Marian Movement of Priests?

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I am a member of the Marian Movement of Priests and wonder if there are others here who follow the spirituality spelled out by our Blessed Mother in the blue book, To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons?

What does it mean to follow the spirituality of the messages Mary has given to Fr. Gobbi? I attend Mass daily, frequent Confession, pray the Holy Rosary daily, read a message and make my act of consecration each day. Until recently, I was attending a Cenacle twice a month in my parish church, but the priest who led us has been transferred to another parish. I host a Cenacle on the First Saturday of each month and our family prays a Cenacle occasionally.

I’d love to talk to others who are seriously following Mary’s call to consecration through the MMP.
Colin B. Donovan, STL of EWTN wrote:
The Marian Movement of Priests is a private association of Catholic clergy and lay associate members founded by Italian priest Fr. Stefano Gobbi in 1972. While visiting the Shrine of Our Lady of Fátima in Portugal he felt himself inspired to begin this work, whose principal emphases are to encourage Consecration, especially of priests, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and whole-hearted fidelity to the Magisterium of the Pope. For this purpose Fr. Gobbi has traveled throughout the world holding Cenacles of Prayer on every continent. Cenacle refers to the gathering of the apostles around the Blessed Mother in the Upper Room in which the Last Supper was celebrated and in which they awaited the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In Cenacles of Prayer the laity gather with the clergy, and with our Lady by praying the rosary, and often celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as they pray for and await the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, so ardently desired by the Church and promised by Our Lady at Fátima. In the almost three decades of this movement, many tens of thousands of deacons, priests and bishops, including Cardinals, and millions of religious and laity, have consecrated themselves to the Blessed Virgin and pledged fidelity to the Magisterium at the Cenacles of Prayer. In addition, besides the public Cenacles held in parish churches throughout the world, many weekly, bi-weekly or monthly Cenacles are held in private homes.
              One aspect of the Movement which has resulted in some controversy                   is the claim of Fr. Gobbi to receive interior locutions from the                   Blessed Virgin, messages which are published in his spiritual diary *To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons.*. An interior locution is a mystical word, a                   message received interiorly by a person while in prayer and which to                   them is clearly not from their own mind or spirit. Naturally, the                   person making such a claim is not the best judge of the authenticity                   of the alleged mysticism. We are often subjectively certain of                   things which prove to be false in reality. In the case of alleged                   mysticism there is always the possibility of mental illness, fraud,                   vivid imagination, or even the demonic. It is the task of a qualified                   spiritual director to discern, in the first instance, the authenticity                   of mysticism, basing himself on his knowledge of Catholic teaching,                   the personality,  character and prayer life of the alleged                   mystic and his own experience in directing others. The spiritual                   director is the Church's first line of defense in protecting individuals,                   and the faithful in general, from false mysticism. The local bishop                   is next, and then the Holy See, which alone can render a definitive                   judgment. Any sincere person who believes himself to be experiencing                   mystical phenomenon should be willing to undertake spiritual                   direction, for their good and that of those whom they might influence.
              From the beginning Fr. Gobbi has been under the care of a                   spiritual director, one who judged his locutions to be authentic and                   who determined which of the messages would be published. Contrary to                   some published reports, Fr. Gobbi has never been subjected to any                   other formal scrutiny. Two instances are sometimes attested to the                   contrary. The first concerns the changing of the name of the book                   from *Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests*, which was done                   so as not to imply the certain authenticity of the messages. This                   represented nothing more than prudent reserve, typical in such                   matters, and was not a formal action of any entity in the Church.
see above…
The second instance is a letter from an official of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith asking Father Gobbi to state explicitly that the messages are merely his own meditation. Fr. Gobbi has said that in good conscience he could not deny what he believed to be true. Seeking clarification of his responsibilities, he sought counsel from a higher authority in the Holy See and was assured that this letter was merely a request by the monsignor who wrote it and not an act of the Congregation. Nonetheless, it is perpetuated by some as judgment of the Holy See condemning Fr. Gobbi. In reality, the Marian Movement of Priests continues to meet regularly in Rome and elsewhere with the permission and participation of bishops.
             Unless a condemnation is warranted for the good of the faithful,                   the authentication of mysticism usually takes place during a                   canonization process, after the mysticism is obviously concluded                   (because the person has died) and it can be viewed in the context of                   the person's entire life. During life it generally stands on the                   witness of responsible persons, such as a spiritual director, the                   fame of sanctity of the alleged mystic and the fruits. This is                   somewhat different from the phenomenon of an apparition, which has a                   discrete beginning and end, and usually occurs independent of the                   stage of prayer life of the person receiving it. Upon its conclusion                   an apparition can be judged by the Church as an event in itself, as                   was the case at Lourdes and Fátima. The mystic, however, finds                   himself involved in phenomenon bound up with his own spiritual                   perfection and related to his growth in prayer, a process only                   concluded at death. Unless there is something to be condemned, it is                   after death that it is usually judged by the Church, if at all.
              The final judgment of the alleged mysticism of the Fr. Gobbi                  rests, therefore, with the Church. In his favor, however, are the                  opinion of his spiritual director, his own zeal to promote                  Consecration to the Immaculate Heart and fidelity to the                  Magisterium, the great numbers of lay, religious and priestly                  vocations strengthened, and in some cases saved, through the Marian                  Movement of Priests, and the good will shown him by very many members                  of the hierarchy, including the Pope, who has received him and                  encouraged him in his work on several occasions.
Hi Narey:
Yes, I somewhat follow Fr. Gobbi.
I was very active with this movement up until a few years ago. But because of the distance I needed to travel I had to quit.
However out of the blue a woman down the road from me (I live in the country), started a Cenacle, so I’ve been attending once a week now for a month. But I must say that I just go to the Cenacles and do not practice it at home. However I am very faithful with praying for our priests.
I’m just a little taken aback about the inactivety of this Movement over the last few years though. There has been no updates at to what is going on with Fr. Gobbi. They have a web site which I have checked out and really there is nothing there. To me it’s like he has vanished? Please if you have any info about him, please share.
Also I’m being a little cautious though.
I’m a big follower of Medjugorje though. And with following this and Mass and rosary and internet,. My days are full.
God Bless You
Snuffy :confused:
Narey, I have been consecrated into the MMP for over 10 years, though I currently do not attend a cenacle (I was just informed of one locally via MMP Headquarters and I need to call for details).

