Love wife so much, but physical attraction is diminishing

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Buy her a gym membership as a present.
The woman has a possible autoimmune disorder. She should speak to her doctor before she starts any kind of exercise program.
Also, spouses of either sex generally do not respond well to these kinds of “gifts” or expectations on the part of the other spouse.
Again - discuss with counselor - and seek medical advice.
Fair enough. But obesity is not healthy. It’s more loving to encourage your spouse to do some excerise than to pretend she doesn’t need to lose weight.
All that said, I am finding it harder to find her physically attractive… to the point where I don’t even want to have sex very often. I don’t miss it really or look for other means of satisfaction. I feel like I’ve adapted to the situation. However, my continued turning down of her asking for physical intimacy has culminated over time to her feeling like I’m rejecting her entirely. She said she understands the other aspects in which I love her, but is really torn up by my lack of physical attraction to her and my drop in sexual desire.

I can go a couple months without it just fine where she’s asking for at least 3 - 4 times a month. What do we do about the huge difference in sexual desire?
Force yourself to take care of her out of love for her.

Shut the lights and close your eyes.
Turning down someone for sex for months, and then buying them a gym membership, especially where the issue may be related to something medical, is not “encouragement”. It is setting up an expectation that they will do something “or else”. They will likely fail and then it will be another thing for the disgruntled spouse to point to, "I spent all this money and bought her this gym membership so she could shape up and get healthy, and she’s still fat. "
I don’t think he should withold sex.

But to be honest I do think both spouses have the oblligation to stay as healthy as possible.
I don’t know your situation so maybe you already do these things… but if you want to help her lose weight, why don’t you do the grocery shopping? Buy healthy food. Also do the cooking, cook healthy meals. Do more chores to give her time to work out, or so that she can rest after her work out. Go on walks and do healthy activities together, go out to eat less. Whenever you see her in workout gear, comment how attractive it is!

Endocrine disorders are no joke, it’s very easy to want to give up. Let her know that you are there, ready to love her and support her. Maybe it seems too hard for her to lose weight on her own, but with your help maybe she can do it.
Amen to all of this.
What is it in your marriage SHE has to cope with???
Thank you! That is such a lovely thing to say 🙂 I’m so incredibly lucky because my husband is just as supportive of me. He’s absolutely my best friend and confidante and he’s the biggest blessing God has ever given me. I think it’s beautiful that you want to help your husband too. I hope he’s not too unwell right now.

I would be more than happy to share the plan we did. It’s really so simple and very adjustable. Maybe it would help the OP’s wife too!

Diet wise I researched everything that was beneficial and harmful for the immune system and these were the changes we made:
  • No sugar, dairy, gluten or processed food.
  • Healthy snacks only (gluten-free toast with natural peanut butter, berries or other low sugar fruits, nuts etc.)
  • Eat foods that are helpful for your symptoms and for building the immune system like avocados, low fat meats, leafy green vegies etc. (kiwi fruit completely took away his horrible cramps)
  • Use lots of herbs and spices to make food tasty
Basically, every single thing that goes into the body has to be of benefit to the body. Which doesn’t mean deprivation, God made us beautiful tasty foods, our taste buds just sometimes need to readjust to nature and we have to get creative.

Exercise wise I did heaps of research and focused on weights not cardio Because his autoimmune disease attacked his lungs he needed to build up the biggest muscles in his body because they help you breathe (quads, hamstrings, glutes, biceps and triceps we started with).

He was also wheelchair bound initially because he’d spent time in an induced coma where they hadn’t given him physio (probably because he wasn’t expected to survive). Initially, his exercise was raising one foot at a time off the ground while sitting for 10 counts each foot or until his oxygen dropped into the 70s, then we would stop and wait for it to hit the high 80’s and do another set. Everything was done in sets of 10. For the upper body, I had him do bicep curls with a small tin of beetroot. We did these until he could stand on his own.

I recorded his oxygen and heart rate stats from a finger monitor every day so that he could see his progress and keep motivated.

Then we started with the walker, initially just standing then sitting, then doing heel raised and eventually, walking down the hallway, 3 times a day slowly increasing the distance (at first it was literally 3 steps). Then when that was too easy we got a reclining exercise bike. It was really important to only do upper or lower body at a time. Both were too much. He did each type of exercise until it became too easy and then we increased the difficulty rather than the time involved because they focus was building muscle not increasing cardio fitness because that was too risky.

(continued in next post because I went over the word count. Sorry!)
Once the home exercises became too easy we joined him up to a gym. He did upper body and lower body exercises on alternate days at very low weights and just 2 minutes on the recumbent bike to warm up. Exercises were simple ones like bicep curls, tricep pull downs, leg press, leg curls etc. 3 for the upper and 3 for the lower. Reps were 3 sets of 20 and the weights were very low to begin with (sometimes none at all) and slowly increased over time.

These days he could walk all day long without rest and can easily bench press about 35 kgs. His doctors ask him all the time what his secret is, but it’s just that he has the want to live. He knows that even though he feels amazing right now, that one flu could kill him so he wants to give himself the best possible chance. And he has 🙂

I’m so sorry this was so long and I’m sorry if it’s hijacked this thread. If you have any other questions feel free to ask, I’m more than happy to help. You can message me too if you like (if that’s possible on here ). 🙂
Try to challenge each other, for example workout together. Set goals, for example, tell her if she loses a certain amount of weight (nothing drastic, 1-2lbs), you can be intimate, a reward system
No way!

How would we feel about a wife who told her husband stuff like that?

If you crush her confidence, she a) won’t want to get better and b) won’t want to have sex with you even if she does get better.

