Let's Show Runaway Bride a Little Forgiveness

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Hmmm…we punish someone who is hurt and scared? Someone who felt they had nowhere to turn? Did she make a mistake? Absolutely!!! I’m not excusing that. I also think she needs to repay the money that was spent to look for her. But…and that is a big BUT, I think we need to look at helping her. Punishment is not always the answer. I really think we need to step back and look at the cause and then see if punishment is truly the answer. We are just too quick with the punishment and that really worries me.
Who is too quick with the punishment? What are you talking about?
So what was going on in her mind? Do any of us know? Maybe we don’t have a right to know. Maybe she does owe the world an apology and and explanation. Do we really need it? When people hurt…they sometimes do crazy things.
By your logic a thief or robber should go free because we don’t know what was going on in his mind. She knows right from wrong and if she does not she belongs in an institution for her and society’s protection.
Either way, she did falsely report a crime. It is like pulling a fire box alarm when there is no fire.

And, there is the crying wolf. What about next time? Why should we try to look for someone if they are adults and are suddenly missing? People think it is her right to go off by herself. Remember that next time if there was a kidnapping and the police decide to not look for that adult. Those same people would be screaming that the police are not doing their job.
So what was going on in her mind? Do any of us know? Maybe we don’t have a right to know. Maybe she does owe the world an apology and and explanation. Do we really need it? When people hurt…they sometimes do crazy things.
You’re right.

This whole situation reminds me of the scene in the movie “Patton” where General Patton slapped a soldier who was suffering from an emotional illness and called him a “coward”. It wasn’t the General was bad, it was just he did not understand that someone could be ill and not show physical symptoms as part of their illness.


Well, I don’t know this woman’s emotional state and therefore am not about to call for legal charges against her. The New Mexico authorities were lenient and I’ll just follow their judgement.
By your logic a thief or robber should go free because we don’t know what was going on in his mind. She knows right from wrong and if she does not she belongs in an institution for her and society’s protection.
The world’s not all black and white.

From what I remember, police inspector Javert in **
Les Misérables was legally right too.
It’s always interesting to me how the media picks these stories. I mean there are thousands of missing person cases, missing child cases, &c.; only a few of them hit the national news. The rule seems to be that the “victim” has to be female, white, attractive, and upper-middle to upper-class. It helps if the parents are articulate and have plenty of photos & videos of the victim.
Jennifer Willbanks fits all these criteria. The cops are probably kicking themslves for giving in to the family and not sticking to the 72-hour rule for missing-person cases.

Whilw the media was all over the Terri Schiavo case I’m sure there were plenty of other people in the same situation who were totally ignored. Worse, while Congress was passing Terri’s Law in Texas (under a law passed while G. W. Bush was Governor) a hospital disconnected an infant from life support against his mother’s wishes. Of course, he was black and she was kooky – she believed in sun worship and didn’t believe in sickness or death. No media coverage for her.

I don’t think it’s outright racism or classism on the media’s part. It’s just that they’re as lazy as anyone and lazier than most; they’ll follow the stories that write themselves rather than go digging.
Have you all kept up with the new details?

This was very PLANNED on her part.
This was quite pre-meditated that required alot of lies on her part.

She caused her fiance to become a murder suspect!
Her mother was in agony and sobbing before the photographers.
And this woman is no baby - she is 32 years old!

Sure…everyone needs forgiveness…but there is also just punishment and penance…she needs to pay the price for this.
Have you all kept up with the new details?

This was very PLANNED on her part.
This was quite pre-meditated that required alot of lies on her part.

She caused her fiance to become a murder suspect!
Her mother was in agony and sobbing before the photographers.
And this woman is no baby - she is 32 years old!

Sure…everyone needs forgiveness…but there is also just punishment and penance…she needs to pay the price for this.
Yeah, starting with the jokes by Jay Leno at her expense 😃

Personally, that was horribly irresponsible and the fiance may have recourse to civil relief at the very least.

In any case, she should go to jail just for that colored towel alone 😃 😃
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