I think that Fr. Gobbi is ‘laying low’ in obedience. As stated above, 'the authentication of mysticism usually takes place during a canonization process, after the mysticism is obviously concluded (because the person has died) and it can be viewed in the context of the person’s entire life… Many individuals against him were attempting to discredit him by twisting his words against him. Others, those who look for prophesy to include the exact hour that things are about to happen, were reading things into the locutions and publically making statements of their own conclusions and creating problems. In order to avoid the controversy and the possibility of some of these individulas leading others into error, I think that the proper decision was made to stop publishing new locutions. Besides, we know all that we need to know at this point, and I believe, in my heart, that the Remnant has been gathered.

As also mentioned, Fr. Gobbi as been warmly received by JPII several times, and there is no doubt that our dear Pope is firmly behind him. But rules are rules, and both men will obediently follow them. It is interesting to note that Fr. Gobbi’s schedule, for many years, rivaled JPII’s as he travelled the world holding cenacles for hundreds of thousands of individuals all praying to Our Lady for the intercession and protection of the world. I have been to public cenacles, and the devotion to Our Lord, Our Lady, and the emphasis of Love and Loyalty to our Pope was beyond moving. Holiness was at work, no doubt (and personally I have no doubt that he will be some day cannonized).

I believe that he still has locutions, and these will probably be made public in total once it is appropriate - possibly after his death. For now we humbly hide ourselves under the Mantle of Our Lady as requested, and wait in prayer and obedience until we are called, as Her Remnant, to step forward. Narey, feel free to email me directly any time, and God bless you! :praying:

Cricket :blessyou:
Thanks for the replies. I am registered as a member so I receive the updates via postal mail at least once a year, sometimes more often. Fr. Gobbi is still traveling and conducting Cenacles but is more curtailed due to poor health. I find him to be one of the most humble of mystics! He’s hidden because it’s not about him. The messages of the blue book have been scrutinized and found to be without error in doctrine.

Thanks for posting the lengthy description from EWTN, for those unfamiliar with the movement!

It’s great to hear that a neighbor is holding Cenacles and you are back into it, snuffy! Cricker, call that local one, and get back in! The “fraternization” which Mary calls for is important too! We all need friends who are on our same page, friends in the Faith, in knowledge, understanding and practice! I love my Cenacle friend and they are a lifeline to me at times! I have been very blessed to have a priest friend involved, who is faithful to Our Lady’s Movement and who attends the priests’ cenacle with Fr. Gobbi in Rome each year. He comes back SO renewed, so on fire! It’s at the
end of June, so coming up soon!
Amen. Amen. Again I say Amen.
I also have been blessed by attending big Marian Movement of Priests Cencacle, with Fr. Gobbi. I totally agree that he seems to be totally obienent, holy and humble.
And there is not doubt that are priests need all the prayers they can get, and then some.
I’m happy to be back in a Cenacle on a once a week basis
God Bless
Snuffy 👍
I am familiar with MMP, and I have Fr. Gobbi’s blue book of interior locutions. I have read the first twenty pages or so. It is on my list of books to read.

