Luminous Mysteries

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Does anyone else have the Mysteries CD from Danielle Rose? She has beautiful scriptural songs for each mystery. I love her Luminous comtemplations to music.
Sir Knight:
I believe that when the Blessed Virgin Mary gave us the rosary, she gave us the COMPLETE rosary – otherwise past generations would have been exposed to and praying something that was incomplete and no EARTHLY person (even the Pope) should make changes to what was given from above. Instead, as others have said, I think the Luminous Mysteries should be considered a chaplet rather than add them to the actual rosary itself.
I believe Our Lady would defer to the Pope on this one… Devotions can develop just as doctrines can. IMO, JPII was far too dedicated to Mary to do something that would be considered “Stepping in on her Parade”.
Her purpose: to lead us to her Son.
JP2’s purpose in promulgating the LMs: to lead us to her Son.

The Gospels are rich! Maybe we can someday get to seven sets of mysteries; no confusion about which one for which day.

I don’t know the entire the history of the Rosary but that it did change over time so I do not mind a change… The Pope was the Prayful Pope. I read it described as this…Occasionly a Dr will prescribe additional medication when the original dose wasn’t enough. Thus the addition of the Luminous was to add more prayer to life. I like it but can still side with those who do not. Heck, I am just impressed to hear people who pray the Rosary. There is not a enough! Keep it up!
I do, that’s just what I learned with. So, that’s what I’m saying at about 11:45 PM Thurday evenings…speaking of which, I should really be getting ready for bed now (and I still have to pray the evening Rosary…goodness, where has time gone? )

I believe Our Lady would defer to the Pope on this one… Devotions can develop just as doctrines can. IMO, JPII was far too dedicated to Mary to do something that would be considered “Stepping in on her Parade”.
Her purpose: to lead us to her Son.
JP2’s purpose in promulgating the LMs: to lead us to her Son.

The Gospels are rich! Maybe we can someday get to seven sets of mysteries; no confusion about which one for which day.

I like how the Luminous Mysteries ‘fill in the gaps’ in the prayful reflection on the Ministry of Christ. WIthout the Luminous Mysteries, it felt like the 18 year Hidden gap in Christ’s life.

Actually the Luminous mysteries are my favorite.

I do believe that the Luminous Mysteries being added made our Blessed Mother Smile, since she knows very well about Her Son’s Ministry first hand!
It had to wait until JP II because past Popes had a little bit of respect for tradition. The Rosary was also known as the Psalter of Mary (150 Hail Mary’ to match the 150 Psalms) but now that doesn’t count because now there’s 200 Hail Mary’s.

Although I do like the mysteries, I do them as a chaplet rather than add them to the rosary.
So there!
I love the Luminous Mysteries, they’re too wonderful to ignore.

But like a few others here, I pray them as a separate devotion.
I just wanted to suggest that people read the encyclical on the rosary written by John Paul II. His meditations are so deep and beautiful.

I have a book that was written by John Paull II on how he says the rosary, it is facinating. What’s interesting is that he didn’t even say the decades in order all the time. He mixed things up so that they would develop into a beautiful prayer for a certain intention.

For example, He would pray for youth, and he would perhaps select the First Joyful mystery, the Annunciation, then the third Joyful mystery, The Birth of Jesus, then the 1st Luminous Mystery, the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan, then the 1st Glorious Mystery, the Resurrection and perhaps finally the 3rd Glorious Mystery, the Decent of the Holy Spirit.

At first I was aghast at any rearranging of my rosary in my mind, but when you try it, you begin to perhaps pray more deeply. Remember the rosaries ultimate goal is union with God in prayer. How you say it is personal.

God bless on your journeys!
My husband and I pray a rosary a night. Thursday nights are great because we do get the Luminous Mysteries. But the three others I do everyday alone are the good old basics. However, I love meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries. Whenever I am in pain, distress, or in need of boost, they remind me of Christ’s suffering and instantly pull me up. Whatever I feel as pain cannot be trumped by Christ’s suffering.
I like the Luminous Mysteries, but when i say them i always get stuck! I remember the first two (baptism, wedding at Cana) then i reach the third and i sit for a minute, try to think… get out the card with it on it then i am right… I get the fourth (transfiguration) but again when i reach the fifth i am stuck again… i guess thats the only think i dont like about it! 😛 Any ideas on how to work on it!?
I like the Luminous Mysteries, but when i say them i always get stuck! I remember the first two (baptism, wedding at Cana) then i reach the third and i sit for a minute, try to think… get out the card with it on it then i am right… I get the fourth (transfiguration) but again when i reach the fifth i am stuck again… i guess thats the only think i dont like about it! 😛 Any ideas on how to work on it!?
I get stuck too on the 3rd mystery. I have to look it up every time. how I remember? Anyone got any suggestions?

It’s funny to see other tripping at the same misteries I did. 🙂

The only suggestion I have to recall all of the Luminious misteries is to pray them. Time will perfect it.

The Luminous Mysteries, another great legacy that John Paul The Great has left us.
I get stuck too on the 3rd mystery. I have to look it up every time. how I remember? Anyone got any suggestions?


It’s funny, but this is my favorite luminous mystery! The fact that Jesus is proclaiming His kingdom and calling us to a deeper conversion is especially meaningful to me. Each day, I try (and many times fail!) to get a little closer to Him. The way I see it, He is calling me to convert a bit more each day by working on my multitude of sins and (name removed by moderator)erfections.

My wife, on the other hand, can not remember this mystery at all! I can see why because it can be rather abstract, but when you think about it, it really sums up Jesus’ teachings to us.

God Bless,

Too close to

Scares me.

I would rather it was promulgated as “The Chaplet of JPII” or similar. Not jerking loose a 600 yr old devotion.

If Fatima was incomplete, Lucy was incomplete, St Dominic was incomplete, Pius V on Lepanto Miracle was incomplete, I too am incomplete.

How’s that for logical bigotry?

To destroy a Religion, you must first sever its traditions…every last one of them.
Which makes about as much sense as saying “Lucy” is awfully close to “Lucifer.”
I love the Luminous Mysteries most of all. I pray these Mysteries of the Rosary daily for the intention of the Holy Father…especially because our beloved John Paul II introduced them.
Now I continue praying them for our beloved Benedict XVI…
I believe that the Luminous Mysteries are a good addition to the Holy Rosary. I believe that since Pope John Paul II was the Vicar of Christ on earth and with that whole doctrine on Papal Infallibility on Faith and Morals and being that the Rosary is a part of our Faith then I see no problem.
So I believe that the Holy Spirit inspired the Mysteries of Light and they should be prayed as well as the original mysteries so as to meditate more fully on the entire life of Christ.
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