Catholics believe that Angels are a separate creation from man. Angels were created by God to serve Him, worship Him and glorify Him.
Mormons believe that Angels are human souls that are either in a sort of semi-glorified state, like Moroni, or souls from God’s god that were designated as servants for the resurrected human who was exalted and became God the Father.
Catholics believe that all souls, or spirits of us humans, are created by God at the moment of conception.
Mormons believe that all souls, or spirits of us humans, were born of a heavenly mother (a goddess) before the creation of the earth. As such, we’re all brothers and sisters in spirit, from before the creation of the earth.
Catholics believe that Jesus is God Incarnate. Eternally begotten, eternally God.
Mormons believe that Jesus was the eldest of the pre-existent spirits. God sent Jesus’ spirit to earth in a human body in order to be tested. Jesus passed his test and so he was exalted, thus becoming a god.
Catholics believe that Satan is a fallen Angel.
Mormons believe that Satan is a fallen human soul, a spirit brother of Jesus and a spirit brother of you and I.