Miracles Do Happen

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Whenever I pray to St. Anthony, in return for an Our Father or a Hail Mary, I find what I am looking for – at the end of the prayer. This has worked so well that it has become a serious building block for my faith. There’s only one exception: Rosaries I find immediately, before any prayers, so I assume those are free.

My mother, my sister and I went to Mass together, as I prepared to face the trial of my third and final try at a Quantum Physics final ( it’s very counter intuitive 😉 ). On the way to the exam, I met my professor, who told me that I had the best assignments in the class. I was so filled with confidence that I aced the final and tied for the highest mark.

I was born prematurely, with spina bifida, and was not expected to live, much less walk, but was able win the social ice dance competition at a famous skating club (this included the Gold test Argentine Tango, and some of the other competitors were former North American champions).
I would say there is common everyday Miracles we all experience , Like Life, Love, The Holy Mass etc and Uncommon ones that are more personal and private . I have two to share with you.

When I first started getting into Religion , I was going through an internal change, alot of things were getting confusing for me , this sent me into a depression. The good thing was it made me want to know God. However I began to be attacked by demons and whenever I closed my eyes I would see these horrid images of evil looking creatures or ugly human people , it was truly strange. It wouldnt go away and it was hard to sleep . It got to a point where it started driving me nuts, and one night i begged God and cried to god to please take away these images from my head. and guess what? He did instantly, I closed my eyes and the images were finally Gone. I guess i got so desperate he took pity on me.

Another Miracle is when I was awoken at 3 am in the morning by some invisable force , I tried to get up and turn on the light but it held me down, I tried to yell for my family but it covered my mouth, so in my mind i said Jesus Christ rebukes you, once i said this , the force got off me and i was able to move, also a deep sense of peace came over me.

There’s Power in the Name of Jesus.
I suffered from depression - not ‘clinical’ or anything I would have gone to a doctor about (what? Go to a psychologist? People would think I was crazy!). Once it was particularly bad, and lasted several months. I was thinking of suicide (how to make it an accident so as not to upset my family). I don’t think I would have ever killed myself, though, because despite being away from the sacraments, I was Catholic enough to know that suicide is…well, let’s say ‘eternally self-defeating’!

The depression receded when summer holidays were over and I was back at work teaching (work kept my mind occupied).

But a few months later, I started down that dark spiral to depression, and it terrified me. I remember that I was thinking one thought that would lead to another, more depressing, and another, and another, like a dark, downward spiral of dominoes, one leading to another.

I decided to go for a walk and try to clear my thoughts. I went to the park and immediately slipped on the icy pavement. It was as though I could hear something my mother always used to say whenever we did something like slam a door and then get hit by it going out. She’d always say, "That’s your guardian angel punishing you.’ When I fell on the icy path, I heard, ‘That’s your guardian angel telling you you should go to church, not to the park!’

So I went to the nearest church. I didn’t go all the way inside - I was too far away from the sacraments to feel at home in a church, and it was foreign country and I was timid about ‘making a mistake’ in church. But there were kneelers and a crucifix in the vestibule.

I knelt and said something like, ‘God, if prayer really works, and you really do answer prayers, then please take this depression away from me because I’m terrified of going back into that darkness!’

The depression went away. Bing! Just like that. I thought it was a ‘psychological trick’ and I tried to remember the depressing thoughts that I had been going over and over on the walk to the church. I couldn’t remember any of them. I thought I’d remember them as I walked home, past the same places where I was thinking those thoughts on my way. I couldn’t remember any of them.

To this day I cannot remember any of the thoughts that had so gripped me. It has been about 9 years, and although I can remember how depression works, the mechanics of those downward spiralling thoughts, I am no longer capable of depression. I was instantly and permanently cured of it. It was one giant step on my way back to the sacraments.

Praise God! He does answer prayers - just like that.
My Miracle: That I came back to the Catholic church and God after being gone for 20 some years:yup: …now for me thats a miracle:)
Thanks to all who have shared their Miracles big and small. This is a great thread! 👍

The Anniversary of a special Miracle in my life is coming up so I will add it as it is really my friends Miracle given to them by God.

