More from Fr. Euteneuer: "the “Hannitization” of the Church will not prevail!"

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I am so sick of Lay People who think they know more about the faith than Father Euteneuer that they arrogantly lecture him about his tactics regarding Sean Hannity.

The arguments that they use about how meek Jesus was sounds like a fundamentalist protestant which fly in the face of what Jesus actually did.

People need to have a little humility in my opinion.
Let’s face it, Jesus turned the Pharisees off, and St Paul never read Dale Carnegie. 😃

If I knew what the Revd. Fr. was talking about, I might have an opinion on this.​

Coining fresh words when there is need for them is fine, but barbarisms of that kind which are neither necessary nor intelligible, are indefensible. There are more than enough barbarisms already, & the English emitted (one can hardly describe it as “spoken”) by members of the clergy has been growing more & more vile over the last forty years. No additions are needed. ##
If Jesus didn’t condemn sinners in public, it’s because the sinners weren’t rebellious in public. Was Hannity anything like it.
On the other hand, take for example the harsh condemnation in the temple to the Pharisees.
Are you implying that bishops who withold communion from pro-abort politicans is right?

If Fr. commented more in his blog, it’s to let Catholics beware of what kind of Catholic Hannity is since Hannity is such a known figure in the media and what he says can mislead many ignorant Catholics from the faith and we surely don’t need THAT! The Church got enough damage as is!
And we ask why many Catholics are not taught about the faith. It is people like Hannity who contributes to the damage.
If we have more priests like Fr., the Church would be in a better state than now!
Your proving my point Jesus condmened the Pharisees, the religious leaders who condemned others publically as they felt it necessary to point out everyone elses fault in a public manner and thank God that they were not a heretic like them. Jesus did not do such things, he pointed out the reliigious leaders faulty line of reasing here and their tasteless tactics.
And yes the Catholic Church does have damage, damage for the most part done by hypcocritical priests who on a Sunday would condmen the laity and do all sorts of evil in private. If Fr would have chastised his own private group of clerics I might have more respect but he was silent on that issue but does seem to ham it up for the televesion though. Hannity is wrong there is not doubt but his situation should have been handled privately and not in a blog or televesion situation.
I am so sick of Lay People who think they know more about the faith than Father Euteneuer that they arrogantly lecture him about his tactics regarding Sean Hannity.

The arguments that they use about how meek Jesus was sounds like a fundamentalist protestant which fly in the face of what Jesus actually did.

People need to have a little humility in my opinion.
Well maybe you would take advise from Fr Morris also a vatican correspondent priest that appears on FOX would wrote a schating critiquing the tactics used. Could you please show me anywhere Pope Benedict has instruced this priest to handle this situation like this I certainly can’t. Neither can you document John Paul II instructing priests to handles this sitiuation in such pharisee like manner. This is rouque priest who was not given such an instruction by his bishop or pope to conduct himself in such a manner and other priest disagree with him, it has nothing to do with laity that know nothing it is about pastoral care and how to handle the situation.
The entertainment industry (and Hannity is part of the entertainment industry, not the news) is totally sold out to relativism. A few weeks ago Hannity was advertising a segment in which he was going to be interviewing some “Bunny” club in Nevada. He went into this club of prostitutes supposedly to try to convince them to leave the business for a more wholesome one. It was probably the best free advertising this club ever probably received and may have increased Hannity’s ratings as well. That segment alone should have told us a lot about Hannity. The birth control issue is not surprising. But I’m told a huge majority of Catholics all over the world use birth control anyway. Hannity is simply reflecting what most Catholics do.
…he pointed out the reliigious leaders faulty line of reasing here and their tasteless tactics.
And yes the Catholic Church does have damage, damage for the most part done by hypcocritical priests who on a Sunday would condmen the laity and do all sorts of evil in private.
Well maybe you would take advise from Fr Morris also a vatican correspondent priest that appears on FOX would wrote a schating critiquing the tactics used. Could you please show me anywhere Pope Benedict has instruced this priest to handle this situation like this I certainly can’t. Neither can you document John Paul II instructing priests to handles this sitiuation in such pharisee like manner. This is rouque priest who was not given such an instruction by his bishop or pope to conduct himself in such a manner and other priest disagree with him, it has nothing to do with laity that know nothing it is about pastoral care and how to handle the situation.
Again, your post as a fellow Catholic is nothing more than a sign of the times that we live in: Simply speaking the truth of the Church’s teaching in a matter of fact presentation and defense of the faith is now considered harsh, insensitive, “Pharisetical”, uncaring, counterproductive.

