Media Calls Concerns About Election Integrity Conspiracy Theories, American Voters Disagree

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Media Calls Concerns About Election Integrity Conspiracy Theories, American Voters Disagree​

By Sarah Lee | Nov 17, 2020 8:36 PM ET

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AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

The media is playing an interesting game. While some big names in the mainstream press are suggesting discussion of election integrity issues surrounding the 2020 election should be dismissed as conspiracy theories and “tinfoil hat stuff,” American voters, according to a Nov. 7 snap poll by YouGov, on both sides of the aisle, think fraud did, in fact, occur in the general election, but they’re divided on whether they think it was enough to affect the outcome.

Media’s latest vapors seem to be coming mostly from new allegations out of the Trump camp questioning Dominion software . . .
Media Calls Concerns About Election Integrity Conspiracy Theories, American Voters Disagree – RedState.


I will not be intimidated by the media’s name-calling.

A lot of Americans saw many changes put in place months BEFORE the election setting it up for fraud. I mean “irregularities”.

We all saw on election night several swing states shut down the vote counting.

Trump was ahead in all of them. Some by quite a large margin. PA was about 650,000 when I left the place where I and others were watching the returns.

Just based on that ALONE, (even ignoring the multitude of election “irregularities” that have been reported (thankfully from the alternative media, that Giant Tech has not been able to yet completely silence), American voters have a right to this being investigated.

The foreign Dominion Computer Vote fraud which TOOK AWAY Trump votes, while simultaneously ADDING Biden votes ALONE would qualify too.

Keep up the good work of demanding fair elections America!

And do not be deterred by a fraudulent group of posers (my opinion) that pretend to be objective media. Nor by Big tech who is willing to “Be Evil” by silencing voices they do not like.

. . . . Meanwhile, the opposing point of view.

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It’s what I’ve come to expect form the media. My trust in the media is pretty low anymore.
Okay, so Trump voters, the only Republican voters left, who’ve been conditioned by Trump for months to think the election is rigged, now are saying the election was rigged.

I’m not surprised.
The way I understand this is there are “allegations” (verbal accusations) of fraud.

What constitutes “proof”?
Wouldn’t that mean recounting the ballots?
How can a lawyer bring forth “proof”, if they don’t have access to the ballots?
Isn’t this circular logic?
I guess that depends on what kind of fraud is being alleged. I think if widespread fraud had actually occurred, these many lawsuits that the Trump campaign has lodged would have had legs instead of being dismissed, one by one, for lack of evidence. The system is working.
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See, this is where I’m really not sure.

I predicted that there would be calls for recounts after the election. No surprise there, but the issue would be settled…

With Election Day two weeks in the rear view mirror, I find it alarming that the idea of recounts are just simply being dismissed out of hand?
Claiming “no proof”?
The proof is the recount.

Also, if this had been an ordinary presidency, it would be easier to believe the press when they call a winner.

But this was no ordinary four years.
We watched the media lose its spit every day, all day, for any reason or for no reason.

So, they’ve rendered themselves very untrustworthy.

This is why there won’t be peace in this nation—there will always be the lingering doubt of “what really happened in the election”.
I agree with you that this was no ordinary president. I disagree it was the fault of the media.
But the point being, if they don’t allow recounts, there will always be a lingering doubt.

And I’m not sure this stressed and broken country can take much more.
But the point being, if they don’t allow recounts, there will always be a lingering doubt.
There are laws governing recounts. “I don’t like the result” is not one of the reasons. “My guy told me it would be rigged” isn’t a reason. It usually has to do with the margin between the candidates.
And Giuliani, that shyster was forced to admit in court, that there was no fraud! He had to admit, because otherwise he would have been disbarred. What a pathetic joke these “fraud” cases turned out to be… one after the other. (And Giuliani wants to get 20,000 dollars a DAY for his “services”.)
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The way I understand this is there are “allegations” (verbal accusations) of fraud.

What constitutes “proof”?
To get there I think we would first need an allegation of wrong doing based on something other that speculation and belief. From what I’ve seen, this has not happened.

One alleged action is dead people voting. But the lists of the alleged dead people appear to be a random list of names of people dead, and alive, where some of the people alive voted, some did not, but with no examples of dead people that have voted. The proof for this allegation would be finding people that are reported as dead that are accounted for in the results.

For the accusations of being denied access to the room, the judges have simply asked the plaintiff if they had people in the room. Buy the testimony of the plaintiff, they did. To move forward on this claim the plaintiff would need to be able to truthfully testify that access was unjustifiable denied.

There was the allegation from the postal worker that he heard that someone else said that someone at the post office said to back date envelopes. But the maximum number of envelopes that had an opportunity to be effected were in the single digits. The postal worker also does not claim that he heard any commands to back date
I’m only explaining why there will be lingering doubts.

You’re free to accept or reject this explanation.

In either case, we will all be living with the consequences, the the joke is on all of us.
Who is to say that even after recounting every vote some people will claim that Trump won? People believe whatever they want to believe. The claims of fraud have been baseless by all accounts and the state and local election officials have unanimously vouched for the integrity of the election - the fraud allegations are just made up nonsense intended to make Americans distrust their electoral process (sowing distrust in democracy).

Trump has never been a fan of democracy and he’s showing his true colors right here. Sadly he’s taking the Republican Party with him.
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I’m only explaining why there will be lingering doubts.
There will be. An allegation is sufficient to cause doubt. Doubts can also be invincible to evidence. I don’t think there is any proof that will dispel them entirely. But I think planting and nurturing doubt was the intent of many of these allegations and court cases. The URL for “Stop the Steal” was registered before the election even started.
And wasn’t Roger Stone in charge of that? I don’t know a lot about him but he seems to revel in dirty tricks by his own admission. They’re his modus operandi.
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PaulinVA . . .
Okay, so Trump voters, the only Republican voters left, who’ve been conditioned by Trump for months to think the election is rigged, now are saying the election was rigged.

I’m not surprised.

Okay, so Biden voters, the only Democrat voters left, who’ve been conditioned by the national left for months to think the election is not rigged, now are saying the election was not rigged.

I’m not surprised.
ThinkingSapien . . .
But the lists of the alleged dead people appear . . . but with no examples of dead people that have voted.
Thank you for that (name removed by moderator)ut ThinkingSapien!
But the point being, if they don’t allow recounts, there will always be a lingering doubt.
That doubt among Trump supporters will always be there. They will always believe that their man was robbed, I believe.

Plus, recounts are expensive and mostly are legal in races separated by on half of one percent of the vote. They delay many -faceted transition procedures in the chief executive’s office.
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