Liturgical Music Borderline Sacrilegious????

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And as far as “There is no way on this good earth that this ‘musician’ should be a music director in any Catholic parish”, you may not have seen some of the Catholic parishes I’ve seen over the years.
I would add one caveat to that statement. We must always acknowledge the possibility of ignorance. Perhaps after proper training in liturgy, such a person could be a musician.
I would add one caveat to that statement. We must always acknowledge the possibility of ignorance. Perhaps after proper training in liturgy, such a person could be a musician.
I agree somewhat. But I really wonder if it’s possible to be ignorant to something like that.
I agree somewhat. But I really wonder if it’s possible to be ignorant to something like that.
Yeah, it sounds more like he was just trying to make a point or something. Or even more likely: he knew better, but doesn’t believe half of what the church teaches anyways. That wouldn’t surprise me at all.

To be honest, I really don’t know what he was trying to do.
Well, yes, but the “we are the champions” connection was the most obviously falsifiable as a claim, so I chose that one… 😛

Because it is a far cry different to claim that music with profane elements SIMILAR to classic rock songs was being used, and to claim that the melodies were directly lifted from classic rock.

In other words, the claim is of something which is false, which likewise indicates a claim of copyright violation in the mix as well (which, if it were only similar music, would not be the case).

It also hurts the credibility of the OP. I believe that there is plenty of modern music out there which involves the profane and shouldn’t be used in mass. At the same time, I’m not sure I can believe that the music was really as bad as the person claims if they are willing to try and tell me that the sanctus was set to “We are the Champions”. My post was more a helpful tip to the OP that if they want to be believable, they shouldn’t speak in hyperbole.

The reason I did not give advice is because the correct answer had already been given: speak to the priest AGAINST hiring this person. If the priest does not listen, gather evidence and approach the ordinary (the bishop).

The advice and general feedback I was giving was to the OP in general as helpful observation on speaking in straightforward and accurate terms, and was important in it’s own and individual right.
No, I understand it is hard to believe, but the musician had a keyboard which was playing instrumental tracks to the songs, not an acoustic adapted version. Like i said, the literal tune to Another One Bites The Dust began to play and my family was like, ‘what??’ We thought someone’s phone kept going off it was so obvious. I am glad you think I am exaggerating because in my opinion this kind of music during the liturgy should be hard to believe/swallow. I am somewhat kicking myself for not taking out my phone and recording, but then again, I have a problem with phones on/out during mass, so I don’t think I’d do that even if given another chance.

And Sanctus WAS We Are the Champions. It went
We are-holy
The Champions-holy
my friends-holy

Maybe you can hum it or something. I wish I were exaggerating! 😦
This is a red herring. The hymns mentioned are not fifty years into obscurity. Most of us know the tunes well.
I was referring to the future, not the present. They’re not obscure now, but they eventually will be, and will it become acceptable for our descendants to adapt them as hymnody? 🙂
And Sanctus WAS We Are the Champions. It went
We are-holy
The Champions-holy
my friends-holy

Maybe you can hum it or something. I wish I were exaggerating! 😦
I am somewhat kicking myself for not taking out my phone and recording, but then again, I have a problem with phones on/out during mass, so I don’t think I’d do that even if given another chance.
In this situation, using a phone to record is more similar to using a camera than texting on the phone. Judge it as you will. 😃
Yeah, it sounds more like he was just trying to make a point or something. Or even more likely: he knew better, but doesn’t believe half of what the church teaches anyways. That wouldn’t surprise me at all.

To be honest, I really don’t know what he was trying to do.
Agreed. It was so over the line that I am thinking maybe he was trying to sabotage mass because he is not a catholic or something…
After listing to a few of the tunes, I just don’t see what the big deal is about this “music”.
There is a lot less difference between this stuff and the OCP that I hear every Sunday, than there is between the OCP “music” and the Gregorian Chant that I grew up with.
Once we threw out the Traditional music of the Church and adopted pop-slop in its place, we opened Pandora’s box.
This is simply the next logical step in the music used by our “progressive” parishes and dioceses. Better get used to it.
It is interesting that we are at present receiving Anglican Christians back into the Catholic Church, via Ordinariates in the UK and US, permitting them to retain their liturgical practices. They make copious use of hymnals replete with traditional Christian hymnody, much of which used to be commonplace in the Latin Rite. Perhaps we could borrow a few hymnals …
Yes, I visited an Episcopal Church last night- on Hollywood Blvd. of all places! It was a Low Mass, so no music, but I want to visit again when they serve High Mass, replete with Gregorian chanting. If the music is consonant with the liturgy, it will be very traditionally Catholic indeed.

