MLB, NFL. NBA support gay pride, boycott?

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Boycotting companies that dump money or support abortion and gay marriage I have found to be effective. But now I am considering boycotting the MLB, NFL, and NBA for their support of gay pride and homosexuality. These organizations have floats in pride parades and have gay pride nights at venues thoughout the country. By doing this they are promoting homosexuality. Kiss cams at ballparks have 2 people of the same sex kissing! Team gear with rainbow flags are given away. It’s indoctrination of our country. These are kids games and to bring this ideology to the young and to sports is pure evil.

Now I’m not saying that it’s a sin if you watch these sports or buy from companies that support this, since a boycott is left up to the individual person and their circumstances, but at least with me there are so many hobbies and leisure activities that, although it truly hurts not to watch baseball, I can get involved with something else.

Note: some individual teams do not take part in this as the Angels baseball team is the only MLB team not to have a pride night, probably due to Christian Albert Pujols.
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Boomer, you know what I’m saying, not that sinners can’t go to the parks, hey I wouldn’t be let in either, it’s the fact they are promoting it.
If they didn’t display things that someone might disapprove of, they’d have to get rid of the “kiss cam” altogether. A live and let live approach is best here imo.
NHL, soccer too.

I don’t support it, I haven’t sufficiently explored the issue. I’ve come to ignore these things…

OH! And it is important to note, that when there are causes one might not like from whatever institution, they may as well help out Veterans, they may hire those with disabilities or donate to good causes. Target, as a corporation, certainly do help people who may have disadvantages.

So, it’s really a mixed bag, I don’t like this company for example supporting this and this but… they also do this and this. It’s kind of like they are just in general, taking a position with society. Maybe they even support gun rights (which isn’t a big issue to me but I do believe in them).
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Hey, if this issue is so important to you that you want to boycott the entire sport rather than just skip the “pride night”, feel free. I’ll pass, and continue to enjoy my sports.
Even “pride” I don’t find uniformly bad (in general, not the hyper sexualized parades)

I don’t believe gay sex is morally licit, obviously, but I also don’t want to live in a world where gay/bisexual people aren’t welcome in public spaces or are made to feel like circus freaks.
Yeah, it comes down to whether one sees “pride” events as celebrating the fact that gay people can walk down the street without getting arrested, beaten or killed, or sees them as promoting immoral behavior to people who otherwise wouldn’t be gay if it wasn’t promoted. I tend to see them more as the former.
Inclusion delusion, of course everyone is welcome, it the promoting of gay pride and homosexuality.
I can see if it is against bullying in general, but this the promotion of rainbow flags, representing that homosexuality is a good.
That said, I do get the OPs frustration with the way absolutely everything seems to be politicized today. Sports should be something that people can enjoy without always having a “message” rammed down their throats.
It truly is a mixed bag. It is almost impossible in our day to day lives not to be associated or “support” a brand, an institution or anything that is connected somehow with secular beliefs or views and support them. In my case, i avoid products, brands or companies that glorifies their support for these groups if possible. No Starbucks, Target, Nike, Levis etc…and have my own list of who to avoid but sometimes it is just not possible. You trace the money and then you’ll know… Just minimize it as much as you can… We all have basic needs…😔
Adulterers shouldn’t get beat up either, so should we give out flags and gear that represent adultery? I think we all know well and good what’s meant by having these days at the venues and it’s to normalize homosexuality.

Now bullying is different, so having a day against bullying in general I would support.
Yes it’s nearly impossible to do an all out boycott since in these times so many companies support grave intrinsic evils. But what I do is if there is one store with better values over another I try to go to the better store. But I can’t always do that since my wife doesn’t boycott. With sports though it’s easy to pick another hobby…although it will be hard not to be involved with baseball.
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I completely agree. I wish sports could just be sports and anything unrelated to sports, such as political gestures by the players on the field, or politically-charged special “nights”, could go away.

With respect to gays and sporting events, I can see some motivation for teams to support pride events, in that the kinds of people who follow sports have not always been the most gay-friendly bunch in the past. By that I don’t mean a moral disagreement, I mean creating an actual physically unsafe or bullying atmosphere. So I think the idea is to show that it’s safe for a segment of the population to come out to the games and have a good time, and that they won’t get verbally abused or beaten up by drunks while doing so.
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We don’t have a long history in this country of adulterers getting arrested, beaten up and killed.
We don’t have a Stonewall-type situation involving adulterers.
If people had been kinder to gay people throughout the past decades, maybe we wouldn’t have to have all these pride events and a big political movement today.
They could do this by an antiviolence day. Actually by having a pride day it could be worse for homosexuals since people could target them. But again, that’s not what’s happening here, a lot of the population erroneously support homosexuality, it’s the promotion of homosexuality as a good to kids and to society that is the problem.
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I personally think that being gay is something inborn, so if somebody isn’t naturally tending in that direction, in which case it’s their issue to resolve/ discuss with their priest, parents whatever, then seeing a pride night is not going to send them any message other than the fact that there are gays in society, something they would have to come to grips with at some point because gay people are not going to hide in the closet.
This I totally disagree with. God doesn’t make gay, he only makes good. Original sin may give someone inclinations to all sorts of sins, homosexual being one, but saying God wants people gay offers no hope to people struggling with disordered attractions.
I completely agree. I wish sports could just be sports and anything unrelated to sports, such as political gestures by the players on the field, or politically-charged special “nights”, could go away
Yup. If you’re an extreme liberal, great, come enjoy the game and shut up about politics. If you’re a hardcore conservative, great, come enjoy the game and shut up about politics.
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