message board cutting down Catholics

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:confused: Was this OK to say?

Someone: Must you receive the 7 Sacraments to be saved?

Me: No, only to die in God’s grace. The Sacraments are the usual means of that Grace.

Someone: Is someone who proclaims faith in Christ but doesn’t do these things saved?

Me: They can be saved. God does not restrict his love to the Sacraments, though they are the usual means of his Grace.

I’m worried I watered it down too much! 😦
Ok, I’ve sent out the word on several more wonderful Catholic message boards so hopefully I can get us even more help and I’ve asked all of them to pass on the word, there is victory in BIG numbers, or I sure hope there is 😃
I think that was ok roman rite teen, keep it up, don’t let them see you falter 👍
kamz said:

if any of you are interested in defending the Catholic faith this message board I found is so confused about Catholics that it simply sickens me, they are saying that Catholics worship the Pope, Mary, dead people, the saints, rosary beads and that we are all doomed.
in particular one messager named grahame feels it is his duty to save the Catholics or their souls will be lost :confused:
Just wanted all the Catholics who want to defend our faith know about this, its sad how really confused these people are about us. 😦

I can’t get an account set-up with that forum, oh well, probably just as well for them I can’t log on to it.
Really? I had no trouble :confused:
It won’t accept my username, so I changed it like it said about 150 times, but still it pops up, " That user name is already in use"

I’m not that bothered as those sites only make my blood boil.
If they want to debate, let them get on here.
Ok, I’ve sent out the word on several more wonderful Catholic message boards so hopefully I can get us even more help and I’ve asked all of them to pass on the word, there is victory in BIG numbers, or I sure hope there is 😃
Can you provide the links to other Catholic message boards? This is the only CATHOLIC board that I’ve come across.
Bump, again. Things seem a bit more hopeful on the Is the Catholic Church a Christian Church? (NT) thread. :cool:

Sir Knight,
this is a board that is good, I just signed up and they seem good, I hope so anyways, I found the site at
Come on over and take a look and let me know what you think, ok?
thanks for all your help Black Knight, I’m just finished on that Baptist board, I’ve asked so many friends to help and they have and I appreciate their fight, they (the Baptists) don’t want to hear us, they are so closed in heart and mind to us so I think we just have to Pray really hard for them that someday they will open their hearts to the Truth.
thanks again everyone. 👍
I’m just finished on that Baptist board…they are so closed in heart and mind to us so I think we just have to Pray really hard for them that someday they will open their hearts to the Truth.

Here is a link for you (the Christian Topic Message Board at the British Broadcasting Corporation):

I have not posted on that board for six months. Some of the posters were, in my opinion, well-intentioned and well-informed. There seemed, however, to be an organized cartel who consistently posted hate propaganda. No, it was not a question of mere differences in opinion. Nor was it a question of debate sometimes getting more rough than robust. It was a question of certain people starting from the premise of hate who then proceeded to post misleading lies and strawmen about Catholicism. Their methods of developing the discussion then included the following:

–ignore cogent Catholic responses which correct the original post either in fact or in argument or in reference or all of these;

–disingenuously misinterpret or equivocate on the wording of the Catholic responses;

–liberally lace their rhetoric with red herrings, non sequiturs, and phony references;

–spam the board with multiple troller-threads (wind-ups);

–post under multiple log-in names.

–if cornered by fact, logic, or valid reference, then resort to (a) tautologies and even (b) ad hominem slurs and name-calling; sometimes even defamatory or libellous misrepresentation of what certain Catholic posters have said.

I was pre-modded for posting the titles of the relevant U.K. statutes on hate propaganda. I appealed the ‘discipline’ by going to head office. There was a response from head office: the host started two threads on ‘robust debate’ as if to say that hate propaganda is only a form of robust debate. The moderators did, to their credit however, turn around and started pulling every single post I complained of.

But the cartel and the anti-Catholic hate campaign persisted. In my opinion, the BBC either didn’t know what to do about hate propaganda or some of its personnel tacitly agreed with its premises. In any case, since the BBC is publicly funded and has a world audience and world-wide credibility, I am wondering whether a few letters to our Cardinals might not turn this situation around. Or perhaps there is an office in the Church which deals with anti-Catholic hate propaganda. Does anyone know?

Bottom line: I am burned out. I have withdrawn from all message boards except this one. In particular, I will not return to Protestant boards in the near future. Even some of the apologetics on this board between Catholics and Protestants devolve, in my opinion, to the level of the ridiculous. It would be one thing, if certain Protestants maintained reason and good faith in their arguments. I am fine with that. I am good with agreeing to to disagree. However, many of them use the methods outlined above. Makes one wonder if they learn this methodology from a common source.
RomanRiteTeen said:
:confused: Was this OK to say?

Someone: Must you receive the 7 Sacraments to be saved?

Me: No, only to die in God’s grace. The Sacraments are the usual means of that Grace.

:rotfl: Gotta luv it! So cute, such a Baptist question. The seven sacraments:

Baptism, Confirmation, Absolution, the Eucharist, Ordination, Matrimony, Extreme Unction

Obviously women cannot be priests and everyone does not get married. Whoops! If all 7 Sacraments are necessary for salvation, then women cannot be saved period because they cannot be ordained! Moreover, if some ‘poor’ souls cannot find husbands or wives, then neither are they saved! Although theoretically, I suppose they can be saved if they get married. But theory doesn’t get us into Heaven.

Someone: Is someone who proclaims faith in Christ but doesn’t do these things saved?

Me: They can be saved. God does not restrict his love to the Sacraments, though they are the usual means of his Grace.
Salvation for Catholics is about Baptism primarily but also about Confirmation and Absolution. They will try to seduce you into a Once Saved, Only Saved position. The simplest argument against this is Adam and Eve: they fell away from the grace which they already had; and they did this by virtue of their own sin.

