Meet the Press Sunday

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There were only two faithful Catholics (Priests) present at the discussion–the rest were more or less hostile to the faith. I feel that MNC and Russert was not seeking truth, they wanted to created sensationalism.
Mr. Cahill? Wow, did anyone else hear his litany against our church and Pope John Paul II? I can’t type fast enough. He blamed the priest scandal on immature psychologically deficient priests. Can anyone else help me in this? He said that the people need to elect the Bishops and the Popes.

There was a panel, and fortunately they do have an orthodox priest now in Rome. He is Rev. Joesph Fessio from Ave Maria University.
Russert in challenging him on contraception, married priests, condoms, and women priests.

Fr. Thomas Bouhlin from Opes Dei is speaking about the impact of Pope John Paul II, and how we will have more priests if we adhere to orthodox practices.
Fitz -

It is OK because First Things Editor Joseph Bottum SLAM DUNKED Cahill and exposed his fraudulent ideas. Obviously aware that Cahill would not get another chance to speak and that this would be his own last time on the show, Bottum spoke clearly in saying that Cahill and his like kind provide NO solutions - their ideas have been tried and failed. He then made the correct and closing statement that their theology all comes down to sex (in other words, wanting to make sexual deviancy theologically and morally appropriate).

This has been Cahill’s mantra for years. He attempts to use Scripture to support all kinds of ludicrous notions. He did it again on Sunday. He said that Jesus didn’t force the Samaritan woman to return to her first husband to be in communion with Him (implying that immorality should not exclude anyone from the Eucharist). That’s a leap greater than the Grand Canyon! Jesus also did not tell her to not jump off any bridges. And Cahill failed to mention the other passage in the same Gospel in an adjacent chapter where Jesus tells the man whom he healed from almost 40 years of crippled agony to not sin lest he brings even GREATER tribulation upon himself.

Bottum was right. Cahill is completely bankrupt of logical ideas, let alone theology. For Cahill, it all comes down to finding a way to justify immoral sex. I absolutely loved his response and will write him regarding.

What is very sad is my former pastor is a disciple of Cahill, using many of his key words, such as “certitude” and many 4 to 5 syallables to drop for the “appearing intelligent” factor. Their whole theme is we cannot be certain about anything. This, of course, is a bunch of bunk. Just saying you cannot be certain about anything is being certain that you cannot be certain. God’s revelation IS CERTAIN. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
If anything, I wouldn’t complain so much that Cahill was on the show considering that they obviously had two very good and orthodox priests. I’ll rejoice in and be thankful for that. Though I wish that they would have some faithful and articulate laymen commenting, also.
I’m not sure of the faith persuasion of Bottum but I thought he did a faboulous job. You are right. Having the 2 orthodox priests (one defened the faith better than the other) was a wonderful thing to see on the MSM. I loved it. Sister(who apparently wants to eliminate the priesthood altogether) , Cahill, and Mr. Newsweek Editor (why on earth was he on there?) were sweating - a beautiful sight.
Fr. Fessio choked on the question concerning married priests, women priests, condoms, birth control, etc. In his defense, he was the only one on the other side of the world, and I don’t know how many talk shows he has been on. His reply about the difficulty of answering the question came out condescending, but it was probably just a poor choice of rhetoric.

Nonetheless, it was a softball question, despite the false premise. Russert ended up offering an answer himself, asking if it was a matter of doctrine. I’m convinced Russert knew what answer to expect, and the point was to make it possible for Fr. Fessio to speak directly to those who do confuse these issues.
He hardly choked. He gave the proper answer firmly and without doubt. It was the only answer he could give. He actually had Russert spinning a bit.

I think Russert looked very angry that Father Fessio did not give him the quick response he wanted. People say Russert is one of the best, yet from my view he was merely setting up the faith in that discussion.
Cahill was there for one reason… Ratings… Russert knew he would garner more than just catholics if he had some anti-catholic person trying to pass himself off as someone who cares…

i only hope that russert was not the guy inviting him. I would like to think that russert is a catholic that gives a darn…

I think Russert looked very angry that Father Fessio did not give him the quick response he wanted. People say Russert is one of the best, yet from my view he was merely setting up the faith in that discussion.
He was. He was offended that Fessio wasn’t honored by the hour Meet the Press was dedicating to the Catholic Church and basically said as much.
Cahill was there for one reason… Ratings… Russert knew he would garner more than just catholics if he had some anti-catholic person trying to pass himself off as someone who cares…

i only hope that russert was not the guy inviting him. I would like to think that russert is a catholic that gives a darn…
Russert was brought up Catholic but I think he has lost his way. There were perfect teaching moments that he let slip away.
He was. He was offended that Fessio wasn’t honored by the hour Meet the Press was dedicating to the Catholic Church and basically said as much.
Fr Fessio took it to him and he didn’t like it.

I was a little dissappointment that the Opus Dei Priests did not help-out Father Fessio a bit more strongly. The two working together would have been formidable.

I was a little dissappointment that the Opus Dei Priests did not help-out Father Fessio a bit more strongly. The two working together would have been formidable.
I saw it the same way. I think he meant well but had a difficult time on defense, especially when Russert was trying to pin him into admitting that Church teaching changes. In charity, I’d have to say I’d have been feeling some pressure myself.
Fr Fessio took it to him and he didn’t like it.
No doubt. Between him and Fr. Neuhaus and Fr. Pavone in the past several weeks, I am loving this. Good, faithful, strong, orthodox priests telling it like it is. What examples for the young priests and seminarians.

I agree completely, I felt bad for the OD Priest because he was clearly out of his comfort zone. They needed to send someone that is used to this stuff, though Father Fessio seems to be battle ready.
I think the Nun didn’t want to publicly say she wanted women ordination or she would have been disciplined.

I agree completely, I felt bad for the OD Priest because he was clearly out of his comfort zone. They needed to send someone that is used to this stuff, though Father Fessio seems to be battle ready.
Wasn’t he sitting between Cahill and Sister? Talk about being out of your comfort zone! The poor man needed the prayers of all the saints behind him.
I think the Nun didn’t want to publicly say she wanted women ordination or she would have been disciplined.
That’s exactly what happened. They always stop just short. This actually made it worse. Because she couldn’t say she wanted women priests, she had to talk about lifting the laity up so they could administer the sacraments and be equal with the priests (translation - lose the priesthood altogether - this would also achieve the goal of women being equal with men in the Church).
I’m not sure of the faith persuasion of Bottum but I thought he did a faboulous job. You are right. Having the 2 orthodox priests (one defened the faith better than the other) was a wonderful thing to see on the MSM. I loved it. Sister(who apparently wants to eliminate the priesthood altogether) , Cahill, and Mr. Newsweek Editor (why on earth was he on there?) were sweating - a beautiful sight.
Go to this website if you want to know Joseph Bottum’s faith persuasion.
Go to this website if you want to know Joseph Bottum’s faith persuasion.
I subscribe to First Things. I know it has a heavy Catholic leaning with Fr. Neuhaus etc. but I also know there are Protestants and Jews on board as well. I’m just unsure of Bottum’s faith. Does it say on the website?
I think the Nun didn’t want to publicly say she wanted women ordination or she would have been disciplined.
I knew she was a nun as soon as I saw she didn’t have a habit. It’s sad really.
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