I had some wonderful neighbors a few years back who were Catholics but did not go to mass regularly. They were a wonderful couple and good people. I had prayed for several years for them to draw closer to the faith once again. I had tried to get them involved in the parish and to some extent they did do more for the parish but never were too concerned about regular Mass attendance. They enrolled in our parish Adoration Society which I was the coordinator of to help me build the program in our parish.

I later discovered they were in an irregular marriage situation, which may have explained the lack of Mass commitment. I never made a big deal out of it though, as it would serve no purpose except to alienate them further. I would always just smile and tell them, don’t forget to invite God to the next wedding. (It was our private joke on the subject…which we all enjoyed without feeling judged or judgmental.) I think Joe, the husband is the one who first brought that up.

Anyway, one day out of the blue, they told me they had finally gotten their marriage problem resolved (former marriage problem and church annulment.) They were planning to have their marriage blessed on their anniversary in August.

Next week is the 2nd anniversary of the biggest Miracle for Joe. I had taken his late night Adoration time for him, as he had a second job and was called into work.He was trying to earn extra money to have a big wedding with all his family from out of town and really excited about it as August drew near. That night in Adoration, I suddenly saw a mini vision of Joe standing before Jesus. What was strange was he seemed awed and sad. Immediately I began saying the “Divine Mercy” Novena for Joe. I had no idea why I felt such an urgent need but I did as I felt God had called me to do.

At five the next morning, as I went out to walk our dog, I found his wife walking in circles and crying in our cul-de-sac. Joe had been killed the night before driving to deliver an order to a customer which his second job required. I was in shock! How heart breaking.

At first Bet’s could only cry and say…“Why now? Why did God allow this?” After time to calm down she came to tell me a bit more about the accident. It happened at exactly the time I had the mini vision of Joe and was praying Divine Mercy for Joe at his normal Adoration time I was covering for him. Miracle of Miracles, Joe was able to live long enough to reach the hospital and our priest got there in time to give Joe final absolution.

That was a great comfort to Bet’s and their children and family also.
I was priveldged to witness what I believe was truly a miracle. It occurred about four years ago one Saturday during morning mass. After communion, a woman nosily collapsed in a back row. Father stopped the Mass, and RN in attendance went to check her. The nurse shook her head and told Father—“no pulse.”

Father calmly told the nurse to call an ambulance, and another person to go into the main church and bring him the holy oils. When he received the oils he anointed her. By the time the ambulance arrived blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, were all normal. It was strange.

I remember commenting to Father sometime later about his gift of healing,and asked why no one was aware of it. He said very humbly, “it does not always work… Prayer and Fasting is usually necessary.”
I believe that I have miracles on a daily basis. I don’t believe in coincidences, i believe that if we ask for the intercession of Jesus, he will intervene in our life. I asked my husband to send me a rose, the color of the baby that we miscarried when he got to heaven—i rec’d a baby pink rose on the day of his funeral. Sunday, i was returning from a conference & was very tired, a few times on the way back, my eyes closed on a very busy highway–St. Christopher (who is now back on the Church calendar for July 25th) & the angels protected me & everybody else on the highway----In fact, I like the quote “I don’t believe in miracles, I depend on them” Happy St. Maria Goretti Day
Good Morning Church,
I have seen many healing miracles in my life but the one I am about to relate to you, I believe is the greatest I have ever witnessed. It is long so I may have to do this in segments. Also, since it was publically witnessed, some of you may be familiar with it.
This is an Eucharistic Miracle.
About 18 years ago, I was a Eucharistic Minister in a Southern California parish. One particular Sunday, I was to serve the Precious Blood.
Father was known for being a bit stingy with the amount of wine he Consecrated. He often came up short.
This particular Sundday, we had some Baptisms and had large groups of family members show up, more than expected.
Then, without anyone knowing or remembering the Knights all showed up with their families. It looked like an Easter or Christmas Mass, the Church had folks standing out on the steps outside. It was a mob scene.
At any rate, Father consecrated just a little extra wine because of the Baptism, not really enough for that.
I ended up serving out of the large pewter chalice and we had 3 other Eucharistic ministers serving the preceous blood out of 3 smaller ones.

