Paduard’s excellent comments on the most profound of subjects:
"Further to my post above, and after reflecting upon the ever-present life of Christ in the Sacrifice of the Mass and the dual “realities” involved, combined with the connection of ‘hope’ with the distortion of ‘time-into-space’ etc., we could perhaps rightly examine the spiritual elements of our personal time-frame whilst we are prayerfully reflecting on the life/times/actions of our loved ones who have gone before us; and even on those who are already with us. Raising mention of a ‘personal time-frame’ would presumably involve a radical shift in our perception and understanding of the seemingly paradox of ‘time & space’ as raised in the encyclical. - And from that starting point - our prayer life in particular.Thus, in my opinion the document is not only instructing us, but also asking that we take its words forward."
My response to Paduard—
First I need to present excerpts from another article (CNA April 2012) about the ongoing Bloodless Sacrifice outside of Time:
**The Eternal Sacrifice: Christ Whole and Entire
By Joe Tremblay **
*The work of our human hands, that is, ordinary bread and wine, through the consecration at the altar, becomes Christ whole and entire. His Eucharistic Sacrifice and Sacramental presence not only embodies the Last Supper and the Crucifixion; it also embodies his Incarnation, his Nativity, his Private Life at home, his Public Life, his Death, his Resurrection, his Ascension, his Second Coming and as he existed throughout all eternity. The Church tells that the totality of Christ is presented to the Father. And it is through this communion with Christ we become clothed with him and hidden in him, as St. Paul would put it. We do not stand alone nor are we “naked,” as it were. Rather, the Father, looking down from heaven, sees us in Christ. And if we are faithful to the Gift we receive and offer before the altar, we will begin to see ourselves as we really are in Christ.
And finally, if we are not yet conformed to Christ’s image as we ought, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and its fruit, the Holy Eucharist, will help to bring this conformity about. As ***Pope Leo XIII said, “For there is this difference between the food of the body and that of the soul, that whereas the former is changed into our substance, the latter changes us into its own; so that St. Augustine makes Christ Himself say: ‘You shall not change Me into yourself as you do the food of your body, but you shall be changed into Me.’” **
The Eternal Sacrifice of Altar, therefore, is at the very heart of who we are in time and who are to become in eternity. It is Christ whole and entire; he who is the pioneer and goal of our salvation. This is why St. Padre Pio said that it is better than the sun cease shining than for this world to be without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
(St Augustine’s quote bolded by me…Due to the length of the rest of my response about Time, Space, and Prayer, I will post again soon)