Miracles Do Happen

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:rolleyes: these are such wonderful stories of miracles … please keep on sharing!
Thank you to everyone posting! Please keep sharing. Yes, everything IS a miracle. Personally, I’ve done so many stupid things in my life, I should be dead, but I’m not.

To my gaurdian angel: sorry for making you work overtime!

Might those be strands from the heart muscle from the Eucharistic miracle at Lanciano?
I was born with cerebral Palsy and a connective tissue diisorder called Marfan Syndrome.

I got married, worked 10 years and bought a home.

Due to Marfans I was legally blind most of my life. When I was going totally blind I found a Dr. that agreed to do my bad eye first and the operation did not work. I had to wear those special dark glasses with the sides to keep my eye covered. I went to church and as father was throwing holy water in mass a single drop got in my other eye, I could not believe it.How did it get past those glasses?

I had another operation on my good eye which had almost no sight.I again had a priest come in before the operation and it was a success but was short lived. I was stunned at all God had made and the beauty of this world. I had a retina detachment 3 months later (common with Marfans) back to the operating table I went and was told it may not work. I ask for a priest again and the next day after the patch came off I could see. I had an air bubble in my eye but it slowly went away and I could see again. I have had my sight in one eye for almost 10 years . I can’t lift much for fear of another detachment but I thank God each night.

My MIRACLE is my sight!!!
I was born with cerebral Palsy and a connective tissue diisorder called Marfan Syndrome.

I got married, worked 10 years and bought a home.

Due to Marfans I was legally blind most of my life. When I was going totally blind I found a Dr. that agreed to do my bad eye first and the operation did not work. I had to wear those special dark glasses with the sides to keep my eye covered. I went to church and as father was throwing holy water in mass a single drop got in my other eye, I could not believe it.How did it get past those glasses?

I had another operation on my good eye which had almost no sight.I again had a priest come in before the operation and it was a success but was short lived. I was stunned at all God had made and the beauty of this world. I had a retina detachment 3 months later (common with Marfans) back to the operating table I went and was told it may not work. I ask for a priest again and the next day after the patch came off I could see. I had an air bubble in my eye but it slowly went away and I could see again. I have had my sight in one eye for almost 10 years . I can’t lift much for fear of another detachment but I thank God each night.

My MIRACLE is my sight!!!
What a great story - thanks so much for sharing it with us!
My little miracle was saved by a miracle.

One day I was putting my contacts on in the bathroom. My 3-yr old was playing while my 10 month old was in a walker (the old type with rollers). Suddenly, I heard the sound of wheels going across the kitchen floor. Since we didn’t have anything blocking our basement stairs, I raced in the kitchen to make sure our youngest would not get close to the stairs. However, when I ran in the kitchen, he was nowhere to be found. I quickly asked my 3-yr old where he was and he pointed around the corner to the stairs. I looked around the corner and saw my 10 month old teetering at the top of the stairs. I quickly grabbed him.

At first, I didn’t think anything of it. Then I realized there was absolutely nothing holding him there. I even took him in the walker back to the same place (holding him of course) and it was definitely not stable. I quickly said a prayer of thanks to God and his guardian angel. There is no other explanation.

In some sense, I witness a miracle every day at Mass, but most people wouldn’t consider that because they can’t see transubstantiation!
From birth my daughter had a infected eye. About the time she turned 1 a doctor told us she would have to have surgery. We did not have insurance and the costs would have broken us financially. Beyond that I was devasted that my beautiful little daughter would have to have surgery. I prayed constantly and even though the doctor said it was extremely unlikely that the infection would clear on its own, it did! A miracle (at least as far as I am concerned).
~There is a beautiful video called “Eucharistic Miracles” by Bob and Penny Lord. It’s awesome!!!

~I love all the miraculous stories you have all shared. Thank you.

~The miracle of birth [of my six children] will forever be amazing in my heart! Praise the Lord!!!❤️

~The Lord, through Mary, has also gifted me [and my husband] with some very special and urgent insights and knowledge in regards to our teenage children, especially when we have had the traveling pilgrimage statue of Our Lady of Fatima in our home. Those insights were deeply “heart rendering” and painful situations, yet so important for us to know [and pray] about.
Sure there are miracles. My mother who was suffering with brain cancer at the time was hospitalized with six or seven infections six days before my brothers wedding. The doctor said she would be in the hospital for a while and he would definitely not release her in time to travel halfway across the state to attend the wedding. The night was spent in prayer and the next morning the she was completely cured of the infections that put her in the hospital. The doctor was so amazed that he had the test he had scheduled done twice, because he thought the first were faulty. He gave me another miracle in my hour of darkness that brought me back to His Church and in his graces.
my miracle is my responding to the gift of faith and coming to practice the Catholic Faith more deeply. I can’t go into details but out of my whole family I wasthe only one for a while who practiced my faith. I don’t say this in a proud way but its true. My sister is coming back slowly as is my mother. When I look back I don’t know why but I always loved the Euchrist and Sacred Heart and He simply kept drawing me closer to Him. This is His great love and mercy in that He never turns anyone away but draws them bit by bit as they are ready. Dancing Heart
When my daughter was 2 years old she fell off the basement stairs and fractured her skull. The doctor told us there was an 85% chance she would die on the operating table and he would not even guess the chance for brain damage. A priest at the hospital told us to expect a miracle. She woke up the next day after the operation and when the priest asked how she was she replied, “You dummy!”. He said those were the most beautiful words he ever heard. She is now 28, married, amother and a teacher. She is truely a miracle. 😃
I prayed for the future mates of my children as they grew up. My daughter met her husband at church. They were married in the Church and have 3 of the most beautiful children I could ever imagine.