(continued on next page)

We had been distributing Communion for a while when the other three Eucharistic Ministers started running out. Each one walked over behind me and looked down into the largest chalice. I was below half when the first one ran out. Father and the Deacon had also glanced over to check. By the time the third Minister ran out, I had about half inch of Precious Blood left and looked up to see the line still clear out the doors of the church. I looked at Our Lord and said, “Jesus, there is not enough of your precious Blood to serve everybody”. At that, my cup was instantly full to the brim! It was strange because the outside of the pewter fogged up to the line where it was full. I gasped and when I did, Father and the Deacon looked to see why, by now I was weeping. Father just smiled.

I continued to serve everyone in line, as they saw the full chalice it was becoming obvious what had happened. When everyone in the Church had been served, the chalice was still completely full and had to be consumed by all of the ministers, the Deacon and Father. He was a very traditional Portuguese Priest but was not in the least way surprised. He told us that miracles of the Eucharist should be expected as Jesus is certainly a Miracle Worker.

If any one in that Church had questioned the Real Presence before, I am sure they did not after this. My devotion to the Holy Eucharist is a great thing in my life.

My miracle, if you can call it that, happened to me at Conyers, Ga. The place and occasion for the event was the farm where the Blessed Virgin Mary was appearing to a woman; the date was October 13, 2001 but don’t hold me to that year. Since what I experienced may have been seen only by me and I did not investigate if others had, I took it as a small gift to me that my presence was not useless. Others, I could tell by hearing, were seeing their own supernatural occurrences.

We arrived by Bus as many hundreds of others had; the only larger collection of buses I had ever seen was the time thousands went to San Antonio, Texas and the Mass celebrated by Pope John Paul II. Not a few reading this will surely have been there.

Walking to the field in Georgia, the Canticle of (then) Blessed Faustina was being recited. At its conclusion voices from the crowd reported what I could not, “There she comes,” indicating that Mary was nearing to appear in the farmhouse a few hundred yards away. Others in the crowd called, “Look at the sun!”, which I was not eager to do since the Noon time sun was glaring in a perfectly clear sky and my eyes had no protection. Just before this, people had shared their Polaroid images of the sky many of them seeming to show a door in the sky. Eventually the enthusiasm of the crowd took hold of me and I ventured a brief glance at the sun directly overhead. I was not disappointed in my trust.

The sun, appearing as a golden circle was surrounded by clouds tinted in rich mahogany-colored hues. Not only did looking directly at the sun not cause pain, the clouds themselves were not ordinary clouds. Each of the four clouds having a 90° angle met with the sun in the center of the cross formed by obscuring clouds and exposed sky. The sun appeared to be a consecrated Host, the Son of God. Looking at this vision without blinking for many seconds was a joy. Then, I doubted.

The safety of continuing to gaze thusly at the sun made me look away, but only for fewer than three seconds. Feeling guilty of my disloyalty, I returned my eyes to the sun and I earned for this gaze more pain than I’d ever experienced through my eyes. Not only that … the clouds were no longer in evidence and my miracle was over. The pain was a gift, too. It protected my vision.
I posted awhile ago about my drawing closer to God was my miracle. There was one other. I was pregnant with our 5th child and I was depressed about it because we lived in a small apartment and I felt overwhelmed with work and tight living space. When I just had resolved to turn all of my worries over to Our Lord and I did feel more at peace, I miscarried our baby. I was home and ran to the bathroom when I realized I was bleeding. I held my little one in my hand and baptized him/her. Upset, weeping I explained to my children what had happened as they were home at the time. We were all very sad and I felt guilty because I didn’t welcome this baby as I had the others. In a few days we had a private funeral and we thought that was that. One month later I realized I was pregnant. Next month, two months after the miscarriage I felt my baby kick in my womb !! 👍 How could this be? My midwife was amazed, she had never in 20yrs of delivering babies heard of this happening. What had happened is I had had twins and miscarried one but not the other baby. That baby continued growing and was born on the feast of the Guardian Angels. He is fine and healthy and 8yr old now.
Hello to the Faithful!

I excerpted this from another post:

I often visit the Grotto of Lourdes in Emmitsburg, MD (a national shrine) and pray to Saint Elizabeth Seton to intercede for my sick or troubled friends, and in some cases my petitions have been ANSWERED. For example, my step-daughter’s grandmother and a friend of a friend are in remission of advanced cancers which the doctors describe as nothing short of miraculous. Are these verifiable miracles? No, because medical technology is involved. But that is what I specifically pray to Elizabeth for - that medicine work in conjunction with grace to bring about a cure.
Miracles are all around us! Everyday is a miracle! But few people notice unless God takes special pains to let you know that, yes, HE did this!

