Mormons; and their **THREE** Gods....

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It’s that the Mormons who may have read any of that have realized there is no substantive basis for carrying on meaningful dialogue. Call that “surrender” if you wish–whatever.
–“Meaningful dialogue”? Sorry Parker, I have mormon friends, I’ve been to Salt Lake many times and I’ve even been stopped by those dudes in white shirts on bikes. All good folks. But when it comes to any kind of religious dialogue, mormons have NOTHING to offer. They only have Smithian chatter, typically communicated robotically as if they are only repeating what has been poured in to their brains by other non-prophet profiteers.

Doesn’t it bother you that…
  • Smith claimed to have translated what he called The Book of Abraham from Egyptian manuscripts, though he knew nothing of Egyptian, and his “translation” had nothing to do with the manuscript he claimed to have translated?
  • during the very years Smith was supposedly being readied by God to restore true Christianity, he was working as a con man (like money-digging schemes)?
  • From 1890 on, Mormon leaders have asked Mormons not to fulfill a covenant which Smith revealed. He had proclaimed that it was “a new and everlasting covenant; and if ye abide not that covenant, then are ye damned; for no one can reject this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory.” 13 This “new and everlasting covenant” required men to have more than one wife if they were to receive full salvation. Since the present Mormon leaders do not agree with what Joseph Smith wrote about your salvation, how can you be saved?
–“Meaningful dialogue”? Sorry Parker, I have mormon friends, I’ve been to Salt Lake many times and I’ve even been stopped by those dudes in white shirts on bikes. All good folks. But when it comes to any kind of religious dialogue, mormons have NOTHING to offer. They only have Smithian chatter, typically communicated robotically as if they are only repeating what has been poured in to their brains by other non-prophet profiteers.

Doesn’t it bother you that…
  • Smith claimed to have translated what he called The Book of Abraham from Egyptian manuscripts, though he knew nothing of Egyptian, and his “translation” had nothing to do with the manuscript he claimed to have translated?
  • during the very years Smith was supposedly being readied by God to restore true Christianity, he was working as a con man (like money-digging schemes)?
  • From 1890 on, Mormon leaders have asked Mormons not to fulfill a covenant which Smith revealed. He had proclaimed that it was “a new and everlasting covenant; and if ye abide not that covenant, then are ye damned; for no one can reject this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory.” 13 This “new and everlasting covenant” required men to have more than one wife if they were to receive full salvation. Since the present Mormon leaders do not agree with what Joseph Smith wrote about your salvation, how can you be saved?
He he, that’s right. They believe that jesus is "another God. Not begotten from God but created by God/ birthed into existance. And then became a God after death because he lived a sinless life. :rolleyes:
—Cool! That explains why Willard the Mittster Romney wants to someday become President. Guffaw! That’s an impossibility from the Republican camp because we realize that we live in a Christian Nation. However, it sure would be an interesting “religious” speech if the Mittster actually laid-out the truth on his mormonism. :eek:👍
It’s probably some where near planet nod. :cool:
Let me know if you see Joseph Smith there. 😃
…OK, but do I look left after Planet Nod and to the right of Planet Goofballian?
I have to get my coordinates, so any help is much appreciated.
StLawrenceFan;5802159 said:
Let’s see… if you turned to 90 degrees South West and then go 2cm up you may see the galaxy that Joseph Smith is repopulating with his spirit children. And then if you does a flying summersault and hop back wards three times you may actually become a mormon prophet and also become like God after your death.
Does that help? What can you see through the telescope now? God’s wife, maybe? 🤷
He he, that’s right. They believe that jesus is "another God. Not begotten from God but created by God/ birthed into existance. And then became a God after death because he lived a sinless life. :rolleyes:

It’s probably some where near planet nod. :cool:
Let me know if you see Joseph Smith there. 😃
Like I had mentioned somewhere before. The deeper the doctrine the more bizarre in Mormonism. You won’t get any meaningful discussion out of MOST not all most Mormons, mainly because they are either too afraid to see their beliefs and doctrine for what it is, or they really don’t know any better. Questions, debate, the study of other religions, all of those things are not encouraged within the Faith.
They go on Missions, they go to BYU, and they try to settle in Utah, Idaho, and evidently Arizona. They try to stay within their own communities; they don’t like to branch out to other “outsiders” in their area. They surround you so it’s hard to disagree and if you do they fill you up with a bunch of overdramatic, ir-rational and emotional rhetoric they call testimonies. They don’t face facts nor do they bother to substantiate any of their claims, especially with any sources not provide from the Church. Well because they don’t have any outside of the church.
Trying to discourse with them is a mentally draining borderline torturous experience because you’d actually get more productive participation from a rhubarb plant in your backyard.

Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go find my telescope and search the heavens for …well Mormon Heaven.
—cool! That explains why willard the mittster romney wants to someday become president. Guffaw! That’s an impossibility from the republican camp because we realize that we live in a christian nation. However, it sure would be an interesting “religious” speech if the mittster actually laid-out the truth on his mormonism. :eek:👍

…ok, but do i look left after planet nod and to the right of planet goofballian?
I have to get my coordinates, so any help is much appreciated.
aha haha ha ha!
Like I had mentioned somewhere before. The deeper the doctrine the more bizarre in Mormonism. You won’t get any meaningful discussion out of MOST not all most Mormons, mainly because they are either too afraid to see their beliefs and doctrine for what it is, or they really don’t know any better. Questions, debate, the study of other religions, all of those things are not encouraged within the Faith.
They go on Missions, they go to BYU, and they try to settle in Utah, Idaho, and evidently Arizona. They try to stay within their own communities; they don’t like to branch out to other “outsiders” in their area. They surround you so it’s hard to disagree and if you do they fill you up with a bunch of overdramatic, ir-rational and emotional rhetoric they call testimonies. They don’t face facts nor do they bother to substantiate any of their claims, especially with any sources not provide from the Church. Well because they don’t have any outside of the church.
Trying to discourse with them is a mentally draining borderline torturous experience because you’d actually get more productive participation from a rhubarb plant in your backyard.

Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go find my telescope and search the heavens for …well Mormon Heaven.
Yes, very true, my rhumbarb does help me more than my mormon friend does. At least my rhubarb plant gives me physical and spiritual nutrition. 😃

And BTW let me know if the godess mormon wives you see through your telescope are having twins.
Yes, very true, my rhumbarb does help me more than my mormon friend does. At least my rhubarb plant gives me physical and spiritual nutrition. 😃

And BTW let me know if the godess mormon wives you see through your telescope are having twins.
I do get some ammusement when people will point to the Catholic Church and its supposed “Pagan” influences being taught, when you have the Mormons who are, Polytheists, Plural Marriage, Temple Cerimonies(Which used to contain Blood Oaths), the deification of Man, Fortune Tellers…I mean Prophets, and the list goes on and on.
I mean tit for tat who seems like a pagan cult?
Anyway, Hope you have a Good Day.
God Bless!
I do get some ammusement when people will point to the Catholic Church and its supposed “Pagan” influences being taught, when you have the Mormons who are, Polytheists, Plural Marriage, Temple Cerimonies(Which used to contain Blood Oaths), the deification of Man, Fortune Tellers…I mean Prophets, and the list goes on and on.
I mean tit for tat who seems like a pagan cult?
Anyway, Hope you have a Good Day.
God Bless!
Maybe I should put a stone in a hat and put it to my face while while talking nonsense, and get someone to wrote all the gobbledy goop down. Then I will be called a propohet too.
False!!! False!!!

Yet you, being Catholics, work on your relations with Protestants, and my church you continue to spread the recycled garbage about what we believe regarding this.

Ask me or another member instead of continuing with the false information.
What false information and garbage, specifically?
The drivel that I have been reading on this thread between Lawrence, Zundrah and kdesial. I would call that garbage, especially the last few posts.
What are you whyme? A mormon or a catholic?
You know I believe the common misunderstanding in thinking there are three God’s is derived from not fully understanding the nature of God. There is only one nature for our God. Within that nature there are three distinct but not seperate persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are not three Gods!

I believe that understanding the the Trinity is very difficult. I think that if all the knowledge of the world were equivalent to a drop of water that it would take all the knowledge contained within all the drops of water in the oceans, rivers and lakes in the world to just arrive at a proper start for appreciating the beauty and love of the relationships within the Trinity.

That said, I believe one analogy that might help in a limited way to understanding a little more about the Trinity is to take the example of water. Water can be manifested in three different ways , ice, snow and steam. These manifestations could be thought of as three distinct persons of God, while the water itselt could be thought of as the divine nature of God. Using the above analogy you end up of with nature of water with three diffenent manifestions within it.

With God you also have one nature and three distinct but not separate persons within that nature, that is three persons, not three seperate God’s. God bless. george

Maybe this helps some to understand in a very limited way the Trinity of the Christian faith.
That said, I believe one analogy that might help in a limited way to understanding a little more about the Trinity is to take the example of water. Water can be manifested in three different ways , ice, snow and steam. These manifestations could be thought of as three distinct persons of God, while the water itselt could be thought of as the divine nature of God. Using the above analogy you end up of with nature of water with three diffenent manifestions within it.

With God you also have one nature and three distinct but not separate persons within that nature, that is three persons, not three seperate God’s. God bless. george

Maybe this helps some to understand in a very limited way the Trinity of the Christian faith.
Hi George,
I appreciate your good intent, but please don’t use the ice-water-steam analogy to explain the trinity. It doesn’t describe trinitarianism, but rather modalism, which is a pervasive heresy.
God love you,
You know I believe the common misunderstanding in thinking there are three God’s is derived from not fully understanding the nature of God. There is only one nature for our God. Within that nature there are three distinct but not seperate persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are not three Gods!

