Morality of converting to Islam

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That’s what I said before but no one noticed it seems.

The crux of the matter is: Do you believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the Second Person of the Trinity? Do you personally believe it?
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Again, it is not about feelings - feelings deceive. Study the history of Islam. Look at the trail of blood. From the 7th century onward. That was all 100% in accord with thee teachings of Muhammad.

Is there Christian bloodshed? Of course, but much of it was in response to the incursions of foreign religions - religions which had fundamentally altered the revealed nature of God.

God does not declare “I am this” then suddenly change and say “No, I am not.”

Huge caution flag.
I’m sorry but don’t act like Catholicism has been all perfect. About God switching his idea, in Islam he never said that Jesus was the messiah, so there is no switching
You misread me.

Do not look at the behavior of humans, as all humans are flawed.

Look at the doctrines. Study the morality of the doctrines.

We err when we fail to separate the two.
Not in mortal sin. If they truly think that they are converting to the true religion then they would not be in mortal sin
As I said, given the classical three conditions (serious matter, sufficient reflection, and full consent of the will). You have to know that the Catholic Church is the one true Church, and know that leaving it is mortally sinful, before you could be guilty of mortal sin.

How Our Lord receives it when someone says “yes, I know what the Church teaches about herself, but I don’t accept it, I don’t believe it”, I can’t answer that. Only God knows hearts. The Lord Jesus did have some pretty strong words about refusing to believe in Him.
ALLAH HU AKBAR my friend
just kidding, Islam is pure evil don’t do it

It killed 270 Million people (including YOUR ancestors!). That’s more than the two world wars combined TWICE! Also, look at the life of Mohammed (who the Quoran says is the pattern of conduct for muslims)… Not the most saintly bro out there!

Muslims have some nice looking art and architecture, but that’s it. Overall it’s a murderous caricature of religion.

Not all muslims are bad, of course, but their ancestors do have a history of violently subjugating everybody in their way. And 20% of muslims TODAY are possibly dangerous Shias (that’s about 300 million people). So… yeah. Keep your faith pal!

Check the website “the religion of peace”, Jihad Watch and David Wood’s Acts17 youtube channel. Also, take a look at the ashura festival…
Recent Popes seem to be friendly or at least respectful to Islam.
Just as Catholicism has all shades of people, from liberal to conservative and any number of subsets of that, so is Islam. and considering that not all of Islam by any stretch of the imagination is jihadist, and that in many countries Islam and Catholicism continue side by side, it should be no wonder that Popes have reached out to various religious leaders within Islam - we both face issues we share in common - and that has been particularly true when the US liberals have attempted to force abortion, for example, on other countries. The fact that we and they have radically different views of God does not mean that we do not share some common moral issues.
Yes, there has to with love of neighbor and diplomacy. But the facts about the founder of Islam still remain. We live Lutherans even though Luther was a heretic and false teacher
Ok Islam is not the devil. They worship the same God as us just do not believe Jesus is messiah.
Jesus is God. If they do not worship Jesus, they are worshiping only “some parts” of God…and God is not divided. Jesus says “I and the Father are one.” (John 10:30) He says “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24)
They can not worship God in truth without believing in Jesus as God Incarnate and our Savior. Jesus is Truth, for He says “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) And you want to worship God in spirit and truth, without believing the Truth? And Jesus says “No one comes to the Father except through me.” That is exactly what Jews and Muslims try to do…they try to come to the Father apart from believing that Jesus is who He says He is.

And you say that they “just” don’t believe Jesus is the Messiah. Like that is a trivial thing, like it’s unimportant! Jesus is the Messiah, the Savior. Without Christ, how is anyone going to be forgiven their sins? Is anyone made perfect separated from Jesus? Certainly not.
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Yet anyone who converts to Catholicism is doing the right thing? Yea that dosent make sense
The short answer to this:

As Catholics, we make particular truth claims which only applies to the Church, and we want to lead people to that truth. We do not believe that Islam contains those same truths, as beautiful as some aspects of it might be.

Your criticism lies in some variation of the assumption that all religions are equal, which is a common view these days.

I was a religion minor, so I find aspects of various religions to be very beautiful, but at the same time, that doesn’t mean I treat all religions as equal.
So recently I was listening to the Azan ( the Islamic call to prayer) and it was so beautiful and made me feel much closer to God. I began thinking about what it would be like to not be catholic. I have been raised catholic never really thought about exploring other religions. Anyways I was wondering what happens to your soul if you switch religions because you believe it is the truth. I had heard it was a sin to leave the catholic church but people from other religions are encouraged to join ours. That seems very contradictory. That fact was very unsettling.
P.S: please don’t come after me saying that I am uneducated. I have heard this from priests and deeply religious people
Salaam aleikum, brother Muslim. I know that ramadan is starting and you need to join a Catholic chat group to try to convert us infidels.
You are new here, but if you stick around and read a few posts, you might learn something.
Happy ramadan to you.
Yet anyone who converts to Catholicism is doing the right thing? Yea that dosent make sense
Yes it does make sense because Catholicism is true. ”Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” (John 17:17)
I’m sorry but don’t act like Catholicism has been all perfect.
No one is claiming Catholics haven’t done terrible things.

You’re awfully defensive for someone who claims he isn’t converting.
between Islam and Christianity, only one of these is true,

both can’t be, because their books state completely opposite things

Muslims say Jesus is not God and Christians say He is God. Did Christ die on the cross or an impostor? Did Christ die at all? Who was Mary’s mother? Where was Jesus born? where is Joseph the carpenter? an angel visited him but he isn’t mentioned in the Koran? nor their marriage.

the proof of Jesus’ divinity goes back to the beginning and is verifiable through the writings of the apostles and church fathers. yet Muslims say the gospel was corrupted. do they show that it was? what about the writings of the church fathers?
First, Islam is not pure evil. Second they did not kill MY ancestors ( don’t know where you got that from) third, the crusades were started by the church. They church has killed many people too. Lastly, 20% of Muslims are not dangerous. Islam Is a peaceful religion. There are just some extremists that give it a bad look.
Anyways I was wondering what happens to your soul if you switch religions because you believe it is the truth
It’s called apostasy. It’s not good or moral to do. You like arabic sounds but want to actually be with God? Join a Maronite Catholic Church. No need to condem youself with apostasy to get that.
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