Live Trump Support Rallies All Day

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All day, starting early on Saturday, this and many other internet sites show a number of rallies.taking place in cities all over the country… It is usually quiet but interesting that people have chosen to come out.
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No just support for Trump and letting him know they are there because they. feel they got cheated out of their votes—72 million.
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A vote doesn’t guarantee a win. It’s like buying a lottery ticket. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
I do not think the US or world peace will last until 2024 if the poor sick man popularly believed to be president-elect is given control. Australia is rightly concerned about Chinese aggressiveness toward them, and Japan, South Korea and especially Taiwan are very concerned.

Poor man! He has been jogging to the microphone. Why? Never saw that when he was VP. To lead the hard-of-thinking to believe that he is somehow fit? Sky News Australia rightly called it a case of elder abuse.
I do not think the US or world peace will last until 2024 if the poor sick man popularly believed to be president-elect is given control.
You seem to be watching a different person’s speeches and interviews than I’ve been watching.
I do not think the US or world peace will last until 2024 if the poor sick man popularly believed to be president-elect is given control.
I have heard that prediction every election year since 2008. The country is still here. This election, like, chose the president only for four years. It will be okay.

Today marks the beginning of Advent, a season of hope. Hope is a theological virtue that gives us perspective when the world is not unfolding as we think it should. Last week we celebrated the Feast of Christ the King. It is our faith which lasts, not who is sitting behind some desk in an elliptical office.
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I have watched “Tailgunner” Joe Biden since the 80s, 1988 in particular, when he was exposed for chronic lying by Sam Donaldson (Noted not-conservative); when the McLoughlin group declared him politically dead for his constant lying and speech plagiarizing; when he was forced to drop out of the race for the democratic presidential nomination.

I have wondered how a man who makes 174,000 yearly can afford 5 million or so in 5 homes. I have watched a man who, as Vice President, bragged about threatening to withhold US aid from Ukraine unless the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating his son Hunter for corruption was fired - then bragged about it at a Council on Foreign Relations event.

I have watched as virtually everyone surrounding him is involved in receiving massive amounts of money from energy deals with Ukraine and (communist) China, all the while he and his president cancelled the Keystone Energy pipeline from Canada to the US.

I have watched the man’s 47 year record of accomplishing nothing. I note that the foundation created to further his “cancer moonshot” has done absolutely nothing for us cancer patients - except pay its chairman $452,000 yearly. That’s a lot of cancer treatment right there.

I have watched as the man forgets, mixes words, flares into manic episodes and relies on a teleprompter to make a complete sentence; as he becomes agitated - even physical - when questioned about sensitive topics. I watched as he asked a wheelchair-bound man to stand for applause.

I have watched as millions voted for him, grossly rationalizing his “devout” Catholicism - exemplified by his decades of support for abortion, his officiating at the “marriage” of two of his male staffers, who has concurred with his president in the violation of the consciences of the Little Sisters of the Poor (case now at the Supreme Court).

I have watched as he assembles an administration of tired leftist re-runs (Kerry who also accomplished nothing) and a Corona czar who does not want to live as long as his boss. Very curious. I have watched this poor man who should be seeking a clinical trial of advance medical treatment rather than the office of leader of the free world.

He will be face-to-face with the sharpest political minds on planet earth and I hope against hope that, for once, he will say nothing.

Yes, we are watching different speeches.
How dare you insult my feelings with your facts. Joe Biden is a good, healthy Catholic. In all seriousness, though, I genuinely feel sorry for him, it’s not right how they are treating him. The running to the podium thing is such over compensation. The poor man isn’t well.
The running to the podium thing is such over compensation. The poor man isn’t well.
Well, he won’t be running to the podium now that he has hurt his foot this weekend playing with his dog.

As I’ve gotten older (I’m 63), I am constantly reminded that I am not young anymore :(. I try to keep up with my daughters–and I pay the price the next day! I’m not ready for a walker yet (and since my knee was replaced a few months ago, I can actually walk without pain again!)–but I’m definitely not going to be running to anything!
Indeed. A light “look at me I’m fit and well and can jog to the podium” jog.
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So if he doesn’t jog, he’s feeble. If he does, it’s an act. Thank you for reminding me that the older I get, the more scrutiny I face.
I have watched “Tailgunner” Joe Biden since the 80s, 1988 in particular, when he was exposed for chronic lying by Sam Donaldson (Noted not-conservative); when the McLoughlin group declared him politically dead for his constant lying and speech plagiarizing
How did such an incompetent person get to be “president-elect” of the "United States? Aren’t there more qualified people in America, the shining example of democracy?
You can take it like that if you like, but my point was that I feel very sorry for the poor man, he’s an elderly man with clear cognitive decline who is being manipulated by others. It’s not nice to watch.
My belief is that he is being manipulated by others. Look at who surrounds him: the Obamas, John Kerry, Kamala Harris, and others to be announced. I honestly think that he is being used. Not a betting man, but I’m willing to bet he does not make 4 years. Those who installed him will seek to “retire” him under the 25th amendment. And then…
That was exactly my thought! He worked hard as a politician (not being judgmental) and to ask him to run for this knowing that forces were conspiring to push and pull a 78 year old senior citizen—just abusive in my mind and heart!
I’m not going to miss the conspiratorial fever swamps of CAF.
Yes Kamala was available but the people didn’t really want her…
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