Mormons and the 'sacrament'

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How do I charitably respond to my mormon friend when she talks about taking the ‘sacrament’ ie. communion? I want to tell her that it’s nothing more than white bread and water. (no wine for her; it’s a sin). But I don’t want to alienate her. It seems that she’s free to talk about anything mormon, but when I try and talk about Catholicism she shuts down. Maybe I’m approaching it wrong. Any help?
How do I charitably respond to my mormon friend when she talks about taking the ‘sacrament’ ie. communion? I want to tell her that it’s nothing more than white bread and water. (no wine for her; it’s a sin). But I don’t want to alienate her. It seems that she’s free to talk about anything mormon, but when I try and talk about Catholicism she shuts down. Maybe I’m approaching it wrong. Any help?
As you have discovered, talking with Mormons can be a challenge. If you challenge their beliefs in any way, many LDS will take it as a pesonal attack and will immediately retreat from a discussion. Whatever you do, don’t put down their beliefs.

If she brings up these subjects, the best thing you can do is to gently take advantage of the opportunity to explain Catholic beliefs. That means you have to know your faith very well. With regards to the Eucharist, having a good knowledge of the real presence and the early Church’s practice would be a great start. If she brings religion up, don’t shy away from explaining Catholic teaching, but don’t make her feel persecuted.
How do I charitably respond to my mormon friend when she talks about taking the ‘sacrament’ ie. communion? I want to tell her that it’s nothing more than white bread and water. (no wine for her; it’s a sin). But I don’t want to alienate her. It seems that she’s free to talk about anything mormon, but when I try and talk about Catholicism she shuts down. Maybe I’m approaching it wrong. Any help?
I have had many an experience when trying to explain my faith or questioning LDS faith that they will just shut down and pull away. One thing that I think is important to know is that LDS only believe that they are eating plain bread and drinking plain water. They do not believe that they are actually taking in Jesus. They participate in “the sacrament” as a way to remember, not as a way of taking in Jesus, body, soul, and divinity. I agree with Chris, you HAVE to KNOW your faith!

Please don’t think that all mormons “shut down” when someone wants to tell them about their religion…I love to hear about other religions. In fact my husband thinks it’s an obsession.😉

Just remember that a lot of people (I don’t necessarily mean you) seem inclined to tell the LDS what is wrong with our religion instead of teaching us about their own. I wouldn’t tell your friend that you think our sacrement is wrong, that would probably not go over very well. Perhaps if you wait until the next time she brings it up you could say something like, “I would love to hear about your sacrement then I want to tell you what I believe about the Holy Communion so that we can understand each other better.”

It doesn’t have to sound that corney but you get my point.🙂

That is the LDS Sacramental Prayer, we do believe that these are symbols, not the ‘actual’ blood and body if Christ. This is a difference, but I don’t think that your friend will take offense to this, if she actually understands her faith.

Brother John

Please don’t think that all mormons “shut down” when someone wants to tell them about their religion…I love to hear about other religions. In fact my husband thinks it’s an obsession.😉

Just remember that a lot of people (I don’t necessarily mean you) seem inclined to tell the LDS what is wrong with our religion instead of teaching us about their own. I wouldn’t tell your friend that you think our sacrement is wrong,

I would never tell her that what she believes in is wrong, even if I thought so. I want to remain friends with her. But when I ask her questions about her faith she never seems to have an answer and suggests sending a missionary to me. Possibly she just doesn’t know her faith very well. She converted because her husband is mormon.

But I’m glad you like to learn about other religions. So do I. I also find it very interesting. Thanks for your (name removed by moderator)ut.
I would never tell her that what she believes in is wrong, even if I thought so. I want to remain friends with her. But when I ask her questions about her faith she never seems to have an answer and suggests sending a missionary to me. Possibly she just doesn’t know her faith very well. She converted because her husband is mormon.
Sadly, I think that you may be right many LDS do not know there religion…I think that’s actually true with most religions. I’m so glad to hear that you value your friendship so much that you don’t want to offend her. However, if your religious conversations are causing contention I have two more suggestions:
  1. Be Honest. tell your friend that you get a little upset when she doesnt allow you the chance to share you oppinions and beliefs. If she values your frienship as much as you do she’ll understand and listen with intent when you talk. If that doesn’t work see option #2.
  2. Don’t talk about religion at all. My Catholic cousin and I discuss religion all the time. (it’s mainly her answering all of my questions) But she knows that the topic of religion is pretty much off limits with some of our other family members and she maintains that rule in order to keep family harmony.
Lots of luck!

