Well, no. What you are presenting here is a theory and not an infallible truth or self-evident fact. We as catholics hold as an infallible truth of the faith and Holy Scripture which is the word of God, that the first human and human couple, namely, Adam and Eve, were immediately created by God at least as to their souls. Indeed, we believe that the soul of every human being is immediately created by God. It is not possible for science to contradict the truth of divine revelation. So the theory that human beings evolved from lower life forms is simply wrong. We should not be oblivious to the fact that the theory that humans evolved from lower life forms is nothing more than imaginative theory. Though there are some scientists who would like us to believe that it is a fact, any person with a reasonable, objective mind and common sense, in my view, can tell the difference between opinion and certain factual truth. According to our belief which we hold from the word of God then, for it is certain that God knows, it is not going to be possible for modern empirical science to claim as an undeniable truth that human beings are nothing more than an evolution or product of lower life forms.Doesn’t the rather spectacular development of the hominid brain answer many of these issues. When precisely what we call consciousness entered the picture is still being investigated. However, it happened many thousands of years ago, based on archaeological evidence of early humans.
When millions upon millions of years are factored in, these characteristics become non-miraculous to me. More an issue of the slow development of various lifeforms. Remember, not only humans can be identified as conscious, autonomous, purposeful beings.Our present inability to communicate effectively with other higher lifeforms does not deny their intelligence and apparent self-awareness.