Well, yes, but the “we are the champions” connection was the most obviously falsifiable as a claim, so I chose that one…
Because it is a far cry different to claim that music with profane elements SIMILAR to classic rock songs was being used, and to claim that the melodies were directly lifted from classic rock.
In other words, the claim is of something which is false, which likewise indicates a claim of copyright violation in the mix as well (which, if it were only similar music, would not be the case).
It also hurts the credibility of the OP. I believe that there is plenty of modern music out there which involves the profane and shouldn’t be used in mass. At the same time, I’m not sure I can believe that the music was really as bad as the person claims if they are willing to try and tell me that the sanctus was set to “We are the Champions”. My post was more a helpful tip to the OP that if they want to be believable, they shouldn’t speak in hyperbole.
The reason I did not give advice is because the correct answer had already been given: speak to the priest AGAINST hiring this person. If the priest does not listen, gather evidence and approach the ordinary (the bishop).
The advice and general feedback I was giving was to the OP in general as helpful observation on speaking in straightforward and accurate terms, and was important in it’s own and individual right.