Left wants to pack the Supreme Court

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No, they took the extra step of dropping the requirement to 50 for SC justices.

Let’s hope the Dems don’t lower it further.
It’s been packed in the past and later decreased in size.
I have never heard a claim that past changes in size were packing before, nor any background material for this.

The court did used to be 10, briefly, but has been 9 for a century and a half. (when reduced in size by law, all ten remained; the next vacancy didn’t produce an appointment).

Initially at six, the justices literally “rode the circuit,” hearing cases in various locations in their circuits as trial judges. Eventually, Congress created the “circuit courts” [nka “court of appeal”], and the District Courts (i.e., federal trial judges today).

Occasionally, a USSC justice actually sits in a district to hear a couple of cases, even today/

Anyway, AFAIK, all past changes in size (as opposed to FDR’s attempt) were about managing the load of the court, not its rulings. (Jefferson tried to impeach for that purpose, and failed, and to the best of my knowledge, no serious attempts to tamper with the court until FDR’s ).

I saw an intriguing oped a couple of days ago suggesting that eight would be a better size than nine because it could deadlock, and would need more than a raw, ongoing, majority to make a ruling.

(note: there hasn’t been an actual majority on the court for quite some time, as it has three blocks, not two. Even assuming ACB is confirmed, it will create a 4-3-2 split, not a 6-3 majoity).

In another vein, I toy with the idea of allowing an appointment each presidential term, which could push the court to larger than it’s nominal size. In that case, a death or retirement might not create the opportunity for another appointment, letting the court drift back down. [note: this is currently speculation; i am not advocating this at this time

Frankly, I’m far more concerned about the rule of law than which way the court rules in a particular case. In fact, I categorically reject the use of the outcome or consequence of a ruling as bsis to evaluate the ruling.
The Democrat Court-Packers (or at least the Democrat people who refuse to deny they will Court-Pack)
continue with the talking point of REDEFINING Court-packing.

Those actions say (to me at least in the setting today) . . . . Democrat Court-Packing. (If they had the chance.)

Here is another leftist Court-Packer attempt to fool the voter (Durbin this time with the same redefined talking point that Coons was using to fool voters) . . . .

Durbin: Republicans Have Been Packing the Court for the Past Three-and-a-Half Years — ‘They Brag About It’​


Pam Key

11 Oct 2020

Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Republicans have bragged about “packing the court” under President Donald Trump.

When asked if he will expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court if Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed in a clip, Democratic nominee former Vice President Joe Biden said, “You will know my opinion of court-packing when the election is over. . . .

. . . . Anchor Chuck Todd said, “Senator Durbin, did the fact that Vice President Biden used the phrase court-packing, was that a tell of where the vice president stands on this, that he doesn’t want to see this happen?”

Durbin said, “I can tell you that we’re getting this question. It’s a common question being asked because the American people have watched the Republicans . . . .

Very disappointed (not surprised though) that Chuck Todd didn’t just ask the obvious question:

"Senator Durbin. Would you support expanding the United States Supreme Court to MORE than nine members if you don’t get your way with the Amy Coney Barrett appointment?"
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Turley: Court-packing would be a ‘blunder of the first order’ by Biden​

Oct. 13, 2020 - 3:21 - Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley tells ‘Hannity’ why Joe Biden should say whether he’ll expand the Supreme Court
Turley: Court-packing would be a 'blunder of the first order' by Biden | On Air Videos | Fox News

As Hannity states (some of these, I added others) . . .

Court Packing.
16 year-olds voting.
Prisoners voting.
Felons voting.
Ridding America of the Electoral College.
Refusing to have voter ID when their power allows them to.
Adding mechanisms that make election fraud easy.
Statehood for DC.
Statehood for Puerto Rico.
Using Government Agencies to spy on political opponents.
Fake pretexts to impeach a President.
Amnesty for illegal aliens.

Basically radically changing the country so they can have power.

These are just some of the gimmicks the leftist Democrats openly assert.

