Miracles Do Happen

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Have you personally ever experienced or witnessed what you consider to be a miracle. It would be great to share it with us! :rolleyes:
A lot of seeing miracles is trusting in God and observing how things work on.

I recognize many small miracles each day that God has done in my life and lives around me.

Seek and you will find. 🙂
A lot of seeing miracles is trusting in God and observing how things work on.

I recognize many small miracles each day that God has done in my life and lives around me.

Seek and you will find. 🙂

My greatest miracle was the birth of my two beautiful girls …!!!
Long story, short…I lost my great-grandmother’s wedding ring. I realize that there are SO many other problems in the world that are FAR worse than this, yet I was devasted by the loss. I prayed and prayed that I would find it. After a couple of days of intense prayer, I realized that it would take a miracle to get the ring back, as I had looked everywhere it could possibly be. I started praying for a miracle. Day 5 was a Friday and I attended morning Mass and the Holy Hour that follows. Again, my prayer was for a miracle…if that be God’s will. I went home and started to clean out my van in preparation for a weekend trip. I was stunned when I found the ring, lying on the back seat as if God had found it wherever it was and placed it there where I would find it. (I must add that I had already scoured the van earlier in the week.) I cried and praised God. It was a powerful, personal “love note” from Our Lord.

I have experienced lots of miracles since I came to the church. I’ll tell you a story of one that is an ordinary example of the grace of God working through St. Anthony.
At the beinning of the school year, one of my friends lost her keys, and she was a Resident Assistant…which means she had a lot of important keys!
She was really freaked out. We looked in every probable and improbable spot there was, the whole time I was praying to St. Anthony. The thing is, she isn’t Catholic, so she doesn’t believe in prayer to the saints. She ended up giong out to her truck, and in the most improbable of improbable places, she found her keys in this pouch on the inside of the door. Basically, the only way the keys could have made it there was if she had intentionally put them there. The other twist is that she hadn’t been in her truck for a couple days, and her keys were with her at other times.
I attribute this to God through the intercession of St. Anthony, as I am confident that our Lord miraculasouly put her keys in a place where they could be found.
I haven’t told her about how I prayed to St. Anthony. She was confused about how the keys made it there, but she hasn’t thought anything else of it.
Now isn’t that kinda cool?
God Bless,

I have experienced lots of miracles since I came to the church. I’ll tell you a story of one that is an ordinary example of the grace of God working through St. Anthony.
At the beinning of the school year, one of my friends lost her keys, and she was a Resident Assistant…which means she had a lot of important keys!
She was really freaked out. We looked in every probable and improbable spot there was, the whole time I was praying to St. Anthony. The thing is, she isn’t Catholic, so she doesn’t believe in prayer to the saints. She ended up giong out to her truck, and in the most improbable of improbable places, she found her keys in this pouch on the inside of the door. Basically, the only way the keys could have made it there was if she had intentionally put them there. The other twist is that she hadn’t been in her truck for a couple days, and her keys were with her at other times.
I attribute this to God through the intercession of St. Anthony, as I am confident that our Lord miraculasouly put her keys in a place where they could be found.
I haven’t told her about how I prayed to St. Anthony. She was confused about how the keys made it there, but she hasn’t thought anything else of it.
Now isn’t that kinda cool?
God Bless,

AWESOME! 👍 :clapping:
Have you personally ever experienced or witnessed what you consider to be a miracle. It would be great to share it with us! :rolleyes:
Yes - my three daughters and five grand children. What greater miracle than the birth of a child.

However, since I know you mean something else -

I was stuck in a donut shop in Pittsbugh at midnight with the wife and children of a close friend, while he went to Indiana ¶ in a tow-truck to take his car home and pick up his spare car. He would then come and get us and take us back to Indiana. I would then get my luggage, and he would then take me to the airport in Pittsburgh. Total time (about 1 1/2 - 2 hours each way) between six and eight hours. I had to be at the airport in 5 hours.

Impossible (at least to me it was). To make a long story short, after praying and giving my situation into God’s hands, my friend’s wife and children and I were able to get to Indiana even before my friend - meet him there, and I got to the airport in less than four hours.

The full version will soon be found at catholicmoca.com
Actually so many of them it is hard to recount them all. The birth of my children of course is number one on the list. The Miracle of Life.

But I have been graced with many throughout my life. I don’t know why so many but I am forever grateful.The first big one I remember was when I was eight years old. I saw my guardian angel,actually 4 angels surrounding my bed. I was supposedly dying according to the doctors. By all accounts of the doctor and medical personnel, I was unconscious and fading from this life. I could hear them talking and my parents crying but I clearly remember also saying the “Guardian Angel prayer” and seeing four angels surrounding me at each corner of my bed. When I said the part ,“If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take,” I woke up and began to get well rather rapidly. It surprised everyone at how quickly the crisis passed.

