If a homosexual who is deeply rooted in a gay lifestyle has a moment of conversion and wants to become catholic and start to reject his lifestyle, it won’t change overnight. He may be moving towards God and falling in a deeper relationship with him. But because he was so deeply connected to that culture he has moments of weakness just like all of us. He may even go back to that lifestyle when he is a moment of weakness, but every time he does a couple days later he goes to the priest begging God for Mercy…
I would actually argue that someone like this is more holy than someone who goes to Sunday Mass every week, goes to confession maybe monthly, but isn’t working that hard to overcome some of their perpetual sin in this life, but none create scandal in the Church.
Someone trying to leave the gay lifestyle may take a longtime to get over that, they may fall into sin and create scandal. But they are moving to God. They are also sinners and may do some very grave grave sin, but they always seek forgiveness, and through God’s grace they may leave that behind them…