thanks for your post!
If I may, I’d just like to pick up on 3 things…
- The “Pope” as a person is not infallible. That’s not what Papal Infallibility means. I’m sure there are plenty of resources on here which explain what it does mean.
But it is not a reflection on his personal state of holiness (or lack thereof).
- "The Roman Catholic church is in fellowship with the Eastern Orthodox church for example"
That’s not true.
The CATHOLIC Church is made up of 2 Rites which are in communion with each other. The Western Rite (aka the Roman Rite) and the Eastern Rite.
Both these Rites are part of the same Catholic Church, under the authority of the Pope.
ORTHODOX Church however is not the same as the Eastern Rite of the Catholic Church (people frequently confuse this).
The Orthodox Church schismed off the Catholic Church in 1054 and the Catholic Church is not ‘in fellowship’ with the Orthodox Church.
- “To my surprise, I’ve visited quite a few catholic churches and found great diversity within them”*
Different Catholic parishes may do certain things in slightly different ways depending on the desires of the local population (e.g. the style of music during the Mass etc).
However, each of these Parishes will profess the same identical faith, and they are all subject to the authority of their Bishops and Rome.
This, you will appreciate, is vastly different from Protestant who, even within the same denomination (e.g. Church of England for example), vary VASTLY of what they consider to be true and right in terms of faith and morals.
anyway, I feel bad that we have hijacked this post which was not intended for discussion of these matters so I won’t reply again in reference to these issues!
But I think it is very wonderful and a great blessing that you are entering the Church!
From the bottom of my heart, God Bless you in your journey!!
with much love,
your sister in Christ