More from Fr. Euteneuer: "the “Hannitization” of the Church will not prevail!"

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My above quoted comment is meant more as a brotherly challenge, as in iron sharpens iron, fellow warriors in the daily battle against the “powers” and “principalities” of this present darkness, where the Enemy seeks to exploit weakness and vulnerability to immobilize and lead souls to hell.
Well, I want out of your army because as much as you may have intended as a brotherly challenge, it really came across that my Catholicism, isn’t worth much and in your eyes, found lacking.

So I’d prefer to step aside because I like my iron just the way it is.
Nordar, I understand your point and apologize for misinterpreting what people are trying to say, but also keep in mind, on forums especially, it may be difficult at times to fully bring across your meaning due to how some things are worded. So what you intend to mean, is not what comes across. Everyone on almost all forums can be guilty of this at anytime. Even those that need to lighten up, like myself or those that may already by lightened.

I am not but it merely as been, as it seems, uncharitable accusations across the board and implications of such things that I don’t feel should be a part of a discussion among Catholic peoples…
And I apologise if I have come across as uncharitable I really honestly do not mean to.🙂
Well, I want out of your army because as much as you may have intended as a brotherly challenge, it really came across that my Catholicism, isn’t worth much and in your eyes, found lacking.

So I’d prefer to step aside because I like my iron just the way it is.
So be it …but when the battles heat up, and push comes to shove, either from within or without from the Church, and I am standing my ground in uncompromise (but by the grace of God), I will be the one that you will want on your side.
So be it …but when the battles heat up, and push comes to shove, either from within or without from the Church, and I am standing my ground in uncompromise (but by the grace of God), I will be the one that you will want on your side.
And he’s so humble, too.
This is the result of NO comments from the pulpit on contraception in 40 years.

Instead of making an example out of Hannity, I’d rather see the Catholic Church embark on a program of education of the laity. Hannity is merely an instrument on the dashboard of the American Catholic Church. The instrument shows that there is abysmal ignorance of Church teachings, doctrine and dogma.

Instead of angrily destroying the instrument panel, which would accomplish nothing, it would be far far more efficacious to fix what is broken under the hood of the car …

It isn’t Hannity’s fault that nobody knows anything.
Hah ha ha ha ha ha…!!

Al,… dude,… buddy,… I love 'ya…!!! 🙂


Don’t toast Hannity. Hannity needs LOTS of lovin’ and charity.

Let’s kill him with kindness! Irish mooks respond to that in the most delightful ways…!!

…precious…! :irish3:
Hannity is merely reflecting the status of the Catholic laity.

In my opinion, the reason why Catholic Answers was needed was the lack of any kind of education for Catholics. Had the Catholic Church maintained its program of educating and teaching, there would be no need for Catholic Answers.

Think of all the programs at the parish level that used to be widespread and that are long gone and have been gone for decades and decades.

Legion of Mary, Holy Name Society, monthly Communion Breakfasts, daily religious education in the Catholic schools (which are for the most part gone).

You can name many more programs. I’m just typing a stream of consciousness list.

We do have some social groups, but few devotional and educational groups.

Hannity did not cause the problems that currently reside within the Catholic Church.

If the Church wants to see what caused the problems, it should look in the mirror; these are self-inflicted wounds.
John Kerry would get the same treatment. Ted Kennedy would get the same treatment. I personally, have been seen as defending Mr. Hannity because I personally disagreed to in what manner Fr. Tom spoke. I do like Mr. Hannity but care must be taken when trying to bring Catholics back into the fullness of Truth. I think Fr. Tom was completely out of line to say he would deny Mr. Hannity communion a better response, “I would discuss that with you in private or that is not my decision, I am not your ordinary.” I know Mr. Hannity was rude and wrong and I don’t think any Catholic with a opinion similarly to mine defends that.
I don’t have a problem with those who don’t like the way Fr. Euteneuer handled himself. I didn’t see the show, I only read the transcript, so I don’t know how he handled himself. I only know how Hannity acts. His bullying tactics are part of his schtick.

You like Hannity, I don’t. I also hope Hannity comes back to the faith and that proper care has to be taken. I believe Hannity asked Fr. Euteneuer if he would deny him Holy Communion. Fr. Euteneuer should have said that’s something I would discuss with you in private in my opinion. However, I don’t think Fr. Euteneuer was wrong to say he’d deny Hannity Holy Communion.

You’re not giving Hannity a pass. I’m talking about the people who are complaining that the Democrats are worse or that Hannity is right on many issues so leave him alone.

It’s one thing to say you disagree with Fr. Euteneuer’s method. It’s another thing to let Hannity off the hook because he agrees with your political views. You’re doing the former, which is fine. You’re not doing the latter, letting Hannity off the hook because of his political views.
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