Agreed. “God-fearing” is an archaic term.Why would any Catholics fear God?
Agreed. “God-fearing” is an archaic term.Why would any Catholics fear God?
WOW! More than disordered? Totally abhorrent? Most people? I think most would say that the CC considers all non-marital sex acts sinful. I will leave you a thought 60 - 70% of Catholics don’t agree with your opinion. But keep pushing it, its great PR.Because same sex attraction is extraordinary. It is disordered. Further, sexual acts that are performed by those with SSA are more than disordered. They are totally abhorrent. Most people simply do not consider what, exactly, is done in homosexual sex. They just focus on the “love”. I simply cannot understand why people seem to blind themselves in this way.
ALL **God fearing **Catholics agree to this.I believe that those who engage in a homosexual lifestyle as a Catholic would be living a highly morally and questionable lifestyle which can only invite the potential of causing grave sin to themselves and possibly even to their partners. I also believe many God fearing Catholics will agree to this.
No, it isn’t. It is one of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.Agreed. “God-fearing” is an archaic term.
1831 The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, **and fear of the Lord. **They belong in their fullness to Christ, Son of David.109 They complete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them. They make the faithful docile in readily obeying divine inspirations.
It’s not an opinion. It’s the truth, no matter what percentage of Catholics agree with it. The homosexual act is disordered and abhorrent. It is one of the sins that cries out to heaven.WOW! More than disordered? Totally abhorrent? Most people? I think most would say that the CC considers all non-marital sex acts sinful. I will leave you a thought 60 - 70% of Catholics don’t agree with your opinion. But keep pushing it, its great PR.
I’ve seen the word disordered both in the CCC and in quotes from the Church. I have not seen the word abhorent. Can anyone cite the use of the word abhorent in the CCC, in Church documents or spoken by current Church leaders?abhorrent.
When was the last time i heard a HOMILY about gay stuff? Never. It’s implied.We had this topic/issue as a family discussion at an extended family reunion (why does the CHurch seem obsessed with gay sex and passes over other sexual sins). The consensus:
Because most of the people who write the :big checks" to the parish building fund, etc. have straight sons and daughters who engage in cohabitation, children out of wedlock, etc.,and most priests will wink and nod so not to offend and stop the money from coming.
Now, most people on these forums may say that’s not true – but that is a view shared by many average people in the pews. Their argument – when was the last time you heard a sermon about birth control, sex before marriage, cohabitation? Sad, cynical, and remember perception for many IS reality
It doesn’t matter what 60-70% of Catholics believe. Read what the Word of God says:WOW! More than disordered? Totally abhorrent? Most people? I think most would say that the CC considers all non-marital sex acts sinful. I will leave you a thought 60 - 70% of Catholics don’t agree with your opinion. But keep pushing it, its great PR.
It’s very simple…if we follow the example of Jesus, we are to love the sinner but not the sin. :hug3:I don’t **embrace **it at all.
It’s not now, nor has it ever been a matter of *embracing *it. I hope none of my kids grows up to be gay. For many reasons I hope this, not only for the “Catholic” reasons.
But let’s just say my son grows up to be gay. If I continue to love him as a father loves a son, would that mean I am embracing homosexuality?
Because He taught us to.I’ve always wondered that myself.
The first two points make absolutely no sense. First of all from a catholic perspective which is what the OP means, there is no such thing as married homosexual lifestyle. Marriage is only between a man and a woman and marriage between two people of the same sex is impossible. In consequence any homosexual acts are and will be sinful. Maybe cafeteria catholic won’t agree with that but under the cathecism is like that.And…you believe this as well for those who engage in an (unmarried) heterosexual lifestyle, right?
But…also, for those who engage in a married homosexual lifestyle, yes?
(when you say “lifestyle”…do you mean, “have sex”? I don’t think you mean the official dictionary meaning of the word, right
While true, this is the language that your opponents will refer to and quote and win the emotional battle. “See, Christus and Catholics think gays are abhorrent.”It’s not an opinion. It’s the truth, no matter what percentage of Catholics agree with it. The homosexual act is disordered and abhorrent. It is one of the sins that cries out to heaven.
Doesn’t work that way in my marriage. Fortunately.We can surely celebrate the love without celebrating sex.
God considers all the evil things, “abhorrent.”While true, this is the language that your opponents will refer to and quote and win the emotional battle. “See, Christus and Catholics think gays are abhorrent.”
If the Church needs to change anything, it’s in how it’s flock expresses God’s truth. We are blessed with many excellent apologists who manager to capture His truth with clarity and charity. We should learn from them. We will never win over the masses with venom.
I never said gays were abhorrent. I said the homosexual act is abhorrent. To say otherwise is to water down the truth. Sorry if that stings, but it is true. ALL sin is abhorrent in the eyes of God.While true, this is the language that your opponents will refer to and quote and win the emotional battle. “See, Christus and Catholics think gays are abhorrent.”
If the Church needs to change anything, it’s in how it’s flock expresses God’s truth. We are blessed with many excellent apologists who manager to capture His truth with clarity and charity. We should learn from them. We will never win over the masses with venom.
Does adultery cry out to heaven? How about child abuse? Pornography and masturbation?It’s not an opinion. It’s the truth, no matter what percentage of Catholics agree with it. The homosexual act is disordered and abhorrent. It is one of the sins that cries out to heaven.
From the CCC:Does adultery cry out to heaven? How about child abuse? Pornography and masturbation?
Why don’t we go round reminding everyone they are committing abhorrent acts, so that we might be sure we are speaking “the truth”.![]()
Why must posters spell everything outDoes adultery cry out to heaven? How about child abuse? Pornography and masturbation?
Why don’t we go round reminding everyone they are committing abhorrent acts, so that we might be sure we are speaking “the truth”.![]()
Because apparently it needs to be spelled out. If posters spent as much time on their own sanctification as they do pointing out everyone else’s abhorrence we might spread the Gospel more effectively.Why must posters spell everything out![]()