Democrats cannot win national elections based on their ideas.
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Tucker: The Left wants to use Supreme Court to remake America​

Oct. 13, 2020 - 11:16 - ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host argues Democrat plan to pack Supreme Court would undermine the legitimacy of our system
Tucker: The Left wants to use Supreme Court to remake America | On Air Videos | Fox News


Joe Biden still won’t give a straight answer on court-packing​

Oct. 13, 2020 - 4:16 - Sen. Ted Cruz tells ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ that Democrats won’t stop Biden if he wants to add more justices
Joe Biden still won't give a straight answer on court-packing | On Air Videos | Fox News

One thing the Dems are good at doing is redefining words to fit their agenda.
Global warming- climate change
Abortion- reproductive right
Court packing- Republicans appointing scotus well within their duly elected right.However,since the Dems are unhappy with these appointments is court packing.:roll_eyes:
One thing the Dems are good at doing is redefining words to fit their agenda.
Yep. Lot’s of gimmicks to try to increase their power.

The national left’s ideas cannot stand by themselves.

At least when exposed. (That is PART of what the social media censorship is all about. Now the destruction of free association is desired by the left [although they wouldn’t put it that way] via selective “lockdowns” - ignoring them with rioting, enforcing them with worship of Jesus Christ for example).
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Joe Biden still won’t give a straight answer on court-packing​

Oct. 13, 2020 - 4:16 - Sen. Ted Cruz tells ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ that Democrats won’t stop Biden if he wants to add more justices
I guess we need to elect Joe Biden to find out if Joe Biden supports court-packing 🤷‍♂️

No Thanks!
I have never heard a claim that past changes in size were packing before, nor any background material for this.
The size was changed to serve a political purpose, civil war era. FDR almost did the same.

I don’t support Biden’s probable move to do so, I just think we’ll survive it.
The Democrat desire to Court Pack, is another Democrat gimmick to steal power they cannot get from the voters.
Court Packing - Kamala Harris Said She Was ‘Absolutely’ Open to Court Packing in 2019 World News
Kamala Harris Said She Was ‘Absolutely’ Open to Court Packing in 2019 [HANOVER, NH - APRIL 23: Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) speaks during a Town Hall at Dartmouth College on April 23, 2019 in Hanover, New Hampshire. (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)] Scott Eisen/Getty Images HANNAH BLEAU 9 Oct 2020 Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), during a 2019 interview with the New York Times , said she was “absolutely” open to expanding the size of the Supreme Court. When ask…
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I stand corrected. They voted against in 2012, and boycotted the vote in 2017. The bottom line is that the people of Puerto Rico have not asked to become a state.
I stand corrected. They voted against in 2012, and boycotted the vote in 2017. The bottom line is that the people of Puerto Rico have not asked to become a state.
No, the vote was still held in 2017 despite a boycott.
A boycott means nothing at the polls. Just like it means nothing here in the US.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Bottom line the vote for statehood passed.

The opinion poll before the vote?
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Bottom line the simple majority wanted statehood.
Currently the Supreme Court has three members appointed by Democratic presidents:

Breyer, Kagan, Sotomayor

The rest, Gorsuch, Alito, Roberts, Thomas, Kavanaugh were appointed by Republicans.
Ginsburg could have retired under Obama and let him pick her replacement, but she chose not to :man_shrugging:t2:
Biden said Court Packing is a “boneheaded idea” . . . back in the early 1980’s.

Now he seems to be embracing (or at least won’t distance himself) from such “boneheadedness”.
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More Democrat REDEFINING of the term Court-Packing meant to fool the voter.

Harris: ‘If We Want to Talk about Court-Packing,’ We Should Talk about Judges GOP Has Confirmed​


15 Oct 2020

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN Tonight,” 2020 Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) stated that “if we want to talk about court-packing,” we should talk about the judges that Republicans have nominated and confirmed to the bench. . . .
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I am British and don’t live in the US but I am curious as to what all the fuss is about. Since Trump became President it has been his aim to have a majority of Republican judges on the Supreme Court so why should it be an issue if the democrats decide to do the same?
Montrose. . . .
I am British and don’t live in the US but I am curious as to what all the fuss is about. Since Trump became President it has been his aim to have a majority of Republican judges on the Supreme Court so why should it be an issue if the democrats decide to do the same?
Montrose. What do you think “Court-Packing” is?
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