Five years ago my son was dying from a car accident. The doctors were fighting to save him. Even if he survived he would according to them be paralyzed as he had the worst form of a broken neck (the Hangmans break). After hours and hours the doctors where giving up the battle and asked us to prepare for the worst.

I prayed for Gods Will and the strength to bear it. My only request was that God allow Our Lady to hold my son’s broken body, just as she held Jesus when they took his body from the cross, so that my son would not be afraid. I could not hold him in his last moments due to all the machines and apparatus they had him in. That was all I that I asked of God. I gave my son back to Him as I knew my son was His child even more so than mine. My son was instantly healed to the doctors amazement and they could not believe their eyes. My son was released the same day and back to work two days later with no further problems.

My grandaughter was miraculous cured of cancer just this past winter also. I know I am no one special, but God has been faithful to us in so many mysterious ways I can hardly recount them all. Even in the midst of tragedy and loss, when God chose to allow the death of one of our loved ones or financial hardships, God has been there for us and His mercy overcomes all things.
Actually so many of them it is hard to recount them all. The birth of my children of course is number one on the list. The Miracle of Life.
Hi Marie:

I am crying while I am typing this … how blessed you have been … oh my word. ❤️

I just can’t feel happy enough to hear about such wonderful experiences … thank you so much for sharing that with us :coffee: … how wonderful … and it makes me so happy (even though I am crying) :eek:
I should have voted differently (I voted instead of reading the posts first).
I originally put down I HOPE SO!
Now I realize and I am a miracle because God DIdn’t Have to Create Me BUT HE DID!
I have survived 3 hospital visits in my 43 years that could have ended my life. (Birth-premature, pneumonia at age 1, & an appendix that burst shy of my 18th birthday). :eek: I could have die, but God had/has another plan for me.
If that isn’t a personal miracle, when what is? :cool:

I should have voted differently (I voted instead of reading the posts first).
I originally put down I HOPE SO!
Now I realize and I am a miracle because God DIdn’t Have to Create Me BUT HE DID!
I have survived 3 hospital visits in my 43 years that could have ended my life. (Birth-premature, pneumonia at age 1, & an appendix that burst shy of my 18th birthday). :eek: I could have die, but God had/has another plan for me.
If that isn’t a personal miracle, when what is? :cool:

Einstein said, “There are two ways to look at life. As if everything is a miracle or as if nothing is.”

I belong to the everything is group. My experiences are too personal to share, but God works miracles every day in my life. 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing … and if ever … please, if you feel comfortable, send me a private message … I would love to hear about it … if not … thanks for posting!

This may only be a very minor one - feel free to laugh:p !!A few years ago I adopted an adult cat from a rescue shelter. I’d had her about six months when she disappeared one Sunday afternoon. Like most New Zealand cats, she is an indoor/outdoor cat so presumably she just wandered off. I hunted everywhere, advertised in the paper, did letter-box drops, offered a big reward. It was in July - the depths of winter here, and my city, Christchurch, has very cold winters. I was distraught, but I prayed and asked prayers from the local Carmelite community that I am very close to. A week went by. I was of course praying to St. Anthony. One of the Carmelite nuns said to me “I know you are praying to St Anthony, but I presume you haven’t forgotten that he expects you to give some money to the missions as well?”
I happened to have a request for donations from Caritas New Zealand (they help mainly in the South Pacific) on my table but hadn’t got around to sending any money. So I wrote a cheque for the amount of the reward I was offering for the finding of my cat. I posted it on my way to Mass. When I got home, there was my cat, miaowing loudly on the front porch! None the worse for wear, just a little hungry …!
So, if St Anthony isn’t helping, you know what to do!!

A Te numquam separari permittas - never let me be separated from You
I have experienced many minor miracles and signs that are of significance to me. Catholics are, however, especially priveleged to witness the great miracle of the consecration at mass, and are then extended the privelege of receiving the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus in communion as food for the journey.

It doesn’t get any more miraculous than that.