At the moment, the OP has only one problem: his wife’s health and weight. There’s no reason to create a second problem (her not wanting to have sex) for no reason.
I agree with everyone saying that priority one is her health. If the weight gain is a medical issue, then that’s one thing. If it turns out it’s just her embracing overeating and rationalizing obesity, that’s another. You need to actually try to isolate the problem.
Buy her a gym membership as a present.
Not unless she asks for it specifically. That’s a very expensive investment for their family, especially given her likely medical needs, unless it’s 100% certain that it will be used.

A gym membership is useless and may just cause guilt and self-loathing unless the recipient is a) motivated b) actually has the opportunity to use it. Does the OP’s wife actually have the leisure to exercise?

It might be more helpful to start with home-based and couple-type activities (let’s walk around the neighborhood after dinner!) or something like doing the couch to 5k together or Wii yoga in the evening–anything that they can enjoy together is very good at this point.

I would add that aside from the medical, she may have untreated psychological needs.

Edited to add: The OP needs to take responsibility for making the whole family more physically active. This is what they call “leadership.” But consult her medical specialists, of course.

Now that I’ve written this, I’m realizing that her auto-immune issues may be an obstacle to certain exercises–so talk to her doctors.
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Thank you so much for sharing. LOL It’s for me, not my dh. He’s lost weight on his own this year and is doing great. I’m not in as dire shape as your dh was, but I’m recuperating from yet another injury and I need a little guidance. Carrying around extra weight when injured doesn’t help heal anything. Your approach is reasonable and do-able.

I do have just about 25 kilos to lose! I have many reasons in addition to health. Sometimes when I pick up one of my t-shirts I look at how much more material an xl uses compared to a medium T. Not a good feeling when I know I could be smaller, eat smaller meals, and move a little more (when I’m all healed up). It’s almost wasteful. I need to practice temperance, daily, maybe from hour to hour.

Thank you again Lyllie!
What about her health? Are you not worried about what health issues can come from this? That seems like it should be the bigger issue here. There are a number of life threatening diseases associated with weight as well as skeletal issues that require intensive surgeries with age.

I don’t mean to sound unsympathetic to your desires of intimacy. Those you should offer to God and pray for her and you to be intimate together in God’s love. You should know not to marry someone just for their looks.
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Thank you so much for sharing. LOL It’s for me, not my dh. He’s lost weight on his own this year and is doing great. I’m not in as dire shape as your dh was, but I’m recuperating from yet another injury and I need a little guidance. Carrying around extra weight when injured doesn’t help heal anything. Your approach is reasonable and do-able.

I do have just about 25 kilos to lose! I have many reasons in addition to health. Sometimes when I pick up one of my t-shirts I look at how much more material an xl uses compared to a medium T. Not a good feeling when I know I could be smaller, eat smaller meals, and move a little more (when I’m all healed up). It’s almost wasteful. I need to practice temperance, daily, maybe from hour to hour.

Thank you again Lyllie!
That reminds me of something–as a middle-aged person, you have to be prepared for injuries and setbacks in being able to pursue an exercise program. Both my husband and I have experienced a number of these, starting around 40.
Our local grocery store chain has Dietician courses. I joined this year and lo and behold 5 lessons in I had to drop out! I was the only parent available at the time to drive kiddos to an activity at that time. 😦 I’m going to join a class on ‘heart health’ when it’s offered in a couple of weeks.

BTW Wow. “disgusted” might be a bit harsh right? Well, you are brave to say so.
His doctors ask him all the time what his secret is, but it’s just that he has the want to live. He knows that even though he feels amazing right now, that one flu could kill him so he wants to give himself the best possible chance. And he has
This /\ He has the will and desire and reason and I think you being each other’s most loving and best friends helps!
First off, we are both committed, practicing Catholics who believe divorce is not an option. Second, we love each other very much and want a deep, spiritual and, if possible, physical relationship (and only with only each other). We don’t do porn (but have each willingly seen some in the past and reconciled those poor choices with God).

My wife suffers from a collection of ailments that seem to be related to one or more autoimmune disorders. She copes with the hardships with food and to compound the issue has increased desire to overeat when something (including herself) tries to take control of that behavior. She seems to have resolved to being overweight and has adopted the big, beautiful woman mantra. No doubt with the right genetics some overweight women are attractive, but I just have visions of her mom or grandma.

All that said, I am finding it harder to find her physically attractive… to the point where I don’t even want to have sex very often. I don’t miss it really or look for other means of satisfaction. I feel like I’ve adapted to the situation. However, my continued turning down of her asking for physical intimacy has culminated over time to her feeling like I’m rejecting her entirely. She said she understands the other aspects in which I love her, but is really torn up by my lack of physical attraction to her and my drop in sexual desire.

I can go a couple months without it just fine where she’s asking for at least 3 - 4 times a month. What do we do about the huge difference in sexual desire?
For me, patience is the key.
Good definition of patience:
“to endure the tension between what is perfect and what is real.” …without letting that tension overcome you and make you frustrated and angry.
It is possible to live patiently with this difference in desire and to transform it through love. Been there done that.

What worked for us was “low intensity” intimacy. Cuddling. Getting comfortable with each other, skin to skin (trying to keep this PG), and letting the fire of love flare up in it’s own time. And I am not talking about disordered sexual practices at all.
But the thing is to be open to the possibilities. You don’t have to have relations every time you are in bed without clothing. Leave expectations behind and just be together, getting comfortable with each other’s bodies.
If you spend time together, patiently holding and talking and listening to the crickets chirp, you may find a new fire.
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