Many God fearing Catholics don't embrace Homosexuality

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man with man or woman with woman is intrinsically disordered when sex is introduced.
Insisting that some people are disordered is a sure fire way to sway them, their friends and families to your point of view. Keep up the good work.
Insisting that some people are disordered is a sure fire way to sway them, their friends and families to your point of view. Keep up the good work.
Why are you mischaracterizing what the other poster wrote?

In this context people are not disordered. However, their inclinations and action are.
Insisting that some people are disordered is a sure fire way to sway them, their friends and families to your point of view. Keep up the good work.
The truth remains the truth, no matter how it makes people feel.

It has been said truthfully that the Church is a hospital for sinners. But someone needs to know they are ill before they would go to a hospital.

God is fearsome for those who do not love nor wish to love Him for He is an awesome God.
Fear of God is NOT a Gift of The Holy Spirit.
Fear of God’s JUST punishments is a gift of the Holy Spirit.
As a version of the Act of Contrition says:
“I do detest my sins because I do dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell BUT MOST OF ALL because I have offended Thee who art all good and deserving of all my love.”
Remember to love you must trust. To trust God you must love and feel loved by God. As males we must be taught how to love, how to trust and how to permit ourselves to be be loved.

If we have not been taught to love we often confuse fear of God with fear of His just punishments. It is a subtle but important distinction.
I don’t disagree. I also think there are many God-fearing Catholics who while recognising homosexual activity itself to be sinful, would like the Church to be almost infinitely more loving towards and accepting of people who are attracted to their own gender. It’s not beyond the wit of man (it’s certainly not beyond the wit of Our Lord) to find a way celebrate human love in all its forms.

Though it does seem beyond the wit of at least some to worry about actual problems in the world like hunger and disease, rather than the fact two people love each other. I think we can concern ourselves with the “homosexual lifestyle” (what IS that anyway?) once we more responsibly act as guardians of the world God made, and the people who live on it.
I think most people give thanks to people who love each other. The problem is not that brothers love brothers, it the immoral sexual acts out side of marriage that is argued. I have a question are we called to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, or do we follow the dictates of our own lust and desires? Lust is a grave sin spoken of often in the Bible, Tradition, and teachings of the Catholic Church. By who’s standards are we called to recognize the attraction of people of the same sex, Gods or mans? I think the question has been answer many times in the Bible.
Agreed. “God-fearing” is an archaic term.
The dictionary also list Fear as “Great reverence to a Supreme Being, God”. If the before mentioned use of Fear is used, which I think most Catholic us it that way , then God-Fearing is not Archaic, but very respectful.
We can surely celebrate the love without celebrating sex.
Some of the most loving people I know do not engage in sex, but they still love each other. Physical sex has it’s origin in lust, not love. Love is emotional not physical.
Some of the most loving people I know do not engage in sex, but they still love each other. Physical sex has it’s origin in lust, not love. Love is emotional not physical.
Love is to will the good of another, according to a classic Catholic definition.
It is not an emotion. It may be expressed through emotions or sexually, but neither is it’s essence.
Physical sex does NOT have it’s origin in lust.
Love is to will the good of another, according to a classic Catholic definition.
It is not an emotion. It may be expressed through emotions or sexually, but neither is it’s essence.
Physical sex does NOT have it’s origin in lust.
It can have, especially when engaged in within a sinful context.

Sinning with someone or leading them to sin is NOT love. “Friends don’t let friends go to Hell.”

It can have, especially when engaged in within a sinful context.

Sinning with someone or leading them to sin is NOT love. “Friends don’t let friends go to Hell.”


This is the post I was responding to:
Originally Posted by twoshoes View Post
Some of the most loving people I know do not engage in sex, but they still love each other. Physical sex has it’s origin in lust, not love. Love is emotional not physical.
Yes of course sex -can- spring from lust.
Physical sex does not have it’s origins in lust as opposed to “emotional” love.
Re Genesis
Re Theology of the Body
This is an example of psychological warfare in operation. Flood most media, including here, with the ‘gay sex acts are OK’ message. Use benign and pleasant sounding words to misdirect, like “diversity” and “inclusiveness.” Confuse people. Repeat endlessly. Have children read gay marriage storybooks in public schools and don’t think for a minute who paid for them and had them placed there. The masses don’t respond well to force. And force is being applied. Be wary. Deception is the devil’s primary weapon.

In this area, America is no longer a functioning democracy.

Indeed! 👍

It’s not nice to offend the minority, but its just dandy to offend the majority. :confused:

Or so the radical left would have us believe.
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