I believe that understanding the the Trinity is very difficult. I think that if all the knowledge of the world were equivalent to a drop of water that it would take all the knowledge contained within all the drops of water in the oceans, rivers and lakes in the world to just arrive at a proper start for appreciating the beauty and love of the relationships within the Trinity.

That said, I believe one analogy that might help in a limited way to understanding a little more about the Trinity is to take the example of water. Water can be manifested in three different ways , ice, snow and steam. These manifestations could be thought of as three distinct persons of God, while the water itselt could be thought of as the divine nature of God. Using the above analogy you end up of with nature of water with three diffenent manifestions within it.

With God you also have one nature and three distinct but not separate persons within that nature, that is three persons, not three seperate God’s. God bless. george

Maybe this helps some to understand in a very limited way the Trinity of the Christian faith.
This is a good explanation. And like you said, I always try to emphasize that with analogies on the Trinity, they always fall short in some way, though some are better than others, and they can generally approximate it, but never really get what we’re talking about.

Also, when using “distinct” and “separate”, it is best to state specifically what you mean, because of course, they can be used interchangeably, which I do when emphasizing the “distinctness” of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, i.e. that the Father is not the Son or the Holy Spirit, the Son is not the Father or the HS, and the HS is not the Father or the Son.


1 : distinguishable to the eye or mind as discrete : separate
2 : presenting a clear unmistakable impression
3 archaic : notably decorated
4 a : notable b : readily and unmistakably apprehended

So, when we say that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not separate, i.e. inseparable, we mean that there is a clear and real, eternal relationship between the 3, and you cannot have one without the others.

The 11th Council of Toledo in 675 AD explained this point further:
“Nevertheless these three persons are not to be considered separable since, according to our belief, none of them ever existed or acted before another, after another, without another. For they are inseparable both in what they are and in what they do, because, according to our faith, between the Father who generates and the Son who is generated or the Holy Spirit who proceeds, there has not been an interval of time in which the one who generates would precede the one who is generated, or there would be no begotten one to Him who begets, or the Holy Spirit in His proceeding would appear later than Father or Son. For this reason we profess and believe that this Trinity is inseparable and distinct (inconfusa).”*

So, in one sense, they are “separate” in that they are not each other, and they are not “attached” to each other, which is a caricature that some may bring up. Many choose to use the word “distinct” to emphasize this. On the other hand, they are inseparable because of the eternal relationship, the connectedness, between the Three.

Hope that helps!
Hi George,
I appreciate your good intent, but please don’t use the ice-water-steam analogy to explain the trinity. It doesn’t describe trinitarianism, but rather modalism, which is a pervasive heresy.
God love you,
I think the ice-water-steam analogy is a little better than the three leaf clover one, or the egg… The water one gets into modalism because it’s the one substance (H2O) that takes on different forms (ice, liquid, steam) depending on the situation, instead of all three existing at the same time. Sometimes its best to stay away from analogies, or at least emphasize that none actually fully get it right.
You know, I believe the common misunderstanding in thinking there are three God’s is derived from not fully understanding the one nature of God. There is only one nature for within our God. Within that nature there are three distinct but not separate persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are not three Gods!

I believe that understanding the Trinity is very difficult. I think that if all the knowledge of the world were equivalent to a drop of water that it would take all the knowledge contained within all the drops of water in the oceans, rivers and lakes in the world to just arrive at a proper start for appreciating the beauty and love of the relationships within the Trinity.

That said, I believe one analogy that might help in a limited and yes still flawed way to understanding better the Trinity is to take the example of water. Water can be manifested in three different ways , ice, snow and steam. These manifestations could be thought of as three distinct persons of God, while the water itself could be thought of as the one divine nature of God. Using the above analogy you end up of with one nature of water with three distinct manifestations of that nature.
With God you also have one divine nature and three distinct not separate persons within that same divine nature. That is three persons, not three separate God’s with three different and separate natures.

Hopefully, this helps a little in understanding in a very limited way the Trinity of our Christian faith.

God blessings to all. george.
I think the ice-water-steam analogy is a little better than the three leaf clover one, or the egg… The water one gets into modalism because it’s the one substance (H2O) that takes on different forms (ice, liquid, steam) depending on the situation, instead of all three existing at the same time. Sometimes its best to stay away from analogies, or at least emphasize that none actually fully get it right.
I just don’t like analogies at all when talking about God. They all fall way short and probably do more harm than good. I know people use them with the best of intentions, but when trying to explain the truth, outcome is more important than intent.
Thank you for your help on this matter. I wish I had said an imperfect analogy would be, ect. Thanks again, george.
Maybe I should put a stone in a hat and put it to my face while while talking nonsense, and get someone to wrote all the gobbledy goop down. Then I will be called a propohet too.
You would do yourself a bigger favor by memorizing the “marvelous” discussion that has ensued on this thread since your post here, as your friends have tried to describe the Trinity without really defining it in words that explain whether it means Three Persons who are Distinct or not. Then you will have succeeded in memorizing something meaningful to those comfortable with the mystery of it all , and you can call yourself whatever you like.
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