Boycotting companies that dump money or support abortion and gay marriage I have found to be effective. But now I am considering boycotting the MLB, NFL, and NBA for their support of gay pride and homosexuality. These organizations have floats in pride parades and have gay pride nights at venues thoughout the country. By doing this they are promoting homosexuality. Kiss cams at ballparks have 2 people of the same sex kissing! Team gear with rainbow flags are given away. It’s indoctrination of our country. These are kids games and to bring this ideology to the young and to sports is pure evil.
Now I’m not saying that it’s a sin if you watch these sports or buy from companies that support this, since a boycott is left up to the individual person and their circumstances, but at least with me there are so many hobbies and leisure activities that, although it truly hurts not to watch baseball, I can get involved with something else.
Note: some individual teams do not take part in this as the Angels baseball team is the only MLB team not to have a pride night, probably due to Christian Albert Pujols.
Now I’m not saying that it’s a sin if you watch these sports or buy from companies that support this, since a boycott is left up to the individual person and their circumstances, but at least with me there are so many hobbies and leisure activities that, although it truly hurts not to watch baseball, I can get involved with something else.
Note: some individual teams do not take part in this as the Angels baseball team is the only MLB team not to have a pride night, probably due to Christian Albert Pujols.
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