Each situation is different. I have been married to a nominal Presbyterian for 13 years now and we have three kids: 9, 6 and 3. All were baptized at the Catholic and the older two attend CCD. My 9 has received his First Communion and attends Mass weekly. 6 has started to come most weeks. Wifey almost never comes and invariably is bothered by bad music, foreign priests whom she can’t understand or something else that has nothing to do with worship. We pray each night before bed but not at meals as that would make her parents uncomfortable when we eat with them. Christmas Mass is a BIG DEAL and I literally have to fight to get there because of the time conflicts with dinner and gifts. I’m not kidding.
I told my wife a week before we found out we were expecting 3 that if I had known then what I know now I would not marry her.
Married C-P couples must look at the glass as 3/4-full and while not ignoring the differences concentrate on the similarities.
Here is a list of writings to consider:
James A. Pike, If You Marry Outside Your faith: Counsel on Mixed Marriages (New York, NY: Harper & Brothers, 1954 revised 1962). Protestant
C. Stanley Lowell, Protestant-Catholic Marriage, (Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1962). Protestant
John King Mussio and others, Mixed Marriage: An Honest Appraisal (St. Meinrad, IN:Abbey Press, 1966). RC
A.M.J. Kreykamp O.P. and Isaac C. Rottenberg, Protestant-Catholic Marriages: Interpreted by Pastors and Priests (Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Press, 1967).RC-Dutch Reform
Paul and Jeanne Simon, Protestant-Catholic Marriages Can Succeed (New York, NY: Association Press, 1967). Mixed couple
Alasdair Heron, Two Churches-One Love: Interchurch Marriage between Protestants and Roman Catholics (Dublin: APCK by Beacon Printing Co. Ltd., 1977). Protestant clergyman scholar
Theresa Rebeck, Catholic Update: ‘Mixed’ Marriages: Helping Interfaith Couples Grow (Cincinnati: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1981).
Richard M. Lawless, When Love Unites the Church: A Look at Protestant-Catholic Marriage (St. Meinrad, IN:Abbey Press, 1982). RC hubby in mixed marriage
Barbara D. Schiappa, Mixing: Catholic-Protestant Marriages in the 1980s A Guidebook for Couples and Families (Ramsey, NJ: Paulist Press, 1982). Wife in mixed marriage
Michael Lawler, Ecumenical Marriage & Remarriage: Gifts and Challenges to the Churches (Mystic, CT:Twenty-Third Publications, 1990). Former RC priest, not the most EWTN guy out there.
Elizabeth Bookser Barkley, Catholic Update: Interchurch Marriages: How to Help Them Succeed (Cincinnati: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1990).
George Kilcourse, Double Belonging: Interchurch Families and Christian Unity (New York/Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1992). Priest who used to be Ecumenical Officer in his diocese. Pastoral but not necessarily orthodox in all areas.
Report of the National Dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the Uniting Church in Australia, Interchurch Marriages: Their Ecumenical Challenge and Significance for Our Churches, (Strathfield NSW: St. Paul’s Publications, 1999).
Center for Marriage and Family, Ministry To Interchurch Marriages: A Summary Report, (Omaha: Creighton University, 1999). Research by before mentioned Dr. Lawler. Found that mopst couples are same church within 5 years of a mixed marriage. Divorce is higher but not definite between mixed couples.
Center for Marriage and Family, Building Relationship, Interaction, Decision-making, Growth and Enrichment Through Spirituality (BRIDGES), (Omaha: Creighton University, 2002). Tool for mixed couples.
John C. Bush and Patrick R. Cooney, eds. Catholic/Reformed Dialogue in the United States, Interchurch Families: Resources for Ecumenical Hope, (Louisville/London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002).
Charles J. Joanides, PhD., LMFT, When You Intermarry: A Resource for Inter-Christian, Intercultural Couples, Parents and Families (New York: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, 2002). Catholics aren’t the only ones with this issue. With Greeks it is not just faith but ethnicity and culture as well.
Sandra L. Stanko, United in Heart, Divided in Faith: A Guide for Catholic-Protestant Couples (Allen, TX: Sun Creek Books, 2003). Catholic wife in a mixed marriage.
A paper adopted by the Second World Gathering of interchurch families from eleven countries held in Rome in July 2003, Interchurch Families and Christian Unity (London: British Association of Interchurch Families, 2003).
Charles J. Joanides, PhD., LMFT, Ministering To Intermarried Couples: A Resource for Clergy and Lay Workers (New York: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, 2004).