that’s all it’s about why have anything else. Just go in say a pray receive communion and leave. I guess I need a lot more faith and I know I do, but there must be something I’m missing. God bless George
George, think of this.

The mass is calvary itself. I’m serious. It is the one, same, calvary. Not a different one. Not a new one. But Christ really, physically, present for us as the one true sacrifice. It’s as if you’ve been sent back through a time machine. AT the mass you are really, truly there.

In otherwords, you get Christ himself.

You go anyplace else you won’t get that. Period. You say you go for fellowship? Then you’re going to worship YOURSELF not Christ. Think about it. Are you going to go for YOU or are you going to go for HIM?

Ponder that a bit.

In any event, I’d go back to the priest who said you needed witnesses. Bring your witnesses along and go. It isn’t that hard. :cool:

Thanks so much for your reply and I think that you may want to start a thread on your concerns with the Church because they are valid, and many of us will help show you areas where the Church is alive and well. I truly hope you do this and please let me know the name of the thread as I would love to spend some time with you as it seems that you have really been hurt and mislead. For both you and George I have a few questions that I hope you can take the time to truly answer between you and God.
  1. Do you believe there is a God? If yes goto question 2 if no start a thread.
  2. Do you believe that he has reviealed Himself to us? If yes goto question 3 if no start a thread.
  3. Do you believe that he sent his only begotton Son to die for our sins and that his son Jesus Christ is seated at his right hand? If yes goto question 4 if not start a thread
  4. Do you believe that Jesus started the Catholic Christian Faith? If yes do you love Him enough to follow what he told us to follow?
These seem like silly questions, but they are not if you believe and if you love you will do as he asks as He bought you and Me with a price. It is not the men you follow in this faith they will let you down, follow God and God alone. How? Look always to Rome she can not teach error, not because of the men there but because of the promise of God himself " the gates of hell will not prevail". Jesus picked 12 men all but one left him at the time of his need and one is the one who betrayed him. This is a bad start, the good news is that even though you are having problems where you are remember you are not following the men you are trying to follow God. How? In his words " If you love me you will keep my comandmants" Think of the ones who died for their faith, they did not do this for a bunch of rules set up by men they did it by through, and for their love of Jesus Christ. If you love him do not walk away from the table He has set for you.

I hope it gets better for you both but easy it is not supposed to be. All my love and prayers.

Perhaps you haven’t reading our posts as closely as should have been? Put in a call to Rome? We can’t get anybody locally to even aswer the phone and you wan’t us to call the Pope. When I tell someone my Car blew a head gasket and that no factory mechanic will even try to help me fix it or point in the general direction of how to proceed doesn’t mean I’m part of the problem. Model T’s were one of the original automobiles. If I decide to buy something different now that makes more sense doesn’t mean I’m betraying Henry Ford! It just means I’m just trying to get a car that does what it was originally intended better than the Model T or the lemon I’m driving now that seems unfixable!

Maybe you live in an area where you are lucky enough to have a church where you can trust your kids. Most of us in the thousands are not so lucky. Now if a Priest tells a grown man like George to get out of his church how do you think he would be predisposed towards his children? This is not an isolated case. You can hear simlar stories everywhere. I’m not even going to go into the current church scandal regarding children…Yes Protestant churches have problems but they involve only one church at a time. The scandal isn’t in hundreds of churches!

I’m glad you have had good experiences with the church. I really am. I wish I was like you. Unfortunately for me, and based on the steady exodus from the church over the last 40 years in the US, and many others haven’t had the same experience.