In my case, it’s just after Easter of 1993. My husband and I are driving home from Santa Fe, NM where one of his sisters is a Carmelite nun. His other sister was with us. We had been married 5 years and so far had not been able to have any children. And it was on the way home that his sister suggested that we make a pilgrimage to the Santuario de Chimayo, a shrine in northern New Mexico, known for the healing properties of its dirt. The history is fascinating and, if anyone wishes, I’ll fill them in at a later time.

Anyhow, we loved the idea and decided that we would ask God for the gift of parenthood. My sister-in-law suggested July 26 for the date of our pilgrimage, since St. Anne is the patron of mothers. But I said I didn’t want to wait that long, that I wanted to go on the feast of St. Anthony of Padua, who had long been my patron. When we got home, I told my husband that I wanted to make a 54-day Rosary novena as well. When we looked at the calendar, we saw that, if we started that night, the novena would be completed on the eve of St. Anthony’s feast! That was confirmation enough for us! Even more so when, a few days later, my mother-in-law gave me a book on devotion to St. Anthony and I discovered that he was the patron of barren women!

So on the morning of June 13, 1993, we went to Mass at the Carmelite monastery chapel in Santa Fe and drove to Chimayo. I left a holy card of St. Anthony, with a written promise to add the name Anthony to any children God would send us, and rosary made of pink and blue ribbon roses.

Okay, so… here’s where I tell you I got pregnant and all that, right? Well, no… but on Oct. 1, my mother-in-law was approached by a friend who had a friend who had a 17-year-old daughter who was pregnant and wanted to place her baby for adoption… and did she know anyone who might be interested?

Paul Michael Anthony was born on March 15, 1994 almost 9 months to the day of our pilgrimage. And every year, we try to take him to Chimayo, as near to St. Anthony’s feast day as we can, so we can tell him again and again that sometimes, God DOES give you an answer you can hear loud and clear!

Blue “sorry, have to go wipe my eyes!” Rose
St Therese strikes again. My neighbor wanted to send her daughter to Catholic school with my kids, I explained gently that her lifestyle would give rise to conflicts with what the girl would be taught in school, but she felt confident she could handle it. Well, Sister taught the 3rd grade about St. Therese and the miracle of the roses she sends from heaven from those who ask her help. The child ran home and told her mom she asked St. Therese to reunite them with an old friend who had helped raise her when she was a baby. The mom explained it was just a story. The next day, another neighbor, who knew nothing about this, left a rose on their front porch. The little girl was ecstatic, but her mom explained the longed for friend lived in another state and could not possible come to them. Of course, the next weekend, the friend paid an unexpected visit and stayed several weeks.
Chock this one up as you wish.

Setup: I have recently come back to faith after a 30+ year absence. Upon doing so I found myself deeply tormented with the fact that I neglected my 2 daughters faith. Terribly tormented, I could not, for the life me come to grips with what i should now do about it.

Event: My daughter was out walking in her university campus and came upon an elderly woman in her travels. The woman was talking with a campus bus driver attempting to get directions about how she was to get back home. Her home is in a major city a two hour drive away. The bus driver instructed her as to where she was to walk to to catch a public bus back to the city. My daughter was overhearing all this. My daughter took it upon herself to tell the lady she would walk her to this bus stop and help her with her luggage along the way. Making conversation during this walk my daughter asked the woman what brought her to a college campus (a strange event in an of itself). The woman says (paraphrasing some), " I didn’t know until just now. I came for you, you need Jesus more in your life. You should go to church more often…". The exact text is somewhat lost partly because my daughter was taken aback by this. Now here it gets really interesting. The woman made mention (not certain of the context) of a Michael being worried about her faith. My name is Michael. Now to be fair she may have been refering to Saint Michael and not me at all. Also she may have made it her mission to do things such as this. BUT!!! I thank God to this day for that event in my daughters life. It effected her positively. She begins RCIA classes at that very campus in September.

Whereever this woman may happen to be, please help me thank the Lord for her in your prayers!
The good sisters at www.franciscancards.com are putting out a book-201 Miracles of the Eucharist. These are stories of everyday people and how the Eucharist caused miracles in their lives. They have a great preview of their book.
I have been blessed to see several people healed, including an infant who was born blind, still blind at age one, the doctors had given upo hope, and she can now see and read at age 7, all through prayer.
Dear Friends,

Too many time we expect the lightning and the thunder and the unexplicable instantaneous visibe events;) . Ok They happen. Rare though they may be.

