I’m just finished on that Baptist board…they are so closed in heart and mind to us so I think we just have to Pray really hard for them that someday they will open their hearts to the Truth.
Here is a link for you (the Christian Topic Message Board at the British Broadcasting Corporation):
I have not posted on that board for six months. Some of the posters were, in my opinion, well-intentioned and well-informed. There seemed, however, to be an organized cartel who consistently posted hate propaganda. No, it was not a question of mere differences in opinion. Nor was it a question of debate sometimes getting more rough than robust. It was a question of certain people starting from the premise of hate who then proceeded to post misleading lies and strawmen about Catholicism. Their methods of developing the discussion then included the following:
–ignore cogent Catholic responses which correct the original post either in fact or in argument or in reference or all of these;
–disingenuously misinterpret or equivocate on the wording of the Catholic responses;
–liberally lace their rhetoric with red herrings, non sequiturs, and phony references;
–spam the board with multiple troller-threads (wind-ups);
–post under multiple log-in names.
–if cornered by fact, logic, or valid reference, then resort to (a) tautologies and even (b) ad hominem slurs and name-calling; sometimes even defamatory or libellous misrepresentation of what certain Catholic posters have said.
I was pre-modded for posting the titles of the relevant U.K. statutes on hate propaganda. I appealed the ‘discipline’ by going to head office. There was a response from head office: the host started two threads on ‘robust debate’ as if to say that hate propaganda is only a form of robust debate. The moderators did, to their credit however, turn around and started pulling every single post I complained of.
But the cartel and the anti-Catholic hate campaign persisted. In my opinion, the BBC either didn’t know what to do about hate propaganda or some of its personnel tacitly agreed with its premises. In any case, since the BBC is publicly funded and has a world audience and world-wide credibility, I am wondering whether a few letters to our Cardinals might not turn this situation around. Or perhaps there is an office in the Church which deals with anti-Catholic hate propaganda. Does anyone know?
Bottom line: I am burned out. I have withdrawn from all message boards except this one. In particular, I will not return to Protestant boards in the near future. Even some of the apologetics on this board between Catholics and Protestants devolve, in my opinion, to the level of the ridiculous. It would be one thing, if certain Protestants maintained reason and good faith in their arguments. I am fine with that. I am good with agreeing to to disagree. However, many of them use the methods outlined above. Makes one wonder if they learn this methodology from a common source.