I am a bit perplexed by that as well. I know passing a law that says your costs go up when you hire your 50th employee is not good for business. I know higher tax rates are not good for business. I know regulations that make energy cost more is not good for business. I think the key metric that exposes it is the workforce participation rate, which is at a 36 year low. Certainly seems like companies are doing fine with fewer workers…and…for the first time in history business closures outnumber new business start ups.For all his supposed anti-business policies, it certainly doesn’t show up in the economic data, since corporate profits are at record levels and they grew much faster under Obama than they did under Bush. So it does raise the question, which is better: is it better to have a supposed pro-business president with mediocre results or a supposed anti-business president with good results?
I also think the QE policy of the Fed is propping up the stock market.
Seems to me the corporations are doing good in spite of Obama, not because of Obama.