Mormons; and their **THREE** Gods....

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26 ¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Who are the our in this verse?
The trinity.

Glory be to the Father, and too the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.

I am very suspicious that all mormons know that their beliefs are illogical but they still just don’t budge from it. I wonder why? Maybe it’s because they want to believe that they will become a God after death? Is that too good to stop believing in?

P.S. It’s amazing that you are still sane!
I respectfully disagree. Although Mormonism may seem illogical to us, our beliefs may seem illogical to other people as well (I see it all the time over on the Mormon Apologetics board, especially on the Trinity, though it’s usually some caricature of the Trinity (there’s a recent thread where the last person says that when he used to be Baptist he didn’t understand how Jesus could send Himself or pray to Himself, and was told by the minister that he wasn’t supposed to understand. Well of course he isn’t supposed to understand b/c that’s not what the Trinity is! Sigh, I always get a little annoyed by this :))) Same goes for every other religion in existence. Mormons really do sincerely believe what they believe, and believe that it is correct. Just like Catholics. Whether we’re talking about Mormons, Hindus, Muslims, Catholics, etc., I see no reason to think that the people are deluding themselves anymore than they might think that we or others are deluding ourselves.
26 ¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Who are the our in this verse?
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Weren’t/Aren’t you Catholic?
I respectfully disagree. Although Mormonism may seem illogical to us, our beliefs may seem illogical to other people as well (I see it all the time over on the Mormon Apologetics board, especially on the Trinity, though it’s usually some caricature of the Trinity (there’s a recent thread where the last person says that when he used to be Baptist he didn’t understand how Jesus could send Himself or pray to Himself, and was told by the minister that he wasn’t supposed to understand. Well of course he isn’t supposed to understand b/c that’s not what the Trinity is! Sigh, I always get a little annoyed by this :))) Same goes for every other religion in existence. Mormons really do sincerely believe what they believe, and believe that it is correct. Just like Catholics. Whether we’re talking about Mormons, Hindus, Muslims, Catholics, etc., I see no reason to think that the people are deluding themselves anymore than they might think that we or others are deluding ourselves.

…you think that catholicism isn’t… real? Where is your faith/ belief!? What about the Christ?

…you think that catholicism isn’t… real? Where is your faith/ belief!? What about the Christ?
Obviously I do. I’m stepping back and making an overarching assessment on how things look to other people. It’s called theory of mind. I fervently believe in Catholicism, however other people don’t, and I don’t think it’s a valid assessment to say that Mormons or other non-Catholics “know” that their beliefs are illogical, since the same can be applied to Catholicism from their point of view, whether it is right or not (which of course I believe is false).
oh and so it isn’t ambiguous, “obviously I do” means obviously I do believe that Catholicism is real and the Truth.
I am very suspicious that all mormons know that their beliefs are illogical but they still just don’t budge from it. I wonder why? Maybe it’s because they want to believe that they will become a God after death? Is that too good to stop believing in?

P.S. It’s amazing that you are still sane!
The idea that you are to become a God after death, IF you partake in ALL of the right ordinances within the Mormon Gospel, is appealing. Its appealing, because it feeds your ego, it feeds into self aggrandizement; it feeds also into a sense of greed. The Power of a God, meditate on that and all the potential that this belief holds. To create and have Godly Dominion of Countless creations. “As man is God once was, as God is man may become.”

However I don’t believe most Mormons know their beliefs are illogical. They are comfortable in what they believe for a few reasons. For the most part the Mormon Church does a decent job at creating a community of Mormons around you. You’re encouraged to socialize with those in your “Ward” they have “Ward” activities. They have a pretty good youth system designed to indoctrinate the youth and surround them with peers who share the same outlook. Youth dances and activities and the like. Questions and questioning the Doctrine isn’t encouraged in the Mormon Church. Plural Marriage, Temple Ordinances, some of the more dicey parts of Church History is taught with the Churches Spin…That’s understandable. You’re not encouraged to study other religions, but if you do you’re encouraged to study them from a Church sponsored Religion or Institute class, so your overall access to information is managed information, managed by the Church.