I only have a minute, so I will post more later since this is weighing heavy on my heart.
Where does it say that going to church is suppose to be a bible study. Do we not bear some responsibility ourselves? How much time do you spend personally on reading the bible? We shouldn’t expect Father to spoon feed us. At some point we have to own our faith.
How on earth do you get that the bible and the catechism are worlds apart?!! You give 5 different people the same passage in the bible and you will get 5 different interpreatations (similarly, you stop following the church founded by Christ, you get 38,000 different denominations with 38,000 different bible interpretations as well.) WE need guidance and only one church was granted that authority. It is kind of like buying a designer watch from a street vendor, looks the same, tells time the same but it isn’t the same as the original because the original can’t be repeated. It wasn’t intended to be repeated. I think perhaps too much focus is on what you are GETTING from mass instead of what you are GIVING God. It isn’t about you on Sunday, it is about Him.
And as far as not lettting your children go to Catholic church, I haven’t a clue what you are talking about! I wouldn’t dream of my children being anywhere else but where Christ intended them to be. To hear my 7 yr old singing the gloria, giving thanks to God makes my heart soar. To hear her ask our Blessed Mother to pray for her. To know she understands the meaning of the Eucharist (as much as a child does of course) and looks forward to making her communion is beyond words for me. I wouldn’t dream of not permitting my child to receive our Lord in the Eucharist, that is like denying her life, denying her true spiritual nourishment! She also attends Catholic school and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I want her totally immersed in her faith. What do you think is going to happen if you send your kid to a Catholic church? I have been Catholic all my life, Catholic school 1-12 and been nothing but loved and nourished in the faith. have I run into fellow Catholics that were uninformed, yes (sadly I was one of them but that was MY fault). Sorry, that happens in any faith. Has there been scandal, yes. Any instution that has been around for 2000 years will have that. We are sinners, no way around that. Are you implying that the protestant churches are wtih out sin and scandal!!! You dont’ have to dig to deep to know that every church is victim to that.
I need to go feed my little one but I will be praying for both you. If your dioceses is as bad as you make out to be, morally corrupt and without knowledge of the faith, why aren’t you setting up a time with the bishop? Put in a call to Rome and let them know! Don’t just sit there complaining, you are being called to action not to turn a blind eye and leave. Don’t be a Martin Luther. Be a part of the solution, not the problem.

Perhaps you misunderstood me. I don’t have anything against Catholic Theology. I have a problem with current practice in the U.S. and the fact you have to hold a Priest hostage to get him to talk to you and drug him Irish whiskey to talk to you in a kind manner. I love what the Church was and what many in her still are. I feel the ship is sinking and if I were the only one involved I’d go down with the ship. But I have a family and you know as I do that “Women and Children are first.” Nevermind my feelings…

George M:
That’s exactly how I feel Demerzel, well said. I read the bible everyday trying to learn what God is saying to me and what he wants me to do. Then I read the church law and it’s all together different. Ten years ago I picked up my first bible. I asked an old timer what bible I should buy, it was a Catholic book store. He said buy the NAB and don’t read the foot notes, just read the word of God just as he wanted it read.So I did, no problem. Then I picked up the Catechism and what a difference, I could not believe. So I have to go to the church to learn the word, not for communion only. I find it hard to believe that the bible and the Catechism are so far apart. I also can’t believe that all the other churches are doing it wrong. Everybody that goes to the church of there choice will be saved. I don’t think that God wanted all these divisions going on with all his followers. I don’t know what all these laws are that the church has and I don’t care to know all of them.I don’t have any problem with tradition, but I believe that the word of God is the only law we should have to know.

I think one of my biggest problems is I’m trying to satisfy the church and do what is right in the churches eyes. I think if I put more focus on what God wants I would be better off. George :o
Hello srkbdk,

I say yes to all your points. The rub lies in number four though. Didn’t God also bring the priesthood to the Jews? Didn’t they also stray from the faith many times? God will indeed preserve the church. But is his church a place, and organization, or just people who love him? Can’t God use his holy spirit to talk to us? Didn’t he do that with Paul and others? Didn’t the Apostles encourage us to search the scriptures? Sure, there is disagreement on interpretations but they don’t affect how a true Christian should act. The bottom line is Christ told us to love God with all our heart and and our mind and to love each other as ourselves. It is our job to find a place and people to help us do just that. God doesn’t want us to love him in word but in deeds. That is God’s command…

Jesus told Peter that if he loved him he should feed his sheep. Is the Church in the U.S. doing that? If a University has all the learning in the world but can’t convey it to students then they have failed and the learning is for nothing. That is how I feel the state of affairs are now.

Thank you for your comments. I know they are well intended…


Thanks so much for your reply and I think that you may want to start a thread on your concerns with the Church because they are valid, and many of us will help show you areas where the Church is alive and well. I truly hope you do this and please let me know the name of the thread as I would love to spend some time with you as it seems that you have really been hurt and mislead. For both you and George I have a few questions that I hope you can take the time to truly answer between you and God.
  1. Do you believe there is a God? If yes goto question 2 if no start a thread.
  2. Do you believe that he has reviealed Himself to us? If yes goto question 3 if no start a thread.
  3. Do you believe that he sent his only begotton Son to die for our sins and that his son Jesus Christ is seated at his right hand? If yes goto question 4 if not start a thread
  4. Do you believe that Jesus started the Catholic Christian Faith? If yes do you love Him enough to follow what he told us to follow?
These seem like silly questions, but they are not if you believe and if you love you will do as he asks as He bought you and Me with a price. It is not the men you follow in this faith they will let you down, follow God and God alone. How? Look always to Rome she can not teach error, not because of the men there but because of the promise of God himself " the gates of hell will not prevail". Jesus picked 12 men all but one left him at the time of his need and one is the one who betrayed him. This is a bad start, the good news is that even though you are having problems where you are remember you are not following the men you are trying to follow God. How? In his words " If you love me you will keep my comandmants" Think of the ones who died for their faith, they did not do this for a bunch of rules set up by men they did it by through, and for their love of Jesus Christ. If you love him do not walk away from the table He has set for you.