The links I am giving you start off with objections. Your source will be the answers to the objections.

Be careful about getting sucked in by Protestants into their limited definition of Baptism. Catholics provide for three kinds of Baptism: Water, Blood, Desire. Now some Protestants insist that the water baptism must be total immersion. Some Protestants insist that, because repentance must precede baptism, that infants cannot be baptised (because they supposedly are not yet rational)

On Blood (martyrdom) and Desire (which includes consideration of invincible ignorance):

Invincible Ignorance:

I’m worried I watered it down too much! 😦
Sometimes it may be profitable to argue ideas with Protestants. But rarely. It is best to show them – not Scripture which is something which they believe they have in abundance, something they have courtesy of the Catholic Church, and something which they have no scruples about changing – but show them what they don’t have: exactly what is the Magisterium; exactly what is the Authoritative Teaching of the Church; and exactly what is the One Church established by Christ.

Their source is Sola Scriptura. The Bible taken outside the interpretive context of the Church is about ideas. It is not about direct, transformative experience. It is not about direct creative interpersonal response. It is not about community. Because the Protestant source is Sola Scriptura, their experience is, by definition, second-hand.

The deposit of faith was not made to Scripture. The deposit of faith was made to the Church. Yes, we can concede that many of the texts which are now in the Bible were around between the time of Christ’s death and the biblical councils. Nevertheless this time numbered in the hundreds of years! If Jesus said he would never abandon his people and there was no Bible, then something, someone had to be guiding Christians. What that was, who that was: obviously it was the Church.

I don’t have time to look up the cites right now but you can get the proof from reading through the tracts at

under the heading** Library**.

The point I am trying to make is that arguing ideas with a Protestant is fruitless. They won’t admit to a reality greater than ideas. They won’t admit to a truth greater than ideas. Remember that Jesus did not say He has the truth, or knows that truth; He said He is the truth. (Jn 14:6) It is important to hold up the lamp of truth. That truth is limited by taking a Scripture-only position. We are not ideas. We are persons as Jesus is a Person. Truth is personal in nature and transformative in function. Not ideological in nature and informative in function, as Protestants desperately insist.

Eeeewwwooo. Gag. :eek: That website has made me nauseous. Literally.

So far I have read some defences by mtr01, mclaurin, and Mary. Forgive me if I have omitted some other names. I have only just begun reading the Baptist website. Mary’s response distinguishing between works of faith and works of law is the first response I have ever copied to file. Brilliant! And not to underrate the response of you others. You all have been going a great job. :clapping:

I just can’t join you right now. I start reading that defamatory and hateful drivel and I begin not to be able to see the letters on the screen. Do you notice the hate? Do you notice the sense of entitlement which they bring to bear on using highly rhetorical condemnations? One guy says ‘pathetic’ and thinks that term is appropriate to discussion. How can they justify being so rude and derisive? :crying:

The tree is known by its fruit. Do you notice how defensive and enraged they get when you quote this to them? But look at the fruit of the reformation: One poster pointed out Luther’s raging anti-Seminitism. The derisive language used by these 21st C ‘reformers’ is another fruit of the tree of ignorance and hatred. The vehemence with which they insist that only Scripture be used is another fruit of the tree of ignorance and hatred.

Perhaps we should ask them where in the Bible it says ‘Love thy neighbour except if thy neighbour is Catholic.’ Oh, and pity the Catholic who dares mention the proliferation of strip-mall churches started by ‘new branches’ of the Christian church. The Christian church does not produce these branches. These branches burst forth from a different tree than the Christian church. (And by that I do not bring to bear the no-salvation-outside-the-church silliness. Although it is certainly tempting… :hmmm: )

I will lurk for a while. But I am truly sorry, I simply cannot stomach any more persecution. :banghead: I haven’t given up, but I am pondering on a wiser response to Protestantism than to limit myself to their disingenuous questions and their even more disingenuous answers. Prayer. I might try prayer. :gopray2:
I just was lurking myself, it makes me sick, now some ex clergy is backing up that Catholics are not christians, um, like he doesn’t have a huge bone to pick with Catholics, great. :mad:
Just checked that board out. :eek: Talk about an eye opener. As a fairly new convert (3 yrs.) I never realized the extent to which some people dislike catholics. I really am surprised.

I just was lurking myself, it makes me sick, now some ex clergy is backing up that Catholics are not christians, um, like he doesn’t have a huge bone to pick with Catholics, great. :mad:
Is this on the same board kamz?If so I would PM Ces our priest that posts alot here and request his intervention.God Bless
PMces where are you?Go get em’
now some ex clergy is backing up that Catholics are not christians, um, like he doesn’t have a huge bone to pick with Catholics, great. :mad:
What is the exact link? Ex clergy meaning ex priest? I find it so exceptionally incredible that an ex priest would make such claims that I am readily persuaded that the claim to be an ex priest by the poster in question is nothing more than a sham. :nope: And if it is…

…then surely the Church would have something to say about someone posing to be a priest. :ehh:

So annoying. Do these people not have lives? :yawn: I have often thought to myself that people join these fundamentalist churches not to examine their own failings and to come to peace with God but to join a pack of predators whose only purpose seems to be to destroy the well-being and reputations of those not in their own immediate pack. :bigyikes:

It always seems to be about someone else and never about themselves. How many homilies do you remember in the Catholic church condemning fundamental churches? None. Now look at the fundamental churches. Everytime I accidentally tune into a fundamentalist tv program, they are either implicity or explicitly condemning someone else and often that someone else is the Catholic Church. It is such ignorant behaviour.

Uh yes…the mote in thy neighbour’s eye, the log in thine own? Hello? :rolleyes:
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