I’ve done the 33 day Consecration to Our Lady. I wear a brown scapular and am enrolled. I say the daily rosary. I pray daily in reparation of and atonement for the sins for the USA, as my prayer intention (sins like abortion, homosexuality, drugs, porn, etc …) I also unite my daily sufferings with the sufferings of Christ.

I am really into the prophecies of Garabandal. I’ve not yet studied Medjugorie though. It is on the list of intended study though. I’ve believe the prophecies of Garabandal, Fatima, Akita, Lourdes, and others.

I am familiar with the term “The Remnant.” 😉 Know what I mean??? 😉 😉 😉 I’m also familar with the term, "refuges, " too. Know what I mean?? 😉

I read lots of contemporary Catholic prophecies, too, even those not yet approved. In my opinion, we don’t have the time to wait for the church to approve them. They are immediately urgent. We need to be praying and doing penance RIGHT NOW, or we’re going to suffer a Chastisement of fire!!!

GOD IS VERY TICKED OFF!!! (Especially at America, for we’ve abused the graces He has given us).

I have studied the mystic/stigmatist Maria Esperanza of Betania, and I’ve read Michael H. Brown’s book about her. She is amazing.

I also read others like John Leary, Louise Tomkiel, The Two Patricks, Carol Ameche, Timothy Snodgrass, Little Mary, Girl of My Will, Curtin and Delapuchio(sp?), Diane Lyons-Frasco. I’ve also studied Veronica Leuken. I’ve read Mary Jane Even, too.

These of course, are all for one’s discernment, but I for one believe them.

And I pray that God will have mercy on us all!!!

I also pray for the Pope to proclaim the Fifth Marian Dogma, and for the Triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.
I was about to start a thread on Gobbi, but I saw this one, Hopefully you can help me out. I checked out a copy of Thunder of Justice from the Library the other day. It deals with Marian Apparitions and prophecy. It draws heavily on Gobbi’s work.

A lot of Gobbi’s prophecies had time frames “in just ten years” etc. that have now expired. What are we to make of those in relation to the authenticity of his interior locutions.

One of Father Gobbi’s locutions stated something to the effect that any of the prophecied dates can be mitigated (lessened in severity) or delayed.

I once read something by one of the saints that said, “God is goverened by prayer.” So prayer is the key. Apparently the faithful have prayed enough in reparation and attonement to DELAY or MITIGATE the events and timeline of Fr. Gobbi.

As I understand, the delay was to be between 5 to 10 years. Events were supposed to take place in 1998. That was about six years ago. There isn’t much time left.

What’s scary is that the NEW prophecies of those aforementioned in my previous post ALL say that there will be no delay this time. God can tolerate no more! You know … same sex marriage, abortions, reality TV, internet porn addiction, etc… I tell you with all seriousness that God is extremely ticked off!!! Again, I say that Heaven is telling us that there will NOT be another delay.

Which, if you do the math, leaves us with … at the most … about four years, give or take a few.

I still believe in Fr. Gobbi’s prophecies, because I am one of those who are praying to have events mitigated in order to save lives and to delay the timeline in order to convert more people to Catholicsm.

I, for one, am glad those events were delayed, because I became a Christian in 2001! Before that I was a Diest, and not even a Christian. Heck, I didn’t even believe that Jesus was the Son of God before that! And here I am, on fire for my faith and for Our Lord because of the prayers of others.

Now, I join my prayers with The Remnant.

We need to be fasting and praying in penance for the USA before it’s too late!
One of Father Gobbi’s locutions stated something to the effect that any of the prophecied dates can be mitigated (lessened in severity) or delayed.
That’s a convenient way to get around missing the dates.

Also they are not locutions, just look to the preference of the Blue Book that is published now. Or take a look at the offical website for the MMP, found at

Click on left hand side of the page where it says "The Book “To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”.

