Liturgical Pet Peeves

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The abuses we are exposed to see almost endless, more’s the pity. I note some posters have objected to immodest clothing on women, but some of the men, in their low slung jeans and mesh shirts, are equally guilty. However, I feel that in regards to dress, it is not so much deliberate provocation but rather lack of prudence and lack of manners. We’ve been conditioned to believe that boorishness, which is held to be sincere, is preferable to politeness, which is somehow held to be fake.
Tantum ergo:
The abuses we are exposed to see almost endless, more’s the pity. I note some posters have objected to immodest clothing on women, but some of the men, in their low slung jeans and mesh shirts, are equally guilty. However, I feel that in regards to dress, it is not so much deliberate provocation but rather lack of prudence and lack of manners. We’ve been conditioned to believe that boorishness, which is held to be sincere, is preferable to politeness, which is somehow held to be fake.
I have few complaints about the mass I attend but I do have to say t-shirts with slogans on them bug me… They could be completely innocent quotes or souvenir shirts for a museum somewhere but its still distracting. I suppose I should be glad the wearers are covered up at least… :rolleyes:

dream wanderer
One thing that drives me batty are priest who either don’t prepare holimies or who stumble through a poorly prepared homily.

We are VERY blessed with a priest who is a fabulous homilist! His homilies are usually 5 minutes tops, well prepared, thoughtful and are remembered long after we leave mass. :extrahappy:

Since he has been out on medical leave, his replacements are literally driving away parishioners. Last week’s priest rambled on for 15 minutes, repeating himself, and made no sense at all. He was trying to replace quality for quantity. The only thoughts I got out of it was “Get on with it!” and “I can’t wait until our priest is back!” :banghead:
  1. People who spend most of their time at Mass finding fault with everything they can, then complain loudly to everyone except the priest and Bishop and Holy See.
That’s mine-if there are TRUE abuses, then by all means raise those issues with the proper people-but can we please all stop whining about things that we just don’t personally like??

yes, there are many annoying things that can and do go on in the Masses I attend. I’m not in love with all the music, nor do I really enjoy the greetings, people talk too much and too loudly and parents who can’t take a child with a tantrum out for a few minutes to calm down. HOWEVER, the most important thing is that I am at Mass, if I am without mortal sin I am going to receive Christ! That’s where my focus should be and no matter how hard it is sometimes I try to force myself back into that mindset.
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