My family has a tradition of asking for a sign if confronted with an important and difficult decision which has no clear answer. The requested sign has always been a loaf of bread given to us as a gift. If the loaf of bread has been received before a week has passed the answer is yes. If not the answer is no. This request for a sign has been used at least five times by my family members over my life time. My family members have never been offered a loaf of bread as a gift except in response to a prayer request.
My mother is a hopeless alcoholic. I prayed for a conversion of her hard heart and for her to overcome her addictions… Nothing happened. Then I prayed a novena rosary and offered the same for my intention. The next weekend, I was visiting my mom and I told her that I wanted her to stop drinking (this would normally get me thrown out of her house and banished until Thanksgiving or Christmas). She said that for some reason she had been thinking the same thing lately and she asked if I would let her come to my house until she dried out. She did and she did. and this lasted for nearly a year, then she got sick and began drinking again. If you would know my mom you would understand how significant this story is. She has been drunk by noon every day for the last 20 years. I am 45 years old and I still can’t talk to her about it, but, through prayer and the strength of the Holy Spirit, I was able to talk to her about her condition and she responded in a positive way. It may not have lasted forever, but it was a miracle that it ever happened at all. It might be time to get that old rosary out again!!!
I could write on numerous miracles, but have narrowed it down to my favourite:

I was in a terrible car accident a couple of years ago. I was 5 mo pregnant. I should have been killed, but – Praise God! – my seatbelt “unsnapped” (huh? thanks God for that favour!) and I was thrown to the passenger side of the car. This saved my life, as there was no room for me on the driver’s side when it was all said and done. I only suffered a punctured lung and several broken bones (including my pelvis – way no fun when pg!). Praise God, my baby was born totally healthy, none the worse for wear, and I have recovered almost 100%! My angel was watching over me that day!

This bridge in the Rich Mullins song “Hard” was playing at the time I got hit:

Well His eye’s on the sparrow
And the lilies of the field I’ve heard
And He will watch over you and He will watch over me
So we can dress like flowers and eat like birds

And now everytime I hear it, I think God for watching over me and seeing to it that my two boys will be raised by their mama because of His Infinite Mercy.

(To me, this way beats the miracles of the sun, rosary links turning gold, and that stuff. I got the gift of LIFE!)


In my mind I have. In 1993 my wife survived brain surgery. In 1999 I survived prostate cancer. In 2002, my wife survived ovarian surgery that was thought to be cancer. Right now I’m recovering from a broken hip, which could have been much worse. I think we all have little personal miracles that happen to us all the time. Some time we aren’t aware of them happening. Thank God for the small miracles in our lives.
This may only be a very minor one - feel free to laugh:p
Not minor really. It shows God has a sense of humor to me.
It reminds me of a similar God incident cat story I experienced a few years ago.

A friend of ours had a cat they dearly loved but the cat did have a bad habit of wandering off from time to time. They lived on a large acreage and Scruffy the cat enjoyed the usual farm cat trait of hunting field mice etc. One night the cat disappeared but after three days Mary became concerned it was not coming back. It had never stayed away for more than a day. Their children and all the neighbor children joined in the search.

We scoured all the country roads as best we could for a several hours to no avail. By this time all the kids had become very upset. To calm them we asked them to pray to St. Francis to help us find the cat. The children duly prayed with the fervor that is special to the innocence of childhood…“St Francis, please watch over Scruffy and tell him to come home.” (Scruffy wore a St Francis Medal and had been blessed of course.)

Shortly thereafter Mary and I made one more excursion down the country lanes leading to the main highway. Alas! There beside the road lay the remains of poor Scruffy. Mary and I knew we would have to call the search off and decided as we would have to tell the children why Scruffy was not coming home again, we would try and ease the children’s sorrow by taking the remains home for a little burial ceremony. We hoped that would be a way for the children to understand that Scruffy was no longer among the living but in Gods care.

Mary explained to the children, that Scruffy was now among the Kingdom of Gods household and she was sure St. Francis was watching over Scruffy now. Amid many tears and much pomp and ceremony we buried Scruffy that evening with all the children’s participation. It was a sweet but sorrowful lesson which the children gave great care to the ceremony. One little boy did protest a bit that if we had asked St Anthony to find Scruffy, he would have brought him home alive and so he was sure St Francis got the request mixed up and took Scruffy to the wrong home (heaven.)

Walking back from the little pet cemetery, it became a lively argument among the children as to whether St Francis was a better finder of animals than St Anthony. One little child insisted St Francis did find Scruffy for us, even if St Francis did only find us the body, Scruffy came home to be buried. The one little boy insisted St. Anthony was the better for finding lost animals because he would have returned Scruffy alive.

In the middle of the childish prattle about which St was better, we rounded the corner of the house and loe and behold, there on the front step sat Scruffy alive and well.

We never did figure out who’s black cat with the similar white star on the chest we had buried. But St Anthony got all the credit for raising said Scruffy from the dead. 👍
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