This takes you to a page that tells you about the book, the second paragraph reads…
This book contains the meditations or inspirations that don Stefano Gobbi received in the form of inner words dictated to the heart. The Book has been spontaneously translated in all the major languages and has spread the Marian Movement of Priests to all the continents.
I’ve been a member of MMP for about 6 years, I was introduced to the movement by a seminarian I sat next to on a plane trip from Ireland. I’ve never been to a cenacle(I don’t know where to find one in my area) but I read the book many times.

I was recently in a Medjugorje web page and was struck by the fact that Mary sounds the same(her way of talking) when she speaks to the visionarys there.

There are two types of locutions: interior locutions and exterior locutions. I thought interior locutions were “inner words dictated to the heart” from God.

The Bible is also “inspired.” (Inspired Word of God acc. to Catechism).

A friend of mine has has interior locutions. She said that you recognize interior locutions by feeling words and thoughts not your own coming to you from your own heart.

What if I’m wrong? What if Fr. Gobbi is false? For that matter, what if they’re all false? The fruit of these supposed messages from God has been to strengthen my faith and has inspired me to pray. If the words are from Satan, then he really screwed up in my case, and in the case of many other people.

I came into the Catholic faith through the messages from Mary. Her words have molded me into a new thing, a sort of prayer warrior, and I’m not alone.

I see no harm done by praying and doing penance for the sins of our country. I see no harm in obeying the messages from Gobbi and some of the other visionaries, who all say that we should return to the Gospel, avoid mortal and venial sins at all costs, goto Daily Mass, goto Confession at least once a month, Say the Rosary daily, Say the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily, and pray for mercy.
I do not follow the MMP or Fr Gobbi, I find a lot in it that bothers me.

That being said, he and his meditations have not been condemned so you are free to believe in them all you wish. I will add that Fr Gobbi has been directed to call them meditation and not locutions, which he has done. I would say that his followers should follow his lead in this as well.

I know of many who love to talk about the fruit of certain apparations and of Fr Gobbi’s meditations. All I would say is that if it works for you good but keep in mind that others might experience bad fruit. I can think of many that have come from other apparitions that have been condemned even though some claim that they are real.

TheGrowingGrape said:
I see no harm done by praying and doing penance for the sins of our country. I see no harm in obeying the messages from Gobbi and some of the other visionaries, who all say that we should return to the Gospel, avoid mortal and venial sins at all costs, goto Daily Mass, goto Confession at least once a month, Say the Rosary daily, Say the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily, and pray for mercy.

And you could have learned all of this and do all of it with out following apparations/meditations that have yet to be approved.

This has can be found in the fully revealed public revelation, you need not turn to private revelations to find this sort of thing.

That is my main point, it seems that many turn to private revelation when there is much they do not know and have not read that is part of the public Deposit of Faith.

I HAVE read and memorized the Baltimore 3 Catechism and Mass by Father Connell.(I have the gift of remembering everything I read). I also read This is the Faith (a catechism) and have memorized it. Read and memorized A Brief Catechism for Adults. Have read parts of the Catechism of the Council of Trent (I use it mainly as a reference text). Also read Story of a Soul, the Diary of St. Therese Liseux. Read True Devotion to Mary. Read lots of the Bible. I don’t rely upon private revelations for my catechism. I don’t need to.

To give you an idea of what I gain by reading private revelations, I’ll supply you with one example. This was a private revelation from Heaven, addressed to a cenacle prayer group, given to Locutionist, Sharon Fitzpatrick as of July 12, 2004.


[stuff in brackets added by me for clarification of audience]

Private revelations make “the world” more black and white for me, and also gives me an up-to-date perspective on things.
I have been a member of the Marian Movement Of Priests for about a year. I attend a cenacle a couple of times a month, led by our priest and also attend a cenacle 4 times a month, with friends.

To give you an idea of what I gain by reading private revelations, I’ll supply you with one example. This was a private revelation from Heaven, addressed to a cenacle prayer group, given to Locutionist, Sharon Fitzpatrick as of July 12, 2004.


[stuff in brackets added by me for clarification of audience]

Private revelations make “the world” more black and white for me, and also gives me an up-to-date perspective on things.
This is where we differ. I do not need the above posted message to know what it is saying alread.
  1. It is telling us what we already know from public revelation
  2. It is stating the obvious about the world and society today

There are two types of locutions: interior locutions and exterior locutions. I thought interior locutions were “inner words dictated to the heart” from God.

The Bible is also “inspired.” (Inspired Word of God acc. to Catechism).

A friend of mine has has interior locutions. She said that you recognize interior locutions by feeling words and thoughts not your own coming to you from your own heart.

