vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decree_19641121_orientalium-ecclesiarum_en.htmlThere are a number of big issues here; not least of which is that you are presenting the Roman discipline of a celibate clergy as the Catholic tradition. Not only that, you are presenting it as somehow superior to the married clergy and to marriage itself.
The Catholic Church is not the same as the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church is one of 21+ sui iuris Churches that, together as a communion of Churches, make up the Catholic Church. The Eastern Catholic Churches, all of which are in communion with the Roman Church, have a very long and ancient history of admitting married men to the priesthood. Many of these married men - along with their wives and families - have provided a great, and oftentimes heroic service to the flocks they minister to. The good Orthodox bishop, who has graced us with his presence, is simply providing a voice for the Eastern tradition here that is held by both Eastern Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, in re. married clergy. He is, therefore, not just representing Orthodox ideas, but also ideas and traditions held dear by Eastern Catholics as well!
I found the article after a bit of a search. It talks about loving our churches. I don’t think it mentions the need to do down the Roman Church Rite.
Please read it! Thanks.