I suspect some of the Higher ups know the standing of the Church in a real sense, but power is nice, TO BE GOD one day is very attractive. So I feel it’s more of not being able or willing to look at the big picture. You’ll notice when they don’t have logical answers or any real substantial evidence to back up a principle or doctrine they’ll close their eyes to it and ignore it, or they’ll bear their testimony in hopes that you’ll feed off the emotion they give off while doing so. You’ll find most of what the LDS Church preaches members are encouaged to take more of an emotional outlook, to pay attention to “How they feel inside” rather than study and logic, then guidence throught the Holy Spirit. That is why the individuals Testimony is so valuble to their Missionary work. On my Mission we were encouraged to bear our Testimony as much as we could and especially when confronted in a discussion on doctrine where you don’t have scriptorial evidence to back up your claims.

Not so sure that I’m sane, the jury is out on that for sure, however I know I’m blessed The Grace of the Almighty God has allowed me to see the folly in what I was living, he has allowed me to find my true home in the Catholic Church. I am eternally grateful to the Lord for a great many things, but that in particular I am especially grateful for.

God Bless.
Mormons for the most part are good people. They live good lives, I’ve never stated otherwise. A lot of Mormons were born in the church they were brought up in it, so it is hard to accept anything other than Mormonism. Because of this it is hard when a member of the LDS church does begin to question their doctrined and faith in the LDS Church they don’t really have another perspective to lean on other than Family and Friends who are also Mormon.

Sorry random thought to add on to my previous post.
Mormons for the most part are good people. They live good lives, I’ve never stated otherwise. A lot of Mormons were born in the church they were brought up in it, so it is hard to accept anything other than Mormonism. Because of this it is hard when a member of the LDS church does begin to question their doctrined and faith in the LDS Church they don’t really have another perspective to lean on other than Family and Friends who are also Mormon.

Sorry random thought to add on to my previous post.
Mormonism is so fictional that it should be made into a story book for children… oh sorry it already has, I think they call it the BOM?
False!!! False!!!

Yet you, being Catholics, work on your relations with Protestants, and my church you continue to spread the recycled garbage about what we believe regarding this.

Ask me or another member instead of continuing with the false information.
False!!! False!!!

Yet you, being Catholics, work on your relations with Protestants, and my church you continue to spread the recycled garbage about what we believe regarding this.

Ask me or another member instead of continuing with the false information.

No thanks, you believe you will become God - like after death… he he, that’s not christian.
False!!! False!!!

Yet you, being Catholics, work on your relations with Protestants, and my church you continue to spread the recycled garbage about what we believe regarding this.

Ask me or another member instead of continuing with the false information.
We’ll do that as soon as you tell us why you lied about Vatican II documents.

We’ll do that as soon as you tell us why you lied about being Catholic.

We’ll do that as soon as you tell us why you lied about being protestant…

We’ll do that as soon as you have something coherent to say, instead of just saying False, False.

Where is it false?

Why is it false?

By the way, haven’t you seen other mormon posters on here “discussing” issues?

Why would we need to come to you when we have them? You realize you’re not the only mormon on here right? They have provided alot more (name removed by moderator)ut that just saying they will never be on the same page as the Catholic Church.

But Hey!! Have a nice day!! Stop by again sometime.
We’ll do that as soon as you tell us why you lied about Vatican II documents.

We’ll do that as soon as you tell us why you lied about being Catholic.

We’ll do that as soon as you tell us why you lied about being protestant…

We’ll do that as soon as you have something coherent to say, instead of just saying False, False.

Where is it false?

Why is it false?

By the way, haven’t you seen other mormon posters on here “discussing” issues?

Why would we need to come to you when we have them? You realize you’re not the only mormon on here right? They have provided alot more (name removed by moderator)ut that just saying they will never be on the same page as the Catholic Church.

