Many God fearing Catholics don't embrace Homosexuality

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I believe that those who engage in a homosexual lifestyle as a Catholic would be living a highly morally and questionable lifestyle which can only invite the potential of causing grave sin to themselves and possibly even to their partners. I also believe many God fearing Catholics will agree to this.
I agree, and it’s the Church’s view as well.

Because apparently it needs to be spelled out.** If posters spent as much time on their own sanctification as they do pointing out everyone else’s abhorrence we might spread the Gospel more effectively**.
The “sins that cry out” isnot an exclusive list of sins that exhort us to point out everyone else’s abhorrence as worse than our own.
And amen!

Thank you!

I think morning caffeine has made me very exclamation-pointy. Sorry, I’m not usually like this.
Because apparently it needs to be spelled out. If posters spent as much time on their own sanctification as they do pointing out everyone else’s abhorrence we might spread the Gospel more effectively.

The “sins that cry out” is not an exclusive list of sins that exhort us to point out everyone else’s abhorrence as worse than our own.
This thread is specifically about the homosexual act and the Catholic attitude towards it. Since the homosexual act is indeed traditionally referred to as one of the sins that cries out to heaven and this is a thread about homosexuality I, along with other posters, am permitted to mention this.

This is not a pastoral thread. It is an honest discussion. There is no need to deflect away from the issue by invoking cliches about hypocrisy.
While true, this is the language that your opponents will refer to and quote and win the emotional battle. “See, Christus and Catholics think gays are abhorrent.”

If the Church needs to change anything, it’s in how it’s flock expresses God’s truth. We are blessed with many excellent apologists who manager to capture His truth with clarity and charity. We should learn from them. We will never win over the masses with venom.
I don’t disagree. I also think there are many God-fearing Catholics who while recognising homosexual activity itself to be sinful, would like the Church to be almost infinitely more loving towards and accepting of people who are attracted to their own gender. It’s not beyond the wit of man (it’s certainly not beyond the wit of Our Lord) to find a way celebrate human love in all its forms.

Though it does seem beyond the wit of at least some to worry about actual problems in the world like hunger and disease, rather than the fact two people love each other. I think we can concern ourselves with the “homosexual lifestyle” (what IS that anyway?) once we more responsibly act as guardians of the world God made, and the people who live on it.
Hi Murmurs, I know that the Church loves those with same sex attractions. It doesn’t agree with and condemns the sexual intercourse alongside the feelings of (worldly love) associated with it. This worldly love and it’s sexual follow through is not of God nor of Christ but of a sinful source.
And…you believe this as well for those who engage in an (unmarried) heterosexual lifestyle, right?

But…also, for those who engage in a married homosexual lifestyle, yes?

(when you say “lifestyle”…do you mean, “have sex”? I don’t think you mean the official dictionary meaning of the word, right?)

Do you think many Catholics who don’t fear God would agree to this, too?
Or is the “fear” part essential in your belief equation?

Yes, sex is meant and included in this lifestyle.
No, Our Church and God doesn’t believe in a ‘married’ homosexual lifestyle (including sex).
There is no FEAR in what I write but a belief that is in Our Church and in God
Good questions. Since the CC considers all sexual contact outside of marriage sinful I wonder about the motives of the church targeting same sex attraction as being extraordinary. Certainly there are a lot less homosexual sinners than unmarried couples cohabiting and many more adulterers, Why not just leave it as a sin and not invite the unintended consequences of alienating more Catholics and non-Catholics?
Interesting point frobert. Yes, I must agree that there is possibly more and a lot of unmarried couples cohabitating and having sex outside of marriage. It’ a grave sin against Marriage and ones soul. But because there ‘doing it’ doesn’t make sex outside of marriage ok. Both types of relationships are grave but more grave is that one which goes against the normal woman man relationship.
… when was the last time you heard a sermon about birth control, sex before marriage, cohabitation? Sad, cynical, and remember perception for many IS reality
I agree that we lack sermons on Sin from the altar.
I’ve always wondered that myself.
**A healthy fear of God entails a deep respect for God and Christ and a longing to please them by doing what is right and good.**Any deviation of this as in following your own ways or ways of the World lacks fear of God.
Because same sex attraction is extraordinary. It is disordered. Further, sexual acts that are performed by those with SSA are more than disordered. They are totally abhorrent. Most people simply do not consider what, exactly, is done in homosexual sex. They just focus on the “love”. I simply cannot understand why people seem to blind themselves in this way.
👍 I agree

If a homosexual who is deeply rooted in a gay lifestyle has a moment of conversion and wants to become catholic and start to reject his lifestyle, it won’t change overnight. He may be moving towards God and falling in a deeper relationship with him. But because he was so deeply connected to that culture he has moments of weakness just like all of us. He may even go back to that lifestyle when he is a moment of weakness, but every time he does a couple days later he goes to the priest begging God for Mercy…
I would actually argue that someone like this is more holy than someone who goes to Sunday Mass every week, goes to confession maybe monthly, but isn’t working that hard to overcome some of their perpetual sin in this life, but none create scandal in the Church.

Someone trying to leave the gay lifestyle may take a longtime to get over that, they may fall into sin and create scandal. But they are moving to God. They are also sinners and may do some very grave grave sin, but they always seek forgiveness, and through God’s grace they may leave that behind them…
Your correct in saying we should love and support those with homosexual inclinations to change their ways. We all are seeking God but we all take different routes. My prayers and love go out to those wanting to embrace God and Christ with a clean heart.
WOW! More than disordered? Totally abhorrent? Most people? I think most would say that the CC considers all non-marital sex acts sinful. I will leave you a thought 60 - 70% of Catholics don’t agree with your opinion. But keep pushing it, its great PR.
man with man or woman with woman is intrinsically disordered when sex is introduced.

Second, sex outside of marriage is also sinful and also formication. So what is the point of your question?

Obviously the lifestyle that the OP is referring is at a homosexual couple trying to equate a marriage relationship or trying to equate homosexual acts as the same as married heterosexual acts.
It’s not an opinion. It’s the truth, no matter what percentage of Catholics agree with it. The homosexual act is disordered and abhorrent. It is one of the sins that cries out to heaven.
Can you tell me which sins don’t cry out to heaven? There are some thing I would like to do if they’ll just slip under the radar.
Can you tell me which sins don’t cry out to heaven? There are some thing I would like to do if they’ll just slip under the radar.
The term “sins that cry out to Heaven” has a specific meaning in Church tradition. Those sins are listed in post #39 and the cited CCC paragraph. That doesn’t mean that other sins are not gravely offensive to God or are not gravely immoral. Just because your selected sin isn’t on the list doesn’t mean you can “slip under the radar”. 😉
The homosexual lobby has been very crafty in deceiving Americans. They have been very effective in hoodwinking, but in the end everyone knows deep down it is not real marriage.

Now we are seeing the homofascists at work and then America will start to wake up. America will not tolerate the lie.
The homosexual lobby has been very crafty in deceiving Americans. They have been very effective in hoodwinking, but in the end everyone knows deep down it is not real marriage.

Now we are seeing the homofascists at work and then America will start to wake up. America will not tolerate the lie.
This is an example of psychological warfare in operation. Flood most media, including here, with the ‘gay sex acts are OK’ message. Use benign and pleasant sounding words to misdirect, like “diversity” and “inclusiveness.” Confuse people. Repeat endlessly. Have children read gay marriage storybooks in public schools and don’t think for a minute who paid for them and had them placed there. The masses don’t respond well to force. And force is being applied. Be wary. Deception is the devil’s primary weapon.

In this area, America is no longer a functioning democracy.

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