I am sure that many Catholics are offended by this scripture from St. Paul when one accurately plugs in Sean Hannity and Fr. Euteneuer:

“I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people (Sean Hannity) will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As for you (Fr. Euteneur), always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry.” **2 Timothy 4: 1-5 **
“I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people (Sean Hannity) will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As for you (Fr. Euteneur), always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry.” **2 Timothy 4: 1-5 **

Sometimes it actually feels pretty good to tell the truth openly…

so you should be pretty great…

well done:thumbsup:
Will there be a rematch?

Will Andrew Greeley add “Father” to his by-line? [In a recent article, which was read and critiqued over the radio, evidently the “Father” was missing; 'cause the reader didn’t know Mr. Greeley was a priest until I sent the reader an urgent email to that effect.]

Will Fr. Euteneuer take on … Barbara Mikulski?

Who will get voted off … tonight?
Well maybe you would take advise from Fr Morris also a vatican correspondent priest that appears on FOX would wrote a schating critiquing the tactics used. Could you please show me anywhere Pope Benedict has instruced this priest to handle this situation like this I certainly can’t. Neither can you document John Paul II instructing priests to handles this sitiuation in such pharisee like manner. This is rouque priest who was not given such an instruction by his bishop or pope to conduct himself in such a manner and other priest disagree with him, it has nothing to do with laity that know nothing it is about pastoral care and how to handle the situation.
Do not speak of what you do not know.
Well maybe you would take advise from Fr Morris also a vatican correspondent priest that appears on FOX would wrote a schating critiquing the tactics used. Could you please show me anywhere Pope Benedict has instruced this priest to handle this situation like this I certainly can’t. Neither can you document John Paul II instructing priests to handles this sitiuation in such pharisee like manner. This is rouque priest who was not given such an instruction by his bishop or pope to conduct himself in such a manner and other priest disagree with him, it has nothing to do with laity that know nothing it is about pastoral care and how to handle the situation.
What are you talking about?:ehh:
Well maybe you would take advise from Fr Morris also a vatican correspondent priest that appears on FOX would wrote a schating critiquing the tactics used. Could you please show me anywhere Pope Benedict has instruced this priest to handle this situation like this I certainly can’t. Neither can you document John Paul II instructing priests to handles this sitiuation in such pharisee like manner. This is rouque priest who was not given such an instruction by his bishop or pope to conduct himself in such a manner and other priest disagree with him, it has nothing to do with laity that know nothing it is about pastoral care and how to handle the situation.
I wouldn’t presume to “take on” Father Morris, that is for Father Euteneuer.

I never said that Pope Benedict has an instruction for the Priest to handle the situation. Perhaps you could ask Father Euteneuer before you conclude that there isn’t one.

You have no right to say that Father Euteneuer is a rogue Priest.
What this little dust-up has done is to provide evidence that we need education on things like invoking the Holy Spirit to provide us with direction and guidance.

Perhaps more correspondence along those educational lines to Mr. Hannity would be more helpful than emission of words such as heretic or “denial of Holy Communion” or “Pharisee”.

Certainly, using those words on the like of Ted Kennedy has produced no meaningful results. [No wait, the Church never actually used those words in a debate with Mr. Kennedy.]

Never mind … but the bit about invoking the Holy Spirit to enlighten us and them still applies.
I wouldn’t presume to “take on” Father Morris, that is for Father Euteneuer.

I never said that Pope Benedict has an instruction for the Priest to handle the situation. Perhaps you could ask Father Euteneuer before you conclude that there isn’t one.

You have no right to say that Father Euteneuer is a rogue Priest.
When you enacting a tactic that neither his bishop or Pope has directed I have every right to conclude he is acting in a rogue manner. I have no right? Oh Please stop with the Inquistion like tactics of Father Euterneuer I have the Bill of RIghts this is america not the Inquisition run by Father Euterneuer what next your going to stone me or burn me at the stake for heresies commied against Fr Euterneuer Give me a break I have a right to express my opinions.
Do not speak of what you do not know.
ANd you know?
Father Morris another catholic priest who is very orthodox cleary disagrees with Fr Euterneuer. Good catholics can disagree with Fr Euterneuer tactics. You presume this priest knows more than John Paul II and Pope Benedict which have directives that would condone such confrontational tactics in a public manner.
Again, your post as a fellow Catholic is nothing more than a sign of the times that we live in: Simply speaking the truth of the Church’s teaching in a matter of fact presentation and defense of the faith is now considered harsh, insensitive, “Pharisetical”, uncaring, counterproductive.

