Michael Moore helps out shelter just by posting article on his website

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Just thought I would post this little tid bit… I was reading Michael Moore’s website as I usually do everyday and somehow I missed this article when it originally posted. But I thought it was really touching! He posted the first part about an animal shelter that was down to it’s last 3weeks worth of food for all of the animals:( . Then he just posted the update today… after everyone read this article there was such an out pouring of charity from all kinds of people that the shelter ended up with over 14 tons of food:clapping: :bigyikes: :dancing: .

here is the link …

then scrool down to were it says other news and you will see a picture of a dog and words in red that say “running out of food” that is were the articles are posted. You can ignore everything else. I just wanted everyone to see this really heartfelt story.:blessyou:

p.s. and the picture of the dog is such a sad picture.
Just thought I would post this little tid bit… I was reading Michael Moore’s website as I usually do everyday .
You read Michael Moore’s website everyday??? Why?
You read Michael Moore’s website everyday??? Why?
Well, as I know I will be torn to pieces for this I will only give a brief explaination for this. I just feel that sometimes he does post somethings from the AP news that my local nes or even national news filters out! I don’t think he is all that bad of a person! He is only trying to bring to our attention things that others won’t. And if some of us don’t think what he says is true they don’t have to agree! I for one like what he has to say! I think that he stands for those of us who at times don’t ever really get the chance to be heard! Does that make any sense? I hope it does! Sometimes I know what I am thinking, but can’t quite express it in writing the way I would like it to sound! But really the story is a really good feeling story!!👍

I also wanted to tell you that I clicked on your link and I really like that site! I should be getting a dog tag now! Thanks for that link!!👍
Well, as I know I will be torn to pieces for this I will only give a brief explaination for this. I just feel that sometimes he does post somethings from the AP news that my local nes or even national news filters out! I don’t think he is all that bad of a person! He is only trying to bring to our attention things that others won’t. And if some of us don’t think what he says is true they don’t have to agree! I for one like what he has to say! I think that he stands for those of us who at times don’t ever really get the chance to be heard! Does that make any sense? I hope it does! Sometimes I know what I am thinking, but can’t quite express it in writing the way I would like it to sound! But really the story is a really good feeling story!!
He’s pretty anti-Catholic you know.

From what little I know of the man, he, like many on the right as well, is mostly interested in himself and what he can get out of an issue to advance his own self image. I really disliked that fact that he insisted on being paid $35,000 a speech for campaigning for the Democratic presidential candidate. He just smells wrong to me, sorry.

I also don’t think Catholics should be supporting an anti-Catholic

I also wanted to tell you that I clicked on your link and I really like that site! I should be getting a dog tag now! Thanks for that link!!
He’s pretty anti-Catholic you know.
Well, I don’t really read what he writes for his religious points of view! Mostly what is posted on his site are articles from the AP wire from cnn, nbc, msnbc, and many others I can’t even remember etc. etc. etc. And then when he does have something that is his opinion he rarely interjects religion! And if religion is a part of that subject at that time then I may not agree with that topic at that time, but I don’t always agree with everything everyone says no matter who they are. I’m nt saying you are wrong, but he is a catholic himself even if he does have his own very outspoken opinions! I don’t know maybe he doesn’t go to catholic church anymore, but I do know that he is catholic! Oh, I did go to see him speak at a local college about a month before the elections this past year. And I will say he is a very good speaker!👋
Oh, I did go to see him speak at a local college about a month before the elections this past year. And I will say he is a very good speaker!
Well, did you know he was getting paid $35,000 for the speech? Remember Hitler and Gobbels were great speakers too.

