Masonic Bible - What to do with it?

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Are Catholics seriously proposing that we return to the days of book burning?
Das war ein Vorspiel nur, dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen. (That was only a prelude. Wherever one burns books, one will in the end also burn people.) Heinrich Heine, Almansor (1823), my own translation.
The phenomenon, and the mental picture, of burning books, brings to mind various political movements which the modern mind rightly recoils against. Let’s just say that burning books doesn’t have a good reputation. Burning is just one more means of disposal, morally neutral in itself, but not the most ecologically friendly one — paper that could be recycled is wasted, and the smoke and toxins released are not good for the environment. Ecologically friendly pulping and recycling would be far preferable.
No kidding, but they are still created in God’s image. You don’t have to like them, but you do have to love them. Give them the bible and invite them to the full table of Communion with Christ in the Catholic Church.
I mean why give them a Masonic Bible if we know Masonry is wrong?
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They are also worshiping Satan. How is empowering them to worship Satan in any way shape or form an act of love or charity?
No kidding, but they are still created in God’s image. You don’t have to like them, but you do have to love them. Give them the bible and invite them to the full table of Communion with Christ in the Catholic Church.
How is empowering evil people to do evil things a form of love! Wouldn’t you rather preach to them of the errors of their ways and try and lead them to a deeper understanding of authentic love and truth?
They are also worshiping Satan. How is empowering them to worship Satan in any way shape or form an act of love or charity?
Where do you get that they are worshiping satan? I have known many masons in my life (my Grandfather was one) and none of them worshiped satan or were evil people.

Don’t get me wrong, Freemasons are not in alignment with the Catholic Church, but masons are not devils (at least the ones I have met). Yes, the Church condemned the Freemasons back in the 1800’s but this was mostly about naturalism, separation of church and state and popular sovereignty.

Again show them love and the error of their ways and bring them to the Catholic Church through attraction.
Where do you get that they are worshiping satan? I have known many masons in my life (my Grandfather was one) and none of them worshiped satan or were evil people.
I pray that you look more into their history and their links with Satan. I know many people who have had to get exorcism because They had family who were apart of the masons. They put bloodline and generational curses on their members.
This is true. Generational curses and spirits are directly related to Masonry. Fr. Ripperger says that any man who has had relatives in the Masonic cult need to seek out their pastor to see about having these curses dealt with. Also, any woman who may be experiencing things that could be related to it, but generally it only effects men, and typically if their Masonic family members come from the paternal side. Some of the oaths masons take directly attack their family members and lineage.
Yep, definitely, sure am. It’s a proper way of disposal, and masonry is a heresy. Condemned as recently as Pope Benedict XVI. Nothing to play with.
I pray that you look more into their history and their links with Satan. I know many people who have had to get exorcism because They had family who were apart of the masons. They put bloodline and generational curses on their members.
Masons are not Satanists, and there is no such thing as bloodline or generational curses.
Why all the talk about burning it or disposing it as if it is of sacred value?. It is NOT a sacramental. Toss it in the nearest trash can.
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I pray that you look more into their history and their links with Satan. I know many people who have had to get exorcism because They had family who were apart of the masons. They put bloodline and generational curses on their members.
You are correct! Several years ago I attended a silent retreat at a monastery and the retreat master performed exorcisms on those who had masons in their blood line.

From what I understand, new members are not aware of what masonry is all about until they get into the higher degrees of it, and some strange goings on take place.
Heresy is when a Catholic is in error, whereas freemasonry is when a person is an infidel.
Many Catholics feel pray to this and other heresies, unfortunately!
They’re perfectly free to destroy it. Actually, they can literally trash it. However, if it makes the OP more comfortable, they may burn, bury, or take it to their Priest.
Of course. I just find it rather alarming that somebody would want to destroy a book because they disagree with its content.
Yep, definitely, sure am. It’s a proper way of disposal, and masonry is a heresy. Condemned as recently as Pope Benedict XVI. Nothing to play with.
As pointed out elsewhere, Freemasonry is a non-Christian belief system, not a Christian heresy. Even so, I don’t see any need for heretical or non-Christian books to be destroyed. You seem to have some rather extreme ideas about Freemasonry.
Hey All,

Thanks for all the feedback, I decided to burn it. I just didn’t like the idea of people potentially finding it and being mislead into an Anti-Catholic secret society. That being said, I’m sure most of the “lower members” are not affiliated with the Satanic side of things, though they are helping the cause unknowingly.