Please don’t think that all mormons “shut down” when someone wants to tell them about their religion…I love to hear about other religions. In fact my husband thinks it’s an obsession.😉

Just remember that a lot of people (I don’t necessarily mean you) seem inclined to tell the LDS what is wrong with our religion instead of teaching us about their own. I wouldn’t tell your friend that you think our sacrement is wrong, that would probably not go over very well. Perhaps if you wait until the next time she brings it up you could say something like, “I would love to hear about your sacrement then I want to tell you what I believe about the Holy Communion so that we can understand each other better.”

It doesn’t have to sound that corney but you get my point.🙂
Great suggestions! It is almost alsways better to explain what you believe than it is to tell someone else what is wrong with what they believe. Obviously there is a time for this also, but certainly not right at the beginning of a discussion because it automatically puts the other person on the defensive.

I must tell you leschornmom, that it gets very frustrating sometimes talking with LDS members because it does seem like many back away. I have had several good conversations, but also several that have stopped the instant I have asked a question about the LDS faith.

Is it safe to assume that the person posting as leschorndad is your Catholic husband? (I’m pretty sure you’ve posted before that your husband is Catholic correct?)
Sadly, I think that you may be right many LDS do not know there religion…I think that’s actually true with most religions.
Certainly also a problem with many Catholics.

Please don’t think that all mormons “shut down” when someone wants to tell them about their religion…I love to hear about other religions. In fact my husband thinks it’s an obsession.😉
leschornmom, I wish there were a lot more LDS out there like you. Maybe there are, but in my ten+ years of family and friend LDS relationships, I’ve never met one like you who gave Catholicism the time of day. I think it’s because most LDS accept the Great Apostacy idea with very little proof, which automatically removes any possibility of even considering learning about other Christian faiths. I once again commend you on your willingness to not take things for granted. And if you’re really really curious about Catholicism, may I suggest you read what the early Church Fathers said about the Eucharist. If you’ve never heard of the Didache or some of the writings of the first and second century church fathers, that makes for some great reading.
leschornmom, I wish there were a lot more LDS out there like you. Maybe there are, but in my ten+ years of family and friend LDS relationships, I’ve never met one like you who gave Catholicism the time of day. I think it’s because most LDS accept the Great Apostacy idea with very little proof, which automatically removes any possibility of even considering learning about other Christian faiths. I once again commend you on your willingness to not take things for granted. And if you’re really really curious about Catholicism, may I suggest you read what the early Church Fathers said about the Eucharist. If you’ve never heard of the Didache or some of the writings of the first and second century church fathers, that makes for some great reading.
Can I SECOND this statement!!! :clapping:
My experiences with Mormons are growing and one thing I have noticed is how much the idea of Catholicism being evil is just a foregone conclusion to them and it is accepted as common knowledge that everyone, even Catholics, must accept.

I commonly have to put up with people saying things like, “Homosexuality was called the ‘monks disease’ and was widely practiced in monasteries.”

“Catholics hate sex so much they invented a special sheet that can be placed between lovers so they do not have to touch.” Still not sure about the historicity of that one (the sheet, not sex. I know we like sex.)

I also have to bear rude interruptions. Like when I am giving a public presentation on the persecution of the faithful in Communist regimes, one person said, “It’s just like the Spanish Inquisition.”

Sigh! Sadly, I have lost the will to fight. Defend your faith and face ridicule for being a brainwashed puppet who does not understand history or theology or the nature of God. Counter with a few questions of my own and it is immediately, “Hey, I think you need to look into your heart and ask yourself why you are persecuting us!” Now I just let lies wash over me and offer it up. I hate being a minority…

As far as the Holy Eucharist is concerned, you might want to bring up the fact that THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE EUCHARIST!! :bounce: :clapping: :dancing: YAY! And then maybe point out that if you really want to understand Catholics, you have to go the source of all our worship. Read the new encylcical by JPII!

But also expect her to read between the lines. 2 Nephi 6:18 “And I will feed them that oppress thee (that’s us), with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood as with sweet wine…” I think the Mormons already have a ready made symbolic interpretation of our non-symbolic sacrament…
… may I suggest you read what the early Church Fathers said about the Eucharist. If you’ve never heard of the Didache or some of the writings of the first and second century church fathers, that makes for some great reading.
I have never heard of this and I would be very interested in learning about any thing new…Do you have any links or recomended readings about the “Didache”. I will not look things up on line any more because I have been sent to to many anti sites…anti-mormon, anti-catholic, anti-protestant. You get the idea.😉 I prefer to get the info right from the source.
Stubblespark, I am so sorry that any one would say such hateful things about your faith. I get that all the time as for the 2Nephi scripture I’ll have to study that and get back to you but I’m not so sure that they are refering to the catholic church. I have a theory but, I want to be sure i know what I’m talking about befor I go spouting things that aren’t true:)

tkdnick, Leschorndad is my husband though I did have to laugh when you thought he was catholic. Not because of you but because he used to be catholic. He converted to the LDS church when he was 17 (almost 10 yrs ago) When we first met he was VERY ANTI but through the years he has softened. I love him he is a sweety. I didn’t even know that he had started posting here until he asked me how to do the quotes.:o I can assure you that he was not taught the correct catholic doctrine while growing up and I can also assure you that any of his questions are as sincere as mine are.
I know you would enjoy this visdeo
DNA-The Book of Mormon.
Take a look at it at
It is a real eye opener.
I was LDS as a Child
God bless

