ObviousZero the Hero;3085726]What is free will?
PartlyIs it the ability to choose good or evil?
Everyone has a certain amount of grace by the very fact that they are children of God. Howeevr, the amount of grace we have depends upon the reception of the sacraments as well as a few other things.What does grace actually do if it is given to everyone and it can be rejected?
eevryone has certain amount of grace being born as God’s children but that grace is subject to a great many things.If everybody has grace, then was does that mean?
PartlyIs man in control of his own destiny?
God is not a passive individual in all instancesGod can only give grace and hope man will accept him?
Your theology is very piece meal. God doe snot force men to love Him but has ultimate say over mankind. However, God loves mankind so much that He not only sent His only Son but gave them freedom of will to choose or reject Him. Not all will accept Jesus on this earth. That is by no means a failure for God anticipated this. However, who is to say that God is not accepted after death or on the death bed.So did the Father give to Jesus all men to him or only the ones that will be saved in the end? If the former, then did Jesus fail? If the latter, then did the Father choose some people from eternity to give them eternal life?