For anyone in doubt about the Mason’s intent, I suggest you read their Anti Catholic Mission statement namely the “Alta Vendita” which describes the Masonic intent to infiltrate and subvert the Catholic Church. The society has been Condemned by (correct me if I’m wrong) 13 Popes, 26 different times.

And I will say again, I looked through the Masonic pages as described in the OP and there is a Pentagram and a reference to the Order of the Eastern Star…which as you can guess by their symbol is Malevolent.

Thanks Again!!!
It should be noted that the book was freely given to the OP and as such it’s his property to dispose of, so if he burns it it’s not like an inquisitor burning all the copies from a prohibited book.
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I See, my understanding of what was considered heresy was off. I suppose they aren’t heretical because they aren’t actually a sect of Christianity with heretical beliefscontrary to that of the one true church.

For almost as long as freemasonry has been around the church banned membership AND the owning and usage of Masonic material(ex. Books). I don’t believe the ban on books is officially in place anymore since 1983, but definitely not a bad practice to get rid of materials that are in direct opposition with the church if they be in your possession. Aside from study materials to better refute the beliefs, they are doing no one any good.

If you think I have “some rather extreme views” then that’s all well and good. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. There is a reason the church has condemned freemasonry though, and from its very beginnings. And it’s not because they are simply a secret boys club either.

Also, the book wasn’t destroyed because the owner disagreed with its contents. It was destroyed because it was material that surely supported and promoted masonry as some kind of good, and because the One True Church disagrees with its contents and has formally condemned it on many occasions throughout history. Had the book fallen into the hands of someone less knowledgeable, perhaps there would be another “Catholic Mason” running around.

What should be done if the book were something like the Satanic Bible, or some other literature promoting Satanism? I suppose that wouldn’t need to be properly disposed of either, just because the owner(a Catholic) disagrees with its contents.
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Thanks for all the feedback, I decided to burn it. I just didn’t like the idea of people potentially finding it and being mislead into an Anti-Catholic secret society. That being said, I’m sure most of the “lower members” are not affiliated with the Satanic side of things, though they are helping the cause unknowingly.

For anyone in doubt about the Mason’s intent, I suggest you read their Anti Catholic Mission statement namely the “Alta Vendita” which describes the Masonic intent to infiltrate and subvert the Catholic Church. The society has been Condemned by (correct me if I’m wrong) 13 Popes, 26 different times.

And I will say again, I looked through the Masonic pages as described in the OP and there is a Pentagram and a reference to the Order of the Eastern Star…which as you can guess by their symbol is Malevolent.

Thanks Again!!!
I wish I could like this post a hundred times. THANK YOU for mentioning the Alta Vendita! I considered posting a link to this, but the only sites I could find, were sites that CAF might have an issue with — traditionalists whom some might even call schismatic.

Your run-of-the-mill Mason is not a bad person and nobody hates them — I know I certainly don’t. Three of my beloved uncles (not Catholic) were Freemasons, though two of them were only nominal members. In the lower echelons, they are probably not fully aware of the evil aspects of Masonry. There is a degree where, so I am told, they trample a papal tiara and a king’s crown, but I would say many of them just think of this as trampling upon tyranny (as they perceive it). Trampling a tyrant with a crown tossed to the side is featured on the flag and state seal of Virginia. They are told that one religion is just as good as another, but this is no different than what many mainline Protestants believe, after a fashion.

I don’t hate Masons. They actually do a lot of good work for the community, and I wouldn’t want to see those sick children do without the care that the Shriners’ Hospitals provide. (Strictly speaking, Shriners are not a Masonic organization, but you have to be a Mason to become a Shriner.) But there is no denying that, when you get right down to it, Freemasonry is a very sinister organization, even if the more sinister aspects of it are hidden even from most of their members.
As a bookseller, when I came back to the Church, all non-catholic religious book got trashed or are still being trashed. I still have a pile I’m disposing of by soaking them and putting them bit by bit in the trash when it comes.

The only exception are biographical books about people who happens to be a protestant.
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