Oh, and they also have a Latin Vigil Mass on Saturday evening.
Though, it does make me want to see how preposterous a combo of tune and liturgical text you could make. Alleluia to Helter Skelter? Our Father to Losing my Religion? 😃
Don’t laugh, for a while we were doing the Our Father to “I Don’t Know How to Love Him” from Jesus Christ Superstar. 😦
Consider the following song:

Is it acceptable to adapt the same tune from this song for a hymn, while changing its lyrics?
You are indeed crafty Filii Dei, and I salute your argument. “What Child is This” is certainly a staple of the hymnal, isn’t it:thumbsup:

Of course, I still don’t want to hear liturgical music set to Queen tunes, lol! I don’t know whether or not it is sacrilege, but it does seem weird, and unnecessary. What’s next, Lady Ga-Ga? As the adolescents say, “eww!”
Don’t laugh, for a while we were doing the Our Father to “I Don’t Know How to Love Him” from Jesus Christ Superstar. 😦
Jesus Christ Superstar, now that’s interesting. The ending reprise of “I Don’t Know How to Love Him” as sung by the character of Judas…I’m still wondering what the intent was. Certainly Webber and Rice loved to work from religious themes. Even Cats, of course, has underlying references to sacrifice and resurrection. “Memories” does have a certain, almost prayerful tone to it, though I don’t think I want to hear it at Mass.
I will never complain about the music in my parish again thanks to this post. Thank you. 😃
Man! I thought hearing the Lamb of God sung to the tune of “Edelweiß” was bad!
Yes, it is horrible. But will you permit to give a contrary view? Whoever chose or arranged that music for the liturgy has a boss or supervisor. if you are not the overseer in question, just leave it to that overseer to do their job. I strongly believe (from personal experience and observation) that it is very destructive to one’s personal spiritual progress to be a self-appointed Inquisitor or corrector of the sins of others. Be patient. Let others do their jobs. They will, eventually. You have YOUR work to do. Pray to God that you will do your work so that God will have no complaints against you. Don’t be like political activists and religious activists who constantly in a state of outrage about this or that shocking thing. The world is sock full of shocking things. You are not God. Even God deigns not to correct or intervene directly with everything. Humility and patience are the foundations of spiritual progress, as you know. Forget the horrible music at liturgy. It’s over. Do your work. Let that be enough. Trust in the Providence of God. Work hard, but in the vineyard assigned for you to work in. That is what I would say to you if I were your spiritual director. But since I am not, you are fully free to dismiss all my thoughts. I am nobody special, so there’s no reason to heed my counsel. Best wishes.
The person is not hired yet, it is perfectly fine for a parishioner to make their views known to the Pastor, in a Christ-like manner, of course, before the hiring is done. Better now than after the deed is done, and the Pastor finds his church losing membership fast, which may be likely to happen with this horrific situation. Many times parishioners protest with their feet.
Man! I thought hearing the Lamb of God sung to the tune of “Edelweiß” was bad!
lol- My sister was just Gretel in our theater’s production of The Sound of Music so that one hit home! How would that work? Seems like too many words for the tune…
UPDATE: Well, sadly, our priest told us that this guy will be our music minister. Apparently he is redeemed from the questionable music choices because he thought it was a youth mass…I don’t see how that makes it any better but hopefully he learned a lesson and will never bring out Queen during the liturgy again!!!
UPDATE: Well, sadly, our priest told us that this guy will be our music minister. Apparently he is redeemed from the questionable music choices because he thought it was a youth mass…I don’t see how that makes it any better but hopefully he learned a lesson and will never bring out Queen during the liturgy again!!!
Wow. I have even less respect for him to think that he has the gall to serve that c**p to youth.
Yes, I visited an Episcopal Church last night- on Hollywood Blvd. of all places! It was a Low Mass, so no music, but I want to visit again when they serve High Mass, replete with Gregorian chanting. If the music is consonant with the liturgy, it will be very traditionally Catholic indeed.

Oh, and they also have a Latin Vigil Mass on Saturday evening.
I hope you realize they do not have a valid Eucharist.
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