How do you know Father Morris is orthodox, and did not Father Morris use the very same tactics you are attacking?ANd you know?
Father Morris another catholic priest who is very orthodox cleary disagrees with Fr Euterneuer. Good catholics can disagree with Fr Euterneuer tactics. You presume this priest knows more than John Paul II and Pope Benedict which have directives that would condone such confrontational tactics in a public manner.
Further, you are making claims of two Popes as if you were those Popes, you call a Priests a “rouque” and you state that the good Father did not speak with his Bishop. We should never call anyone names, much less a Priest, and we should not make statements as if we have personal knowledge, when we do not.
Do not forget, Jesus angrily turned over the tables in the Temple, which means even our Lord used blunt tactics when required. Too many people think Jesus never rebuked anyone and never spoke a harsh word or had a harsh action, that is simply a matter of re-writing known truths to fit an agenda.
Sean Hannity is helping to propogate grave sin, he does so with full knowledge and with full consent, and he refused to acknowledge Fr Euterneuer’s attempt to speak with him privately. The good Priest was left with very little choice if he takes his vocation seriously. The problem I feel you are experiencing is that so few Priests have courage today, that most Catholics are simply not used to being told they are in sin and must stop.