I joined a program about 6 months ago called “mysoldier” and I became a pen pal with a soldier over seas. We write letters and I send him care packages. It was the least I could do! Both of my grandfathers were in world war II and they never talked about it. We never found out until they died that they were actually on the ? beach. (forgive me I can’t remember the name of the beach now:o ) But I kinda like doing this in their memory! Someday these soldiers will be someone else’s grandfathers and I would like for them to be able to say that someone cared enough to write them and send them the things they needed.
I joined a program about 6 months ago called “mysoldier” and I became a pen pal with a soldier over seas. We write letters and I send him care packages. It was the least I could do! Both of my grandfathers were in world war II and they never talked about it. We never found out until they died that they were actually on the ? beach. (forgive me I can’t remember the name of the beach now:o ) But I kinda like doing this in their memory! Someday these soldiers will be someone else’s grandfathers and I would like for them to be able to say that someone cared enough to write them and send them the things they needed.
Very cool!
Well, did you know he was getting paid $35,000 for the speech? Remember Hitler and Gobbels were great speakers too.
I don’t really know what to say about the money, but I do see your point about the speakers! But at least for now I don’t really see him trying to start any kind of world war III, his own government, or any kind of slacker run society! (the slacker would be too unreliable they would never show up on time to take over the world:D )
I don’t really know what to say about the money, but I do see your point about the speakers! But at least for now I don’t really see him trying to start any kind of world war III, his own government, or any kind of slacker run society! (the slacker would be too unreliable they would never show up on time to take over the world )
Don’t be fooled, both Michael Moore and George Soros were trying to start their own government by being the people behind the thrown of the Democratic candidate last year. Just as much as Gobbels (yes, I think Moore is in the same league… which Moore probably would take as a complement) was part of Hitler’s government.

Moore, at least, I think, still is in favor of representative government. I am not so sure with Soros.

Both are pro-legalizing drugs. In fact I don’t know what else Soros really believes in. Legalizing drugs is the passion of his life. Especially legalizing pot. Which will create a slacker society faster than anything I can think of.
Don’t be fooled, both Michael Moore and George Soros were trying to start their own government by being the people behind the thrown of the Democratic candidate last year. Just as much as Gobbels (yes, I think Moore is in the same league… which Moore probably would take as a complement) was part of Hitler’s government.

Moore, at least, I think, still is in favor of representative government. I am not so sure with Soros.
Yeah, I see what you’re saying! I have said to others before (my best friend and I are at the opposite end of the political spectrum) that we can never pick the best politician! There just isn’t one! We are basically picking the better of the two evils! And really to be a politician no matter who you are you can pretty much say that you have lied, cheated, stolen etc. etc. etc. I really don’t believe that there is one out there that isn’t corrupted! And as for Moore, well, maybe he is and maybe he isn’t, but, you are right he was standing behind a candidate. But I do like how his posts on his site aren’t his opinions (most of the time) the news parts are from other sources! So no one can say that he said it! Only that he posted it! I don’t know who is right or wrong, but I do feel that my news is filtered! And I do get to see from his site and many others (even just regular news websites) what I would have never seen had it not been for these other sites informing me of what was going on!👋

I don’t know about the legalizing of pot! There is already many drugs out there that people need and many other people abuse and are considered controled substances! And these other drugs that are legal but need prescriptions I believe would be so much worse than pot! (even though I have never tried pot) But I have and still am on drugs for medical reasons that are highly controlled and are extreamly sought after on the street (have a high street value$$$)!! I have had to make sure to have lots of paper work from physicians, pharmacists, and my prescription bottles on hand when getting drug tested for work because of all of this. Believe me I don’t really think that pot is the biggest part of our worries right now!
Animal Luvr,

You seem reasonable, you might be interested in this article:

Last November, as John Kerry conceded and President Bush declared his second presidential victory — both graciously and in a spirit of unity (to the extent that is possible after two years of contentious campaigning) — Michael Moore did what a sore loser does: He displayed a collage of dead soldiers on his Web site, their faces collectively forming an image of President Bush.

Each election season typically includes its own share of ugliness, yet such low blows sting all the more during wartime, particularly when U.S. troops become a sparring point.

Moore’s collage sadly represents what he does best: He peddles images that make his political points, inconven-ient realities be damned. He’s unconcerned with fair debates over why we’re deployed where we are: The mythology of his election season movie, “Fahrenheit 9/ññ,” has been well chronicled.