What if I’m wrong? What if Fr. Gobbi is false? For that matter, what if they’re all false? The fruit of these supposed messages from God has been to strengthen my faith and has inspired me to pray. If the words are from Satan, then he really screwed up in my case, and in the case of many other people.

I came into the Catholic faith through the messages from Mary. Her words have molded me into a new thing, a sort of prayer warrior, and I’m not alone.

I see no harm done by praying and doing penance for the sins of our country. I see no harm in obeying the messages from Gobbi and some of the other visionaries, who all say that we should return to the Gospel, avoid mortal and venial sins at all costs, goto Daily Mass, goto Confession at least once a month, Say the Rosary daily, Say the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily, and pray for mercy.
I couldn’t agree more! After all “a house devided against itself cannot stand”, how could this book be evil when all it does is lead us to Jesus and a more holy life?
Hi My name is Grace Mizzi you can read a bit about me on

I founded MMP Online 5 years ago

We have between 100-140 Cenacles every month. In English, Spanish, Korean and Phillipino, including Clergy, Children’s and Youth’s Cenacles

This is a first in the History of Marian Movement of Priests and Marian Movement of Priest Online, where 15 people can come together being thousands of miles apart to pray.
The M.M.P is a little seed planted by Our Lady in the garden of the Church…Very quickly it has become a great tree which has spread its branches into every part of the world. It is a work of love which the Immaculate Heart of Mary is stirring up in the Church today, to help all her children to live, with trust and filial hope, the painful moments of the purification. (page xvi)

Marian Movement of Priest Online is a Internet Cenacle Network where the members who are unable to attend cenacles in their own parish, etc. can come here and pray together with the online members.

The Structure of the cenacles is quite simple.

In Imitation of the disciples who were gathered together with Mary in the Cenacle of Jerusalem, we too come together.

To Pray with Mary…

We Invite Mary to Join us in our prayer of the Rosary, we pray together with her, and ask for her intersession She in turn unveils to our souls the mystery of the life of Jesus.

To Live the Consecration…

By helping each other to live the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

To Create Fraternity …

Lastly, in the cenacles we are all called to take part in the experience of a true fraternity.

Our Lady told Fr. Gobbi, “Why do I want you to come together in cenacles with me? to help you all to love each other and to live in true brotherhood in the company of your Mother. It is necessary today that my priests know each other, that they help each other, that they truly love one another, that they be as brothers brought together by their Mother. There is today too much loneliness, too much abandonment for my priests. I do not want them to be alone; they must help each other, love each other, they must feel as - and really be - brothers” (January 17th 1974)

Let us present each and ever priest that we know and have ever known at daily mass, our cenacles, and during exposition.

Grace Mary Mizzi

** Our Lady speaks at great length on the need to hold and multiply her cenacles.**

What is a cenacle? What is its purpose? And what are its spiritual benefits?**

** Is it important for the members of the cenacle to read and reflect on Our Lady’s messages?

** Can any message of other visionaries be read and discussed in these cenacles?

** Can the Act of Consecration of the Marian Movement of Priests be replaced by any other Act of Consecration?

** FR. G: I would like to invite everyone to read the introduction of the book, “To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons.” There we find everything: what is a cenacle, how it is done and what are its benefits.

The cenacle is a gathering of two or more priests or faithful, in order to create that reality which existed in the cenacle of Jerusalem, in which the Apostles were reunited together with Mary in prayer living a spirit of fraternity.**

There are four elements to the cenacle: (1) prayer, (2) done together, (3) with Mary, (4) in a spirit of charity.**

A cenacle consists of the invocation of the Holy Spirit, the prayer of the Holy Rosary (5 decades), and prayers for the Pope.**

Furthermore, in order to indicate the unity of the members of the Movement with Fr. Stefano Gobbi, the beautiful habit has spread of saying also one Hail Mary for Fr. Gobbi, after the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the Pope.**

Then, there must be the meditation of a message from the book. Why?**

Because Our Lady gives us the book in order to grow in the life of consecration to her Immaculate Heart. Since the purpose of the cenacle is to make us grow in this life of consecration, we must use the means which Our Lady gives us. It is not up to us to choose we must choose the means
she gives us. Furthermore, I invite everyone to great prudence, because today
there is an invasion of false visionaries and false messages, especially in
the United States. **

Therefore, one must be prudent and always obey the directives of the Church. The messages which she gives us in the book are to help us live the Consecration.

A cenacle is not of the Marian Movement of Priests, if the messages of the book are not read. Outside of the cenacles, they are free to read others, but not in the cenacle.

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