**In the year 2000, we were not able to see the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. So, in 2001, we asked ourselves, “What shall we do?” With the grace of littleness, Our Lady reveals her Immaculate Heart to her little ones. **
In the message of July 29, 1973, (M. 9g) Our Lady said, “ They must understand that to belong to the Movement nothing external nor any juridical act is necessary; what is indispensable, however, is an interior consecration of their whole selves and a total offering of their priesthood to my Immaculate Heart.” The names of the members are recorded for one purpose only: to keep the members informed. The Movement is not an association like the other associations; it is a “spirit” that the members are called to live.
**The first and most important thing is detachment, is to live only for Jesus, to live the Gospel to the letter. We are also called to love the Pope. **
**We must have hearts of little children. We are to have hearts of Christ, “Alter Christus”. Jesus within us can work mercy to offset the work of Iniquity. **
**Our consecration and the spreading of the cenacles are all important. It is Our Lady’s spirituality. **
**Faith is the essential. Faith is attacked by heresy. Christ calls us to defend the Church. **
to be continued