If you check your scriptures you will find that many many of the recorded miracles were preceeded by an act of faith.
The Incarnation preceeded by Mary’s fiat
The raising of Lazarus by Martha’s perfect act of faith in Jesus as the Christ
These are only two of the many examples.
I will leave you to discover the rest.


We need to look at God present everywhere! we need to see the ongoing miracle of creation in the growing seed and the developing human. See with the eyes of a child. After all christ said “Unless you become like these little ones” Through the eyes of the little ones simple things are filled with wonder and awe. We need to see this way.

I through the goodness of Almighty God, have been released from cancer twice. One in 2000 and again in 2002. The miracle was being worked through the doctors, through my wife and children, through our family Priest and through the prayers of all those concerned friends and relations. All these working togther with God! This miracle unfolds beofre us through the great gifts God has given to others.

Of course many of us witness the great miracle of transubstantiation on a daily basis thank God. The greater miracle being that the Body and Blood of Christ truly present remain visible as bread and wine.

Open you hearts to Him and He will flood your life with miracles.
I can give you my personal word that it is so.

Bless you all,
Yes! yes! yes!

First, of course, the birth of my children!

Second…We were visiting family in England. They were adding a second fish pond to the far back area of the yard. It was full of rain water, green and slimy. There was a pile of dirt to the left of it. My kids were picking up clods of dirt to put in the wheelbarrow, and I was on the other end of the yard (literally just seconds), when all of a sudden I heard a voice YELL (and I was alone) “She’s in the fish pond!!!” I FLEW across the yard to the pond, and there she was, under water, unable to pull herself up the slippery wall (she was about 3). I will never be able to thank God enough…

Third…a couple of weeks ago, I was driving down the road, praying the rosary (and asking for protection!!), when suddenly, the truck in front of me kicked up a HUGE piece of concrete at me. It bounced once, and then I ended up running right over it with my tire (I swear it was heading straight for the windshield!). It indented the tire rim, but the tire itself was fine…

Fouth…I am blessed with a wonderful man, who loves the Lord with all his heart!
       My life has been pretty hard these last few years, but I have to tell you, there ARE miracles.  Every day.

      What was your miracle today???
The Miracle Staircase of Santa Fe, New Mexico

True stories regarding the intercession of St. Joseph abound. One that has become known to the general public is “the miracle staircase”.

In 1872 the bishop of Santa Fe, New Mexico commissioned the building of a convent chapel, Our Lady of Light Chapel in the care of the Sisters of Loretto. During the course of its construction the architect died suddenly and only afterwards did the builders discover an error in the plans. There was no staircase to the choir loft. But worse, at that point of construction, any stairwell would take up much needed space and disfigure the design.

The nuns began nine days of prayer in honor of St. Joseph, for he was a carpenter. On the day after their novena ended, a shabbily dressed man appeared at the door. The Sisters showed him their choir loft and the limited space available to erect a staircase. He assured them he would be able to build one, and so they let him undertake the task. With him was a burro carrying the toolbox. He offered to begin at once, if they would allow him total privacy while he worked. They hired him and he locked himself in. For three months he permitted no visitors, then he opened the doors.

When the Mother Superior entered, she stared in amazement, there in the corner was a beautiful freestanding staircase rising in a double spiral to the choir loft that may be seen today by visitors to Santa Fe. Each section is perfectly fitted in a groove–not a nail being used in its construction. There is no central pole, no wall attachment, no sign of a nail or screw–just a few wooden pegs. Moreover, the wood he used was unlike any the Mother had ever seen. Yet the carpenter had brought no wood with him. Architects from all sections of the country go to inspect this unique and marvelous piece of craftsmanship. When the work was completed and the Mother Superior of the convent wished to pay the man for his service, he was nowhere to be found. No one had seen him come or go. A reward was offered; no one ever claimed it. It is thought that the unknown carpenter was none other than St. Joseph, in whose honor the Sisters had received Communion every Wednesday that he might assist them in building a staircase. There is no doubt that the prayers of those nuns were answered in a most remarkable way.
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