I hope it gets better for you both but easy it is not supposed to be. All my love and prayers.

Hello srkbdk,

I say yes to all your points. The rub lies in number four though. Didn’t God also bring the priesthood to the Jews? Didn’t they also stray from the faith many times? God will indeed preserve the church. But is his church a place, and organization, or just people who love him? Can’t God use his holy spirit to talk to us? Didn’t he do that with Paul and others? Didn’t the Apostles encourage us to search the scriptures? Sure, there is disagreement on interpretations but they don’t affect how a true Christian should act. The bottom line is Christ told us to love God with all our heart and and our mind and to love each other as ourselves. It is our job to find a place and people to help us do just that. God doesn’t want us to love him in word but in deeds. That is God’s command…

Jesus told Peter that if he loved him he should feed his sheep. Is the Church in the U.S. doing that? If a University has all the learning in the world but can’t convey it to students then they have failed and the learning is for nothing. That is how I feel the state of affairs are now.

Thank you for your comments. I know they are well intended…

Thanks for your nice reply it is very nice to have someone disagree with out attacking. I have a few concerns with what you have said and want to make sure that I have it understood right.
You say “God will indeed preserve the church. But is his church a place, and organization, or just people who love him?” If this is so I have a question for you where do you go for authority if not the Catholic Church? Lets take the subject of birth control, or say divorce and remarriage? Where is the oneness in faith outside of the Catholic Church? Where is the unity in faith?

The Church is not really a place nor is it just the people that love Him it is and will be by Him, through Him, and for Him His authority here on earth. Jesus was very clear about the importance of authority while he was here telling us do what they say not what they do when speaking of the teachers of that time. We follow the Catholic faith not because of the failed men that lead it but because Jesus Christ himself ordained it.

Second yes the Holy Spirit can talk to us and in fact does it is just that many times we do not want to listen. I too had problems and left the Church for over 5 years, I found that in spite of the fact that I had fuzzer relationships with people I was also learning how to block out what the Holy Spirit was saying to me, because after all if I wanted to do it I could make anything seem ok according to the Bible. In essence I was reading it to my own destruction. thanks God he brought me home. For with out an authority to help me understand the scriptures I feel like the eithopian who could not understand them until someone explained them to him.

You also say “The bottom line is Christ told us to love God with all our heart and and our mind and to love each other as ourselves. It is our job to find a place and people to help us do just that. God doesn’t want us to love him in word but in deeds. That is God’s command…” You are right on part of this but can you show me from scripture where it tells us to ingnore God based authority in order to find a place of worship that feels good to us? We in this country have to get the focus off of us and back on Him. As we are fed in the Church not by the priest but by Christ himself in the Eucharist.

I feel for all that are having a hard time finding a Priest that feels right to them and there are many priests that are in need of our prayers, but we must remember what we are taught by Our Lord Do as the say not as they do. This is your cross and I wish I could tell you that you are the only ones that have this problem with a few bad priests, but you are not, there are others carrying this cross also.

The biggest issue I had when I came home was my pride and I battle with it still to this day and most likly will until I die, but by the Grace of God I have seen past the walls that satan had put in place to keep me away from the truth that is in the Chruch. Please allow God to knock down the walls for you both.

God Bless and you have our prayers.
Very well said Srkbdk. I guess I have to get rid of the hard feelings and swallow my pride. It’s a hard thing to do, when you try to follow the church rules and they, or some of them treat you like a dog.I guess I should look at it another way. They have a bigger problem than I do. I just had to deal with them a few hours, they have to deal with themselves 24 hours a day. Anyway I’m done with my anulment and I got remarried in the church, which was kind of funny. I mean wev’e been married for 38 years but it was fun. I’m glad it’s all done with, and I’m back in the church. Now I have to face my biggest problem, and that is building faith. I did pick up a lot of good points from this experence and maybe after calling the tribunal and going over there I made them MORE aware of the problem we have. George 👍
George M:
Very well said Srkbdk. I guess I have to get rid of the hard feelings and swallow my pride. It’s a hard thing to do, when you try to follow the church rules and they, or some of them treat you like a dog.I guess I should look at it another way. They have a bigger problem than I do. I just had to deal with them a few hours, they have to deal with themselves 24 hours a day. Anyway I’m done with my anulment and I got remarried in the church, which was kind of funny. I mean wev’e been married for 38 years but it was fun. I’m glad it’s all done with, and I’m back in the church. Now I have to face my biggest problem, and that is building faith. I did pick up a lot of good points from this experence and maybe after calling the tribunal and going over there I made them MORE aware of the problem we have. George 👍
Truly I say to you George it is when we have no feeling of faithfulness and are yet faithful, it is then that we shine to others. Live for Christ, Follow Him in His Church, and know that He, has, is and will be using you wheather or not you see it. I am going to enjoy you because anyone can goto a church that is fun and fluffly, but it takes true love of our Lord to follow Him when it does not feel so good. Thanks for blessing me by sharing George.