But Hey!! Have a nice day!! Stop by again sometime.
Court!? This dude just blows my mind…I mean what color is the sky in his/her candy coated world?
My challenge to Court is
  1. Post something WORTH responding too.
  2. Actually PARTICIPATE in a discussion, you know with facts, evidence for the claims you make.
  3. Explaining yourself when it comes to the FALSE and ERONEOUS things you CONSTANTLY SPEW on these threads.
    Now confronted with these issues I anticipate hearing from you either in a PM or you’ll disregard this thread and pop up on another with your RECYCLED post about false facts and “Why doesn’t someone ask me” line.
    Now if my so called accusations are false, explain to me how so. Tell me why they are false, and show me in where the Church denies the FACT they teach Mormons will become…NOT GODLIKE…BUT GODS, creating worlds without number, creating their own spirit children, being a GOD! Show me where the church denies these doctrines explicitly. We’ve already provide proof both in written Doctrine, and the speeches of PRESIDENTS of the Church where they explicitly support this doctrine.
    So ball is in your court…Mr/Mrs Court show me where these things are indeed false? Or are you a Muslim today and have no (name removed by moderator)ut on the matter, perhaps next week then when you decide to return to the Mormon faith.
T.P. Guys said it best.

We’ll do that as soon as you tell us why you lied about Vatican II documents.

We’ll do that as soon as you tell us why you lied about being Catholic.

We’ll do that as soon as you tell us why you lied about being protestant…

We’ll do that as soon as you have something coherent to say, instead of just saying False, False.

Where is it false?

Why is it false?

By the way, haven’t you seen other mormon posters on here “discussing” issues?

Why would we need to come to you when we have them? You realize you’re not the only mormon on here right? They have provided alot more (name removed by moderator)ut that just saying they will never be on the same page as the Catholic Church.

But Hey!! Have a nice day!! Stop by again sometime.
Court!? This dude just blows my mind…I mean what color is the sky in his/her candy coated world?
My challenge to Court is
  1. Post something WORTH responding too.
  2. Actually PARTICIPATE in a discussion, you know with facts, evidence for the claims you make.
  3. Explaining yourself when it comes to the FALSE and ERONEOUS things you CONSTANTLY SPEW on these threads.
    Now confronted with these issues I anticipate hearing from you either in a PM or you’ll disregard this thread and pop up on another with your RECYCLED post about false facts and “Why doesn’t someone ask me” line.
    Now if my so called accusations are false, explain to me how so. Tell me why they are false, and show me in where the Church denies the FACT they teach Mormons will become…NOT GODLIKE…BUT GODS, creating worlds without number, creating their own spirit children, being a GOD! Show me where the church denies these doctrines explicitly. We’ve already provide proof both in written Doctrine, and the speeches of PRESIDENTS of the Church where they explicitly support this doctrine.
    So ball is in your court…Mr/Mrs Court show me where these things are indeed false? Or are you a Muslim today and have no (name removed by moderator)ut on the matter, perhaps next week then when you decide to return to the Mormon faith.
T.P. Guys said it best.

😃 It appears to me that the mormons have surrendered. 😃
I’ve had a Mormon tell me before Jesus was not God.

From what I read there are non mainstream Mormons in the Fundamental LDS that believe Adam is God
😃 It appears to me that the mormons have surrendered. 😃
Well, they have every right to enjoy their cultish ways by believing in false prophets who have led folks to another Jesus (not the Jesus of the Bible). And Jesus is God, so look how far off they are. However, they have every right to their beliefs.

They DO NOT however, have any right to claim they are “Christian” for they beleive in Smithian doctrine and not Christine Doctrine.

All I need to know from mormons is where the heck planet (or star) “Kolob” is. I’m getting a great telescope for Christmas and I want to locate it.👍
😃 It appears to me that the mormons have surrendered. 😃
It’s that the Mormons who may have read any of that have realized there is no substantive basis for carrying on meaningful dialogue. Call that “surrender” if you wish–whatever.
I’ve had a Mormon tell me before Jesus was not God.

From what I read there are non mainstream Mormons in the Fundamental LDS that believe Adam is God
He he, that’s right. They believe that jesus is "another God. Not begotten from God but created by God/ birthed into existance. And then became a God after death because he lived a sinless life. :rolleyes:
Well, they have every right to enjoy their cultish ways by believing in false prophets who have led folks to another Jesus (not the Jesus of the Bible). And Jesus is God, so look how far off they are. However, they have every right to their beliefs.

They DO NOT however, have any right to claim they are “Christian” for they beleive in Smithian doctrine and not Christine Doctrine.

All I need to know from mormons is where the heck planet (or star) “Kolob” is. I’m getting a great telescope for Christmas and I want to locate it.👍
It’s probably some where near planet nod. :cool:
Let me know if you see Joseph Smith there. 😃
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