Morality of converting to Islam

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No I don’t mean to come across as defensive. I just don’t like when people claim Islam is violent yet don’t look at the churches problems
Yes I understand as a catholic that we want people to come to our faith, as we think it is true. But to say that If you leave for another religion because you think it is true it is a mortal sin, that i think dosent make sense
Yes I understand as a catholic that we want people to come to our faith, as we think it is true. But to say that If you leave for another religion because you think it is true it is a mortal sin, that i think dosent make sense
Assuming they left because they genuinely believe the other religion is true, I don’t think it would be mortally sinful, because they would lack knowledge.
First, Islam is not pure evil. Second they did not kill MY ancestors ( don’t know where you got that from) third, the crusades were started by the church. They church has killed many people too. Lastly, 20% of Muslims are not dangerous. Islam Is a peaceful religion. There are just some extremists that give it a bad look.
hahahah bruh you’re so misinformed I’m so sorry for you!

I may be mistaken about the 20% (don’t quote me on that), but they still did wage 14 centuries of jihad on Jews, Christians, Hindus, other pagans and even other muslims. So yeah… And if your ancestors were from the Mediterranean, Iberian Peninsula, North Africa, India or Middle East then I guarantee you at least some of them in those 14 centuries must have been raped and/or killed as a result of jihad (sad but true).

I mean how do you think Hagia Sophia became a mosque? By peaceful conversion of course… Also the Crusades were a counter-attack against islamic conquest and were very few in number and killings. I’m new in the forum so I can’t post links yet, but take a look at the documentary by the “religion of peace” guy. He does a good job of summarizing it all. Pretty nasty stuff… And if you have more free time just flip randomly through the Quran - it’s a total blood bath man. Not to mention Mohamed himself! He’s the worst of all because he’s supposed to set the example for muslims…

Anyway, as I’ve said, not bashing any specific muslims (except for mohhamed pbuh hahah). They certainly can be good people, but only in so far as they turn a blind eye to islam’s own teachings and prophet… In other words, the so called “extremists” are really the ones who are doing it “right”. Don’t forget how they came to dominate a once very christian North Africa and Middle East.

Also, really think through this conversion of yours… The Quran states that the penalty for apostasy is death: Quran (4:89), Quran (9:11-12), Quran (2:217), Quran (9:73-74), Quran (88:21), Quran (5:54), Quran (9:66). So if you change your mind Allah may not be as forgiving as our Lord Jesus Christ… God bless you brother!
First, Islam is not pure evil. Second they did not kill MY ancestors ( don’t know where you got that from) third, the crusades were started by the church. They church has killed many people too. Lastly, 20% of Muslims are not dangerous. Islam Is a peaceful religion. There are just some extremists that give it a bad look.
Oh, read Seeking Allah Finding Jesus something like that. It’s by an ex-muslim, pretty good guy.
Thank you for explaining. From your previous comment you sounded like you just hated muslims
Thank you for explaining. From your previous comment you sounded like you just hated muslims
You’re welcome bro! I don’t hate anyone, but they did rape and kill our ancestors. Not cool.

Best thing we can do is forgive them and spread the word of Truth and Love.

Do check out the resources I’ve sent you if you have the time. Lots of things need to come to surface with respect to Islam.

Have a nice day my friend!
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