I am sure that many Catholics are offended by this scripture from St. Paul when one accurately plugs in Sean Hannity and Fr. Euteneuer:

“I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people (Sean Hannity) will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As for you (Fr. Euteneur), always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry.” **2 Timothy 4: 1-5 **
You fail to see the problem here that Jesus clearly rebuked and which Paul did not repeat. The Pharisees called out individuals for sins in a public forum and declared them heretics sinners and publically condemned them many times to death. Jesus spoke out against these tactics and counciled such persons indivudually and in private. Jesus and Paul were not shy to condemn sin and by all means artificial birth control is a sin. But they did not call out you lowly sinner Sean Hannity are a heretic and know nothing and not worthy of the catholic religion and I don’t want you in my church. No my friend this is the attitude of the Pharisee of which you have bought into. Judging indiviudals in a public forum was not the tactic of Jesus but since you think Fr Euteneuer trumps the teachins of Jesus and John Paul II and POpe Benedict by all means support this rouge priest and his un-Christ like tactics.

And please your sola scriptura like insertion of the players in this controversy is embarassingly protestant.
You fail to see the problem here that Jesus clearly rebuked and which Paul did not repeat. The Pharisees called out individuals for sins in a public forum and declared them heretics sinners and publically condemned them many times to death. Jesus spoke out against these tactics and counciled such persons indivudually and in private. Jesus and Paul were not shy to condemn sin and by all means artificial birth control is a sin. But they did not call out you lowly sinner Sean Hannity are a heretic and know nothing and not worthy of the catholic religion and I don’t want you in my church. No my friend this is the attitude of the Pharisee of which you have bought into. Judging indiviudals in a public forum was not the tactic of Jesus but since you think Fr Euteneuer trumps the teachins of Jesus and John Paul II and POpe Benedict by all means support this rouge priest and his un-Christ like tactics.

And please your sola scriptura like insertion of the players in this controversy is embarassingly protestant.
if you had written "is embarassing to protestants…’ I might find some room to agree…

since you didn’t, I can safely say that your post is way off base… and as Hannity did, you are making a poor attemp to deflect the real issue…

… that a public figure who consistently and publicly adheres to a teaching far outside the Catholic Church, and who has been advised privately about his error… now attacks a Catholic priest verbally and in public in Hannity’s continuing error…

must be rebuked publicly… not just by Fr E… but by any actual devout Catholic… something Hannity is not.

What is wrong is the religious and clergy lacking the conviction, courage and clarity to speak the truth in love.

BTW – Sean Hannity did not respond to invite to discuss his very public support for ABC as a self-proclaimed Catholic; and it was Sean Hannity who invited the good Father on to his show …and we all can see now in retrospect what Sean Hannity’s real agenda was.
Look calling individuals on your blog and on public tv heretics and ignorant is not good pastoral care nor gives one the message of patience and mercy in regards to a much misunderstood teachng or does the fact 95 percent of catholic that receive commnion and don’t understand the teaching demonstrate the fact Sean Hannity is far from alone in this.
Sean Hannity invited the priest on the show after he was publically chastized in a public internet forum in which Sean Hannity did not instigate in any way here merley stated his practice of trying to observe lent. It had noting to do with ABC.
And Fr Euteneuer does not have an agenda to embarass a high profile catholic and make an example out of him? Everyone here has an agenda or else they wouldn’t have taken it public. ANd that is what I have a problem with taking it public for a priest to fulfill his agenda. It is natural for layman who have a faulty understanding of chruch teaching to be defensive and to serve their own agenda but priest should be held to a higher standard. And yes the pedophile scandal and the failure of our piests to not police thier own priest will be with us for a very long time. Its amazing Fr Euteneuer does not call out individual priest and bishops on their own morality including the acceptance of ABC to the more egregius homosexual acceptacne and pedophile acceptance. If they would have put that in a public forum the religion would have not lost much of its credibiblity to the outside world.
Look calling individuals on your blog and on public tv heretics and ignorant is not good pastoral care nor gives one the message of patience and mercy in regards to a much misunderstood teachng or does the fact 95 percent of catholic that receive commnion and don’t understand the teaching demonstrate the fact Sean Hannity is far from alone in this.
Sean Hannity invited the priest on the show after he was publically chastized in a public internet forum in which Sean Hannity did not instigate in any way here merley stated his practice of trying to observe lent. It had noting to do with ABC.
And Fr Euteneuer does not have an agenda to embarass a high profile catholic and make an example out of him? Everyone here has an agenda or else they wouldn’t have taken it public. ANd that is what I have a problem with taking it public for a priest to fulfill his agenda. It is natural for layman who have a faulty understanding of chruch teaching to be defensive and to serve their own agenda but priest should be held to a higher standard. And yes the pedophile scandal and the failure of our piests to not police thier own priest will be with us for a very long time. Its amazing Fr Euteneuer does not call out individual priest and bishops on their own morality including the acceptance of ABC to the more egregius homosexual acceptacne and pedophile acceptance. If they would have put that in a public forum the religion would have not lost much of its credibiblity to the outside world.
actually both of my sons who are Baptist noted that Fr E expressed the Catholic teaching… and Hannity, the “devout” Catholic said he believes otherwise.

Hannity is the problem.
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