Live Trump Support Rallies All Day

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So if he doesn’t jog, he’s feeble. If he does, it’s an act. Thank you for reminding me that the older I get, the more scrutiny I face.
It’s not age. It’s the fact that he’s a Democrat. If it had been Trump, these same folks would be saying see, look what great shape he’s in for his age!
Ronald Reagan. Intense scrutiny. The left side of the balance sheet feels it only rarely - when it actually occurs.
All revolutions, whether quiet or bloody are, at the least, collaborations - at worst conspiracies. It keeps unfolding,

I have watched “Tailgunner” Joe Biden since the 80s, 1988 in particular, when he was exposed for chronic lying by Sam Donaldson (Noted not-conservative); when the McLoughlin group declared him politically dead for his constant lying and speech plagiarizing; when he was forced to drop out of the race for the democratic presidential nomination.
May I ask what led you to pay such close attention to one individual politician out of so many hundreds on the national scene for the past 32 years? Are you perchance a resident of his home state?
How about swimming?
Brrr! Too cold here in Northern Illinois!

And I can’t see without my glasses, so I feel really disoriented in a pool or lake.

I’ve often said that if I had lots of money (which I never will), I would build a house with an indoor swimming pool and the temperature in the pool room would be around 85-90 degrees, and the dressing rooms would also be very very warm! And I would have a special place built into my pool room for exclusive storage of Peeps’ glasses so I wouldn’t be worried about someone stepping on them while I was cavorting in the water!

Or maybe I would just build a hot tub in a very warm room and sit there like a lump–with my glasses on so I could watch the big screen TV while I was soaking!
Opposite corner. I have no fascination with the man - it is just that he made himself obvious by continuous and on-going speech and/or cognitive errors and being diametrically opposed to carefully selected sections of the U.S. Constitution.

As it is with cancer, a good general knows at least something of his ‘enemy.’
I think this argument is probably simple enough - if you’re on someone’s side, it’s harder to accept criticism, or see flaws, in that person. Those on the right can clearly see the flaws and issues with Biden and those that surround him, while, I’m sure, those who support Trump are slower to accept criticisms of him.
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if you’re on someone’s side, it’s harder to accept criticism, or see flaws, in that person.
Oh, I think we can see flaws in someone that we love or admire–but I think we also see the good traits.

Kinda like our kids–we well know the flaws that our children have had since birth! But we also can list a lot of good traits.

Sometimes this can backfire badly. A mom who has a son who is a juvenile deliquent or who has a mental or emotional illness or some other conditions (like Aspergers) sometimes just can’t see it–she sees only the sweet little boy that said “Mama!” when he was only 6 months old! This is not good because she will deny that her son is in trouble, that he needs help, etc.

This is what happened with my sister-in-law–my husband and I knew from his first months that our nephew had symptoms of Aspergers (no smiles during his first year, would not look into eyes, didn’t like to be touched, no attempts to babble or talk, never slept for more than an hour or so and never at night, etc.). Our nephew didn’t get diagnosed until he was almost 10 years old–really late to do a lot of key intervention and treatment.

When it comes to Donald Trump, my husband and I were well aware that he had absolutely NO political experience (other than, in all likelihood, buttonholing and possibly even bribing–legally?!–elected officials to do his requests!). We knew that this would make it very difficult for him in essentially a foreign country (Washington D.C.) where he didn’t speak the language, didn’t know the customs and traditions, and didn’t have a lot of friends or allies. (I doubt that Donald Trump has a lot of friends anywhere.)

So we knew that he would appoint people to his Cabinet and staff who were like him–political newbies or complete political virgins with little/no experience or allies.

We also knew that his tendency to use hyperbole (HUUUUGEE!) could get him in trouble, as people expect politicians to tell the truth and if they don’t, it’s LYING (not “hyperbole”). Black and white–this isn’t “Hollywood” or “Broadway” but D.C.

We knew all that, but we really like the idea of breaking up the Washington D.C. Establishment and electing a majority of people who are NOT lawyers!!! With apologies to good lawyers here, we have a tendency to not trust lawyers. We want to see doctors, nurses, teachers, businesspeople, entertainers, FARMERS, welders, computer experts, etc. elected–we want a more representative selection of public officials to represent REAL PEOPLE. We were hoping that Donald Trump could bust up the Lawyer Logjam in Washington.

Well, he didn’t, and now we have even MORE distrust of lawyers.
I’m sure, those who support Trump are slower to accept criticisms of him.
I think that Trump has a lot of flaws, both personal and professional. For example, he has never really reigned in government spending. I wonder about the long term implications of his financial policies, but I don’t think I have ever heard someone on the left criticize him for these policies.

However, the leftists invent flaws to attack him with. I find it hard to accept criticisms based on partial quotes and mind reading, as well as hyper-literal parsing of what he says.
I wonder about the long term implications of his financial policies, but I don’t think I have ever heard someone on the left criticize him for these policies.
Oh, my goodness, I sure have! A lot.
Over four years I have heard the term Trump Derangement Syndrome and talk of haters. Yes, there was a lot of that, but even criticism was labeled this way. So for fun, go back through the posts of the last few weeks and see how many are legitimate criticism and how many are petty.
And if CAF were to continue, I am sure we would start to see BDS. Biden Derangement Syndrome.
I have watched “Tailgunner” Joe Biden since the 80s, 1988 in particular, when he was exposed for chronic lying by Sam Donaldson (Noted not-conservative); when the McLoughlin group declared him politically dead for his constant lying and speech plagiarizing
How did such an incompetent person get to be “president-elect” of the "United States? Aren’t there more qualified people in America, the shining example of democracy?
Well look who we had for President for the past 4 years. . .
How did such an incompetent person get to be “president-elect” of the "United States? Aren’t there more qualified people in America, the shining example of democracy?
Well look who we had for President for the past 4 years. . .
It’s like the saying about outrunning a bear, you just have to be better than the other guy.
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