Thankfully, Byron York’s new book, “The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy” (Crown Forum) has just put what should be the last nail in Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11” coffin. In it, the National Review White House Correspondent explains that the movie didn’t even do as well as Moore claimed it did: “Every single state that Bush won in 2000, it was the number-one film in it,” was the grandstander’s contention. Think again. Try: It did very well in blue states and in Canada — in other words, the performance one might have expected from an anti-war movie, the hopes of the Democratic National Committee to the contrary. -snip-

(Excerpt) Read more at seattletimes.nwsource.com
animalluvr, if you really want the news that you won’t hear on the MSM, why not get it from lifenews.com, CWNews.com, catholicexchange.com or any of the other Catholic news sources out there? Moore might post stuff from other sources, but believe me it is carefully selected to portray what he wants you to see. Just a leftist filter. I wouldn’t trust Michael Moore as far as I could throw him and that’s not far considering I probably wouldn’t even have the stomach to touch him!
By the way, I’m just curious, did he have a picture of starving Terri Schaivo on his website as well, with pleas to help her? That might help cause me to change my mind about him.
Well, as I know I will be torn to pieces for this I will only give a brief explaination for this. I just feel that sometimes he does post somethings from the AP news that my local nes or even national news filters out! I don’t think he is all that bad of a person! He is only trying to bring to our attention things that others won’t. And if some of us don’t think what he says is true they don’t have to agree! I for one like what he has to say! I think that he stands for those of us who at times don’t ever really get the chance to be heard! Does that make any sense? I hope it does! Sometimes I know what I am thinking, but can’t quite express it in writing the way I would like it to sound! But really the story is a really good feeling story!!👍
He posted the first part about an animal shelter that was down to it’s last 3weeks worth of food for all of the animals

Big deal. With all that money that fat butt moron makes he could have supplied more than 3 wks worth, or maybe given money to some children in foster care.
By the way, I’m just curious, did he have a picture of starving Terri Schaivo on his website as well, with pleas to help her? That might help cause me to change my mind about him.
This was the perfect answer to someone that admires this poor misguided soul. 👍
By the way, I’m just curious, did he have a picture of starving Terri Schiavo on his website as well, with pleas to help her? That might help cause me to change my mind about him.
Okay, obviously from my name I am an animal lover so that is part of the reason I posted what I did. I also wanted to show that maybe Moore isn’t quite as horrible as you may think he is! And how did Terri Schiavo get into this discussion. A starving dog in no way compares to the severity of a humanbeing being starved on purpose. I can’t believe that would even come to mind when you see this being posted. The only thing I wanted this to do was to lift some spirits of a few people. How or why some of you are making this more than it is, is beyond me!

And if it is really that important to you yes Moore was posting articles about Schiavo at the time. And I don’t think he really agreed with what was going on. Now understand that if I post a link to a such article you will read others that you may not agree with. I am only concered with what we are discussing here, not what the other articles are about. It is under the heading Gearge Bless America


Please understand this was only to make others feel good that is all. Not to be taken out of context as it was. (and how do you personnally know for a fact that he didn’t donate money himself to the shelter or that he dosen’t help foster children or other needy kids, you just don’t know what is in other people’s hearts, only God does)
Animal Luvr,

You seem reasonable, you might be interested in this article:

Last November, as John Kerry conceded and President Bush declared his second presidential victory — both graciously and in a spirit of unity (to the extent that is possible after two years of contentious campaigning) — Michael Moore did what a sore loser does: He displayed a collage of dead soldiers on his Web site, their faces collectively forming an image of President Bush.

Each election season typically includes its own share of ugliness, yet such low blows sting all the more during wartime, particularly when U.S. troops become a sparring point.

Moore’s collage sadly represents what he does best: He peddles images that make his political points, inconven-ient realities be damned. He’s unconcerned with fair debates over why we’re deployed where we are: The mythology of his election season movie, “Fahrenheit 9/ññ,” has been well chronicled.

Thankfully, Byron York’s new book, “The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy” (Crown Forum) has just put what should be the last nail in Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11” coffin. In it, the National Review White House Correspondent explains that the movie didn’t even do as well as Moore claimed it did: “Every single state that Bush won in 2000, it was the number-one film in it,” was the grandstander’s contention. Think again. Try: It did very well in blue states and in Canada — in other words, the performance one might have expected from an anti-war movie, the hopes of the Democratic National Committee to the contrary. -snip-

(Excerpt) Read more at seattletimes.nwsource.com
I am reasonable, and thank you for noticing! Why doesn’t anyone else think this way? I can understand why this would bother people. But I have also seen some people who have lost some of their loved ones who were honored to have their loved ones in that collage. It can go both ways! It really just all depends on which end you are looking at it from!! But I do see your point. Really I can see it from both points of view.
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