Morality of converting to Islam

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So recently I was listening to the Azan ( the Islamic call to prayer) and it was so beautiful and made me feel much closer to God.
Are you considering switching religions based on an emotional response to music? That’s a bit like asking a girl to marry you on the first date, because she is so pretty and smells nice.
That’s a bit like asking a girl to marry you on the first date, because she is so pretty and smells nice.
From observation, for many people converting to another religion does seem akin to the process of falling in love.
You are being lured away from the fullness of God. Islam teaches less than Christianity. It teaches that God is less than He has revealed to mankind. Teaches that God can change His mind; that God might just have a tantrum and send you into the flames.

Rather, listen to Gregorian chant. The beauty which elevates the soul is undeniable. Listen to these humble Tongan boys and men singing praises in angelic voices.

Then, ponder this, pray over it and choose wisely.
Feelings are not the basis of deciding faith issues. Facts are.

Leaving the Church founded by Christ for a religion founded by Muhammad is to leave the Sacraments, and a faith founded on love, for a religion created out of whole cloth based on a fear of God, and one which pays lip service to both Jewish faith and Christian faith, and has elements of suppression of both.

If you want to operate on feelings you might listen to Gregorian chant.

But feelings come and feelings go, and they are not necessarily attached to anything logical.

The Catholic Church says that it is the one true Church founded by Christ and has the evidence and history to prove it to anyone who wishes to explore. Suggesting that people convert to the Catholic faith is suggesting they get back from wherever to the true Church. How can that be a sin?

And if the Catholic Church is the one true Church founded by Christ, the incarnate God of all, and the second Person of the Trinity, the leaving it is leaving truth - not some emotional thrill of listening to someone call to prayer. And that would be a sin.
Converting to Islam is never an acceptable option for any Catholic
A Catholic priest has given talks about his conversion to Islam.
Cambridge University hears ex-priest's journey to Islam - BBC News
Very sorry to hear of this. As I said, converting to Islam is never an acceptable option for any Catholic.
A Catholic priest has given talks about his conversion to Islam.
Lucifer is tricky as he can. Appear as an angel of light and truth. There are stories of catholic priests becoming Satanist. Again, the founder of Islam married girls as young as 7 years old and In the end was murdered by one of his many wives. His message of converting by force and killing the infidels contrasts with the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is one of loving God and neighbor.
Again, the founder of Islam married girls as young as 7 years old and In the end was murdered by one of his many wives. His message of converting by force and killing the infidels contrasts with the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is one of loving God and neighbor.
Recent Popes seem to be friendly or at least respectful to Islam.
In the objective order, this is a mortal sin.
It is a mortal sin if the person fulfills the knowledge and consent requirements. A cafeteria Catholic raised in cafeteria catholicism, for example, would have at their culpability severely reduced; at least until/if God uses other ways to lead the person back to the Church.

I very much agree with the rest of the post.
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Yes I have listened to Gregorian chant. It does not have the same feeling of being close to God tho.
Ok Islam is not the devil. They worship the same God as us just do not believe Jesus is messiah.
Yet anyone who converts to Catholicism is doing the right thing? Yea that dosent make sense
I never said I was going to leave the church. Read
The question again
Souls that leave Holy Mother Church for Islam or any other false religion are guilty of the sin of apostasy. They are putting their souls at major risk of damnation.
Just FYI, on EWTN network this evening (27April), the Journey Home program, the guest is a convert from Islam to Christianity.
Yet anyone who converts to Catholicism is doing the right thing? Yea that dosent make sense
It only doesn’t make sense if you think all religions are equally true.

Christianity is true, therefore those who convert to it are doing the right thing.
Yet anyone who converts to Catholicism is doing the right thing? Yea that dosent make sense
From a neutral, agnostic, secular point of view, no, it doesn’t make sense.

However, we as Catholics know that the Catholic Church is the one true Church, and anyone who converts to it is doing the right thing. Anyone who leaves it for another religion commits a mortal sin (given the classical three conditions).
Not in mortal sin. If they truly think that they are converting to the true religion then they would not be in mortal sim
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