MLB, NFL. NBA support gay pride, boycott?

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It is best to do what your own moral conscience and religious values dictate; but don’t expect most others to share your convictions. To each his own conscience and values.
And does saying Gd does NOT want people gay offer hope to those who are, or does it offer shame, depression, and self-loathing?
No it offers the truth, and the truth will set one free!
If people had been kinder to gay people throughout the past decades, maybe we wouldn’t have to have all these pride events and a big political movement today.
Bingo! I’m so glad someone brought that point here.

You don’t need political movements or “the gay agenda” without a past. You may not see gay sex as moral, but I think a gay couple should at least be afforded a legal status that allows them to own property together, have unquestioned access to medical decisions, and right of survivorship. It’s areas like this where the piper is being paid.
These organizations have floats in pride parades and have gay pride nights at venues thoughout the country. By doing this they are promoting homosexuality.
I disagree that they are promoting homosexuality by having gay pride nights. If so, then they must also be promoting Christianity by having Faith Night.

The reality is that sports teams want everyone to like them. Any affinity group that has a large enough following can have a theme night (it’s one of 81 potential nights for baseball). It’s purely an economic decision for the teams. “Group X has a large following, so let’s give them a special night so they connect with our club.” It’s not an endorsement, it’s targeted advertising.

My baseball club (the Twins) does Faith Night and Pride Night, along with 20+ other theme nights. And when they do Faith Night, people make your same complaints from the other side:

A Jewish blogger responding to Twins Faith Night announcement::
What, what, what??? I read the e-mail again. I went to the Twins website. What an odd promotion for a baseball team to have. What about my faith or the faith of the other non-Christians? Do we count for anything? I am a season ticket holder after all. Are the Twins the official Christian baseball team in the majors? Are they endorsing Christianity as the only faith? A large amount of Target Field was paid for by the taxpayers, what about separation of church and state?
Anyway, I suspect that Faith Night is a lot more involved and closer to a promotion/endorsement than Pride Night is. The Twins have a local megachurch do live worship music by their worship team and many Twins players give their Christian testimonies. I kind of doubt that people get up and give LGBT testimonies to the crowd on Pride Night (although I suppose they could; it’s not something I would attend or know the details of).

In the case of the NBA, a stronger case for endorsement would be when they weighed in politically on LGBT issues by moving the 2017 All-Star Game out of Charlotte:

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God doesn’t make gay, he only makes good.
You realize this not Catholic teaching. An excerpt from the USCCB website:

It is crucially important to understand that saying a person has a particular inclination that is disordered is not to say that the person as a whole is disordered. Nor does it mean that one has been rejected by God or the Church. Sometimes the Church is misinterpreted or misrepresented as teaching that persons with homosexual inclinations are objectively disordered, as if everything about them were disordered or rendered morally defective by this inclination. Rather, the disorder is in that particular inclination , which is not ordered toward the fulfillment of the natural ends of human sexuality. Because of this, acting in accord with such an inclination simply cannot contribute to the true good of the human person. Nevertheless, while the particular inclination to homosexual acts is disordered, the person retains his or her intrinsic human dignity and value.
Good post, your post is also what I mean by God doesn’t make gay.
I respect your opinion but as Catholics we are to be counter cultural. A faith day would be a good thing while pride day would not be a good thing.
Kiss cams at ballparks have 2 people of the same sex kissing!
So what? Gay people exist and are allowed to go to a ball game. You don’t have to approve of same sex activity, but expecting a secular, public space to shield you from seeing things you disapprove of strikes me as silly.
I know, right? Oh these poor persecuted people, having to see two people of the same sex kissing - that’s right up there with being thrown to the lions LOL.
If you’d like to boycott these companies than by all means you do so. However, as a person that enjoys watching America’s past time sport, I’m going to continue doing that. And I would be very careful about how you approach this issue. I have SSA and I try to live by Church teaching. There are others like me, your approach is probably not going to sway others to your side. And I generally don’t like how sports have become political either.
Thanks for the reply. Different people have different approaches, and that’s ok as long as one is being virtuous. An approach that works for you may not work for someone else. Personally, I like my approach! =]

And that’s not that anything that I have done but, God working in me.
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That doesn’t actually contradict.
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Promoting acceptance of gay people is not the same as “promoting homosexuality” in the sense that one would promote a make of automobile or a brand of ice cream. Worrying that celebrating civil equality for gays is going to convince some straight people to become gay is like worrying that celebrating racial equality is going to convince some white people to become black.
Pride events can muddle the two so it isn’t an an either/or.
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I think there is a difference between accepting gay people and promoting things like gay marriage. I am not an advocate for gay marriage. I do however think it is incumbent upon my fellow Christians to accept that I have my faults.
That’s not true, they are supporting and saying it’s ok to give into same sex attractions and be homosexual. It wouldn’t be called “pride” if the event were to help and counsel people to chastity. If your right, it would be ridiculous to have pride and celebrate over any disordered attractions.
Being a homosexual in itself is not predicated on acting upon it. You know that as well as I do. I’m gay, but I don’t act on my SSA. For those who are not read up on what the Church actually teaches you are going to confuse them with the way you’re framing this.
This I totally disagree with. God doesn’t make gay…
I totally disagree with that. It is strange to hear people that are not gay explain how gays are not born that way. When you go to the trouble of getting to know a gay person, they will tell you, at least I have been told, that they never did choose that and never would.

I had one person tell me he had to ask santa several years in a row for a tea set before he finally got one. Stuff like that. Regrets that they could not have kids, fears that they would grow old alone.

SSA is just a cross like any other. That being said, having not asked for it, one should not feel shame. One also should not force their cross on someone else. BTW, I believe and follow church doctrine 100% with no deviations, no sex outside the institution of marriage.
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Last I checked, God made me gay. And there’s no changing that.
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