I imagined a similar scenario for my son. He became engaged to a girl he met on the internet :eek: She was not Catholic and had no religious upbringing. :confused: I was crushed.

This has become my lesson to never confine our Precious Lord to my limits. They (at my daughter-in-law’s wish) were married three years ago in the Church. My heart soared. The next month she told me that she had decided to enter the Church and would begin RCIA the next month and by the way, would I be her sponsor? WOULD I???

She chose to go to the parish that my children had grown up in so that she would be baptised in the same church as her husband. As I sat with her through her classes, it occurred to me that these rooms were the very rooms in which I taught religious education as my son and his friends.

I was being given a real gift and miracle. The little girl that I didn’t even know and had prayed for those many years was brought into the Church at the Easter Vigil in 2003. Not only did the Lord bring us a Catholic girl but he gifted me with the privilege of being her sponsor.

Oh, and their newest miracle Nicholas, my new grandson, 11 weeks of age, was baptised in the very same church yesterday afternoon.

I have some other miracles to share, but that is for another day.

Praise God!
Praise God for Miracles!!
My husband had a bad back for over 15 yrs. When his back was real bad you could see the agony in his face whenever he tried to get out of a chair, or even move. However, he never complained.
Well, my husband decided back in 1993 to go to Medjugorje with a friend of ours (I had been there 2 yrs before that).
Well 2 days before he was suppose to go, his back went out, again. However he borrowed a cane and off he went.
He went with our friend up and down 2 mountains while there.(Our friend told me when he came back that my hubby never complained of back pain the whole time there
The reason my hubby decided to go to Medjugorje in the first place was to ask Our Blessed Mother, to lead his 2 sisters to Our Lord.*
When my husband came home, he still had a bad back.
He arrived home on a Wednesday and that Friday evening we went to a Healing Mass at a Catholic Church nearby. When my husband went to the priest for healing, he said, “I felt the hands of God rubbing up down my spine, straightening out.”
It’s been 11 yrs now, and he has had NO back problems since.
Thank You Jesus.
My husband is a very humble man, who is very grateful for his healing, and is always telling people of his miracle.
However his 2 sisters are still far away from God. But we’re still praying.
I have so, so many to relate, but I will share this one.

My sister-in-law is profoundly deaf and most people cannot understand her when she speaks.

Two years ago she was driving up from Ohio to visit with some of us and to put flowers on my mother’s grave. She managed to get completely lost when she missed her exit, and had to go into a small town to ask directions.

She was very upset – alone, in a strange town, and unable to communicate. She is religious and prayed to my mother to intercede for help (she and my mother were very close).

She saw a city worker’s truck and stopped her car nearby to seek help. She walked up to the worker and said, “I am deaf,” which is the way she always has to begin a conversation with a stranger.

The worker grinned and, in American Sign Language, signed, “I am deaf, too!” And he gave her the directions she needed.

Her prayers were answered – surely a miracle!


The transubstanciation of the bread & wine into the Body & Blood of Christ, is indeed a true miracle.
I belong to a small faith-sharing community, and discussion of miracles, common and uncommon, happens a lot.

I have been very fortunate to have experienced a variety of miracles, some that happened to myself, some that happened to others in the same room or physical area.

These are in addition to miracles that people have told me happened to them.

These are in addition to ones that people told me happened to someone they know.

I have to think about how to write about these. I don’t know if this forum is the right place at the right time. I will pray about it. Maybe I will use a different user name.

However - I have witnessed a variety of miracles, enough to know that they do happen. Enough so that rejecting Jesus Christ and His Church is now impossible for me.
For crying out loud! I would have posted my Divine Intervention post here!!

Personally I have not witnessed an event that I would consider truly miraculous, although the more I learn about God’s handiwork- e.g. the human body, nature, the universe - the more I realize how many miracles I take for granted. Here is a Fr. John Hardon story that you might find interesting concerning the Miraculous Medal.

Whenever I pray to St. Anthony, in return for an Our Father or a Hail Mary, I find what I am looking for, at the end of the prayer.
This has worked so well that it has become a serious building block for my faith. There’s only one exception: Rosaries I find immediately, before any prayers, so I assume those are free.

My mother and sister and I went to Mass together, as I prepared to face the trial of my third and final try at a Quantum Physics final ( it’s very counter intuitive 😉 ). On the way to the exam, I passed my professor, who told me that I had the best assignments in the class. I was so filled with confidence that I aced the final and tied for the highest mark.
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