Luminous Mysteries

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How many people have begun saying the Luminous Mysteries when praying the Rosary?
Increasing the number of mysteries to 20 (and the number of “Hail Marys” to 200) destroys the symmetry between the Old Testament Psalter and Marian Psalter. Plus it throws the balance out of whack. With three sets of mysteries, it’s easy to pray them each twice a week, and then one of them again on Sunday (or, all three together).
  • The Rosary is truly the “Pause that Refreshes”.
I wonder how many other cigarette jingles could be recycled and really be applicable in describing how we benefit from praying the Rosary.
  • The luminous mysteries help me to appreciate the Rosary even more. However, I am a recent convert and I did not already have a habit of praying the “classic” Rosary.
If you are praying all 20 mysteries in a day (or in one session), pray the mysteries in chronological order …

Joyful, luminous, sorrowful and then glorious.

I usually do not pray 20 mysteries in a day. Often 10 (5 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon). On Saturdays, often I skip. Sundays vary.
With three sets of mysteries, it’s easy to pray them each twice a week, and then one of them again on Sunday (or, all three together).
And with four, it’s easy to pray three of them twice a week, and one of them once. I really don’t get what you’re getting at here.
I love the luminous mysteries. They fill a big gap in the original mysteries: Jesus’ adult life. Now we can meditate on His whole life/death/resurrection.
I love the luminous mysteries. They fill a big gap in the original mysteries: Jesus’ adult life. Now we can meditate on His whole life/death/resurrection.
I agree 100% and only wonder why they had to wait for JPII to come along to do this, since it does indeed fill in a gap in the life ofChrist which is what the Rosary is anyway…a prayerful meditation of the life of Christ.
It had to wait until JP II because past Popes had a little bit of respect for tradition. The Rosary was also known as the Psalter of Mary (150 Hail Mary’ to match the 150 Psalms) but now that doesn’t count because now there’s 200 Hail Mary’s.

Although I do like the mysteries, I do them as a chaplet rather than add them to the rosary.
I like the stories and ideas embodied in the Luminous Mysteries, which come from some of my favorite Bible passages, but I think it was wrong to add a new set of mysteries to the rosary. If God felt something was lacking in the original rosary, than why didn’t Mary bring it up at one of the church-approved apparitions, where she recommended saying the rosary?

I saw it because the church says it should be included, but it does seem that it set things askew by rendering the devotion unable to parallel the 150 psalms. I also think it’s odd that the balance means that there is one mystery, which only has one day a week set aside from it. Some times, on my more skeptical days, I even wonder if it counts as saying a rosary, if only the Luminous mystieries are used as reference, since they are not part of the original mystery set, and even if feeling pinched for time, often include an extra mystery from the original package.
Yes, I pray the Luminous Mysteries. They are beautiful and I am thankful they were added. May you all have a Holy Easter!
What a joy it is to take something from the heart of Our Holy Father, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and join with him in praying these mysteries in total.

To those of you who do not yet pray the Luminous mysteries, we only have a very short time left to join with Our Holy Father as he prayes them on earth.

When (God willing) he is raised to sainthood people will be falling over themselves to read about him and imitate him. Just think about the Divine Mercy Chaplet and how it came to prominence only after St. Faustina’s death.

Imitate him now and take this wonderful gift and pray it without any reserve.
I love the Luminous Mysteries, in that they reflect Jesus’ life and miracles performed. And how can you not love meditating on the 5th Luminous Mystery, the institution of the Eucharist, which was the first Mass.
Yes, I added them immediately and several times read over the pope’s own suggestions for meditating on them. Like, I think, many others, I’ve always wondered why the mysteries skipped over almost all of his adult life, so it seems to me like a fulfillment.🙂
Yes, I have included the Luminous Mystery on my Franciscan ‘Crown’ Rosary. The more I pray the better I feel.
I haven’t worked them into my routine. I am used to praying the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious. I agree with the poster who spoke about the Psalter. Historically, the Rosary was a replacement for reciting the entire psalter. It started as 150 Our Fathers, and eventually 150 Hail Mary’s. Then came the mysteries, and the decades, etc.

Since it is a private devotion, there is nothing binding about praying the Luminous mysteries, so I’ll stick to the original 3.

However, I don’t see anything wrong with adding mysteries to the Rosary, since it has evolved over time, anyway. And again, it’s a private devotion.

I love the Luminous Mysteries and am thrilled that our Holy Father, who has such a wonderful regard for Tradition, has shared these contemplations which include the institution of the Eucharist and a call for all souls to come to conversion. I love the highlights of Christ’s life and how well they cover the most important aspects of his public ministry. In this day and age, so many Catholics are poorly catechised, so I think it’s great to include these points with which we should all be well familiar.

I’ve also included them in my St. Joseph Chaplet, which walks through the mysteries of the Rosary. I make my own chaplets and rosaries, so I make my St. Joseph Chaplet’s with 20 triplets.

I know this will not go down well, but let me be honest and confess that I was a Rosary Rebel, in that in private I used to say the rosary to several of the luminous mysteries a long time before they were officially approved. I just felt they were mysteries of equal standing.

Since the rosary is about meditation, I didn’t see why I shouldn’t meditate on these mysteries while saying the rosary at the same time …
I was delighted when they were officially approved!
Too close to
 Scares me.
I would rather it was promulgated as “The Chaplet of JPII” or similar. Not jerking loose a 600 yr old devotion.

If Fatima was incomplete, Lucy was incomplete, St Dominic was incomplete, Pius V on Lepanto Miracle was incomplete, I too am incomplete.

How’s that for logical bigotry?

To destroy a Religion, you must first sever its traditions…every last one of them.
I love the Luminous Mysteries, but then, I love the rosary.

One has to wonder about the Holy Father adding them. Many mystics of our time seem to be predicting a special manifestation of Jesus in the near future (if heaven’s time, could still yet far away). But perhaps the Holy Father, also said to be a mystic, is assisting the ushering in of a new era.

Blessed be God. Blessed be His holy name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete…
Too close to
 Scares me.
If Fatima was incomplete, Lucy was incomplete, St Dominic was incomplete, Pius V on Lepanto Miracle was incomplete, I too am incomplete.

How’s that for logical bigotry?

To destroy a Religion, you must first sever its traditions…every last one of them.

I hope you are being a little tongue-in-cheek, because, otherwise, ** YOU** scare me. :o

I’m happy that the Pope has added the Luminous mysteries. I always wondered why none of Christ’s public ministry was included.

Since it’s Easter, I’m reminded of the opening of the vigil Mass with the blessing of the new fire, the lighting of the paschal candle and the words the priest chants as he carries the candle into the darkened church-- *Lumen Christi *. And I have to say, what a perfect name “Luminous” is for these newly included mysteries! As the Church reminds us on Holy Saturday, Christ is indeed our true light. And He intended His public life to be a light to His followers. “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

I’m a little worried by those who object to the expansion of a prayer merely because the expansion is a change. I doubt St. Dominic would argue that the Rosary was so “complete” that nothing could be added or would complain that people are using it to contemplate other mysteries than the original fifteen. Nor can I imagine that our Blessed Mother would be displeased that the Church is meditating on more of the life of her Son in her honor.

I agree that the new mysteries do throw the week off a bit if you are saying one decade a day- but I can think of things I’d much rather complain of ;).
I don’t use the Luminous Mysteries. I don’t really have a problem with the mysteries, but I don’t consider them part of the Rosary per se. In my mind, the Rosary will always have exactly 15 mysteries.
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