Quote from Bishop Fulton J. Sheen 1895-1979

**“If I were not a Catholic, and were looking for the true Church in the world today, I would look for the one Church which did not get along well with the world; in other words, I would look for the Church which the world hates. My reason for doing this would be, that if Christ is in any one of the churches in the world today, He must still be hated as He was when He was on earth in the flesh. If you would find Christ today, then find the Church that does not get along with the world. Look for the Church which is hated by the world, as Christ was hated by the world. Look for the Church which is accused of being behind the times, as Our Lord was accused of being ignorant and of never having learned. Look for the Church which men sneer at as socially inferior, as they sneered at Our Lord because He came from Nazareth. Look for the Church which is accused of having a devil, as Our Lord was accused of being possessed by Beelzebub, the Prince of Devils. Look for the Church which, in seasons of bigotry, men say must be destroyed in the name of GOD as men crucified Christ and thought they had done a service to GOD. Look for the Church which the world rejects because it claims it is infallible, as Pilate rejected Christ because He called Himself The Truth. Look for the Church which is rejected by the world as Our Lord was rejected by men. Look for the Church which amid the confusion of conflicting opinions, its members love as they love Christ, and respect its Voice as the very voice of its Founder, and the suspicion will grow, that if the Church is unpopular with the spirit of the world, then it is unworldly, and if it is unworldly, it is other-worldly. Since it is other-worldly it is infinitely loved and infinitely hated as was Christ Himself. But only that which is Divine can be infinitely hated and infinitely loved. Therefore the Church is Divine.” **
George M, please do not leave the church! I am having kinda the same problem working through the graces so I can get back to the
Eucharist. I need an annulment and baptism cert. and marriage
blessed and one thing after another is blocking me appts. cancelled and such. When I started to come back to the church I went to one
down the street and the Priest looked right at me in the eye and
was asking to help raise nine hundred thousand dollars, and I thought Oh boy, and then my husband thought he heard the other
priest say we had to accept gays, boy he never went back, and
another church that I had gone to I never really felt accepted by the
people there, I don’t know why, and then I went back to the old
familiar church that my father first went to when we first moved to
Calif. from St. Louis and it is a very old, not all fancy, not alot of
money, lets just say it felt like home. You do have to shop
around for a good parish, that is sad to say, but we do, and as
catholics lets all pray for these parishes that need help and grace, and don’t give up, God will take the weak and make them stronger
witnesses and brother I am weak. I pray for you and your family.
Im curious as to the status of our dear friend George. I have sent the parishs in question a few emails expressing my disappointment in their laxness and have recieved nothing as of yet in return.

How did everything go George on your meeting with one of the Priests?

I pray it went well. Stay home George.
George M:
Very well said Srkbdk. I guess I have to get rid of the hard feelings and swallow my pride. It’s a hard thing to do, when you try to follow the church rules and they, or some of them treat you like a dog.I guess I should look at it another way. They have a bigger problem than I do. I just had to deal with them a few hours, they have to deal with themselves 24 hours a day. Anyway I’m done with my anulment and I got remarried in the church, which was kind of funny. I mean wev’e been married for 38 years but it was fun. I’m glad it’s all done with, and I’m back in the church. Now I have to face my biggest problem, and that is building faith. I did pick up a lot of good points from this experence and maybe after calling the tribunal and going over there I made them MORE aware of the problem we have. George 👍

I should of read the WHOLE thread before posting.

Im so happy for you George that you was able to come back!!! Prayers answered indeed.

But I am sorry you had to go through what you did, no one should have to undergo something like that. Had it been a weaker person they would of left for something not of God.

Bless you for sticking it out!!

May the Lord continue to bless you and the Mother of God bring you closer to Christ.
Thanks Cathanfanatical. Please don’t hold your breath for a reponse from the churchs in question. That’s just the way it is and I really don’t see it changing. Not in my lifetime anyway. This problem has been a long time coming. It seems if you want to be a member of the church shut up and toe the line. I really don’t want to start on all this again. I get hot under the collar just thinking about it. Thanks again George
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