For more than 170 years, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has declared The Book of Mormon to be a scriptural and literal history. Subtitled “Another Testament of Jesus Christ,” it recounts the story of an Israelite family who emigrated to and populated the American continents. Jesus, after his death and resurrection, is said to have visited this once great Israelite civilization existing in the Americas.

The Book of Mormon teaches that these Israelites are the principal ancestors of modern-day Native Americans. New discoveries in DNA research currently allow scientists to test this historical claim. Thousands of Native Americans from more than 150 tribes have been genetically tested to determine their ancestry.

Mormonism’s founding prophet, Joseph Smith, once said, “I told the brethren that The Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion…” Now the same DNA evidence used in courts of law can credibly speak to the validity of The Book of Mormon, which serves as the foundation of the Mormon religion. The evidence answers one basic question: Are Israelites the principal ancestors of Native Americans?

DNA vs. The Book of Mormon presents the evidence from DNA researchers, including Mormon scientists who are wrestling with the DNA dilemma that now faces Mormonism. In the end, God is faithful to once again make the truth plain to those who are willing to take an honest look.
I have never heard of this and I would be very interested in learning about any thing new…Do you have any links or recomended readings about the “Didache”. I will not look things up on line any more because I have been sent to to many anti sites…anti-mormon, anti-catholic, anti-protestant. You get the idea.😉 I prefer to get the info right from the source.
Sure thing. An excellent source book for this stuff is by a guy named William A. Jurgens and is called “The Faith of the Early Fathers.” It’s a 3-volume set, and is a compilation of the earliest Christian writings, including the Didache. Volume 1 starts with the time period immediately after the Apostles and goes up from there. I checked it out once from my old parish library. You may be able to find it at a library. I know Catholic Answers has the whole set for sale on its website. I liked this book particularly because some writings are from the 1st century that tell us what the early church was like, what they believed, and how they worshipped. There are plenty of reliable web sites out there if you want me to refer you.
I have never heard of this and I would be very interested in learning about any thing new…Do you have any links or recomended readings about the “Didache”. I will not look things up on line any more because I have been sent to to many anti sites…anti-mormon, anti-catholic, anti-protestant. You get the idea.😉 I prefer to get the info right from the source.
Hello leschornmom,

Here is a link to the church fathers. The Didache is down at the bottom under miscelaneous.

I like the following link to the church fathers better but I could not figure out what volume the Didache was in. This link has some writings that aren’t on the above link. Like for example, in vol. 1 there are more Ignatius than in the above link.
This is a true story. It happened 3 years ago. I live in a metropolitan area of about 250,000. There is one LDS Church aabout 10 blocks away.

Two college girls came on day, they were on their 2 year mission they said. ( Not on bicycles either, ha ha). They invited me to come to their church on Sunday. I had just acted dumb, not saying I was Catholic and had read several library books about Mormans and also the Book of Mormon. I told theem to come back by tomorrow and I would have a list of questions for them to answer. I did prepare a list of over 50 questions. They came, took the questions…I never saw then again! When one gets into thhe meat and potatos I guess it surprises them. Oh well.

It is too bad that this happened to you. I have read other posts that you have written and I have a small suggestion. When you aproach the LDS with honest sincere questions instead of just bombarding them with a bunch of “scripture” (which most of the time is taken completely out of context and not completely present) just ask your question. You may be surprised at the result. 🙂

Out of respect for moira, lets keep the questions and comments to the topic at hand… The sacrement and the communion. Feel free to ask any other questions in a thread that you start.
Sigh! Sadly, I have lost the will to fight. Defend your faith and face ridicule for being a brainwashed puppet who does not understand history or theology or the nature of God. Counter with a few questions of my own and it is immediately, “Hey, I think you need to look into your heart and ask yourself why you are persecuting us!” Now I just let lies wash over me and offer it up. I hate being a minority…
Stubble - I have the some of the same struggles as you do with keeping the will to “fight”. Please don’t stop! It is easy to get discouraged and I have had to take breaks from my work, but spreading THE TRUTH is far more important than the attacks that come from it!!! In fact, in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus tells us that we are blessed when we are persecuted in His name. I struggle with feeling blessed when it is happening, but don’t give up!!
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