Do you have evidence that the Catholic Church in the USA has been forced to marry divorced people?
You know that the CC does not recognize divorce, so you ask a decidedly impertinent question. Just like gay couples who impertinently ask what’s wrong if they rent a Catholic parish hall for their wedding reception. Why ever should they go to a venue that would be glad to take their business where the owner does not see anything wrong with gay “marriage”? Or the gay couple making it a point to apply to adopt at a child placement service under Catholic Charities, instead of approaching non-Catholic placement agencies. They can’t stand the institution for its belief that SS"M" is a lie. In fact, there is another apt word to use in addition to impertinence here. The word is malice. Such attacks on the Church are based on malice.
I note that you have provided no evidence to show that I made any untrue statement.
No need to re-hash same old argument lines, which invariably leads to your canned list, each of which has been countered from the anthropological, biological, social, and moral standpoint many times. You don’t say anything new to your pro-gay rationalizations in your 8k+ posts. I realize gay “marriage” is close to your heart, of great personal interest to you, so you follow(ed) each judicial ruling on the state and Federal level, actively participating in discussion mostly in the World News section of CAF. You have been in just about every gay “marriage” thread there since Massachusetts legalized it in 2004. Now you are being expansive, engaging the forum base in the Social Justice section, sometimes even in the Moral Theology section.
So pardon me if I conclude you are not here for an honest exchange with Catholics. You probably succeed in pulling down Catholics on the fence to your side, and my sense is that is your objective. May the light in the consciences of these fence sitting Catholics be re-ignited by the truth that SS"M" advances a great deception. Even if the SS"M" momentum reaches success in all 50 states, as the OP is predicting, your side can only prove that legal is not necessarily moral. Just like abortion is legal but will always be immoral and not in accord with the Creator’s will. It is sad that humans exercise the gift of free will that impoverishes the soul, even sadder that those wearing judicial robes codify in law something that runs counter to the inherent dignity of men and women.
I do not discount that a man pairing with another man and a woman with another woman may have real love for each other. We Catholics just believe they can not be true spouses to each other, provide balanced modeling behavior as same sex “parents” to children, and form family units that optimally serve as the basis of society. You believe otherwise and have all the arguments diametrically opposed to Catholic teaching on gay “marriage”.