"Mr. Gay USA" -- They left out the moral component of the "whole person"!

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’Mr. Gay’ 2006: It’s 'About the Whole Person’
By Monisha Bansal
CNSNews.com Correspondent
October 11, 2005

**(CNSNews.com) - **One of the producers of the just concluded “Mr. Gay USA” said the weekend competition in Palm Springs, Calif., was much more than a contest about physical looks. In addition to the swimsuit and underwear modeling, there were interviews of the contestants and an athletic challenge, according to event producer Don Spradlin, because he said, “It is more about the whole person.”

“We want to show people that this is the ‘boy next door’ - their neighbors, friends, and sons – someone who can represent the gay community in a positive way,” said Spradlin. “The winner will serve as a spokesman to raise the visibility of gay men, humanize gays in the media, create a positive role model and confront homophobia in today’s culture.”

i am going to interject my two cents about the woord “homophobia” fear? i am not afraid of homosexuals. i just don’t like them.
i am going to interject my two cents about the woord “homophobia” fear? i am not afraid of homosexuals. i just don’t like them.
I’m not afraid of them either but I will admit, I get sick when I hear about these kinds of events. Perhaps that’s where the “phobia” comes from; but I see it as a well-adjusted reaction to something repulsive.
In addition to the swimsuit and underwear modeling,…
We want to show people that this is the 'boy next door’ - their neighbors, friends, and sons – someone who can represent the gay community in a positive way,”
Sorry- I don’t want to see my neighbors or friends in their UNDERWEAR!!! :eek: Gay or not!!!
i am going to interject my two cents about the woord “homophobia” fear? i am not afraid of homosexuals. i just don’t like them.
It is true that the original Greek root of phobia means fear, but it also includes dislike or hatred. Xenophobia would be another word which includes this broader definition.
I’m not afraid of them either but I will admit, I get sick when I hear about these kinds of events. Perhaps that’s where the “phobia” comes from; but I see it as a well-adjusted reaction to something repulsive.
Not real fond of bigots myself. Saw bigots in action during civil rights movement. Took about 10 male bigots to surround and beat a black lady. Must be proud men to do that. Talk about repulsive…
Not real fond of bigots myself. Saw bigots in action during civil rights movement. Took about 10 male bigots to surround and beat a black lady. Must be proud men to do that. Talk about repulsive…
I have noticed that those in the homosexual apologist/gay agenda camp become especially vehement and slanderous in personal attacks whenever one points out the God given natural revulsion to and discusting aspects of the homosexual lifestyle and sexual expression. I suspect that this is because it hits home to the reality that SSA is a serious disorder and the extent of darkness and sin if one chooses to engage in the homosexual lifestyle.

Here is the correct definition of “bigot”:

bigot, defn; One who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Not real fond of bigots myself. Saw bigots in action during civil rights movement. Took about 10 male bigots to surround and beat a black lady. Must be proud men to do that. Talk about repulsive…
Perhaps you can re-read my post more carefully. Nowhere in my post did I label someone by calling them a name; and nowhere in my post did I indicate dislike for anyone.

Seems to me that name-calling and publically disliking individuals is the root of the types of activities you mentioned above.

Are you intolerant of my “right” to be disgusted by behavior that is directly contrary to natural law?
I don’t understand how you can be wanting to “humanize” the gay community by having them parade around as sex objects. That is dehumanizing. Straight men do it when they leer at scantily clad women and men with same sex attractions do the same thing to other men. What they want is public acceptance of their lustful actions and we cannot abide it. It is always wrong to use someone for your own lustful gratification, even with their consent. Also, while it is acceptable to be completely repulsed by the “gay culture” and the specific actions of representatives thereof, i believe it is un-Christian to just say you dislike the whole person or group of persons. I do not think that is what the above poster truly meant, but if so, try harder to see the face of Christ in these poor wounded souls.
I find it repulsive that otherwise good Catholics waste time spouting off their (perhaps justified) hatred of homosexual activities because it makes them feel better, or something. Does it make people feel good to cut down others for something they, perhaps, don’t have the moral fortitude to fight against? Heterosexuals can’t feel lust or commit lustful acts? The Church condemns contraceptive use and – I think, anyway – certain sexual acts that She considers inappropriate, right? So at least keep that in mind, I guess … it’s not only homosexual individuals who commit “intrinsically disordered” acts. Perhaps homosexual acts are opposed to natural law, but why take the time out of your day to discuss your personal displeasure with their choices? It just seems like it would breed a very bitter sort of soul – or at least be conducive to it – and that doesn’t seem very Christian at all.

I’m sorry if I sound like I’m flaming anyone. Just adding my two cents. I’m not trying to troll, here. I’m thoroughly Catholic and try to do my best spiritually, don’t worry. I’m not really responding to anyone in particular, either, just trying to add another, perhaps dissenting voice to the crowd. 😜

I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, either, so please don’t take it that way, folks.
felra said:
‘Mr. Gay’ 2006: It’s 'About the Whole Person’
…One of the producers of the just concluded “Mr. Gay USA” said the weekend competition in Palm Springs, Calif., was much more than a contest about physical looks. In addition to the swimsuit and underwear modeling, there were interviews of the contestants and an athletic challenge, according to event producer Don Spradlin, because he said, “It is more about the whole person.”

“We want to show people that this is the ‘boy next door’ - their neighbors, friends, and sons – someone who can represent the gay community in a positive way,” said Spradlin. “The winner will serve as a spokesman to raise the visibility of gay men, humanize gays in the media, create a positive role model and confront homophobia in today’s culture.”

I beg to differ- it is most certainly NOT about the whole person. They say it’s not just about physical looks. What is the athletic challenge then (I have witnessed firsthand in the gay community an obscession with phyiscal fitness- too much of a good thing, if you ask me). The gay community is nothing more then an outlet of the culture of death, which thrives on self-indulgence, “feelings”, over-sensitivity, anger, and has no concept of forgiveness whatsoever.

The gay community is plenty visible- they throw their sexuality at everyone they meet- whether that is welcome or not. They dehumanize gay men, by encouraging the gay lifestyle (bars- despite the arguments to the contrary, it’s all about sex, bathhouses- again, it’s all about the sex, gay pride parades- again, it’s all about the sex, PFLAG meetings- which are little more than cookouts and crying/complaining sessions full of men feeling sorry for themselves).
I beg to differ- it is most certainly NOT about the whole person. They say it’s not just about physical looks. What is the athletic challenge then (I have witnessed firsthand in the gay community an obscession with phyiscal fitness- too much of a good thing, if you ask me). The gay community is nothing more then an outlet of the culture of death, which thrives on self-indulgence, “feelings”, over-sensitivity, anger, and has no concept of forgiveness whatsoever.

The gay community is plenty visible- they throw their sexuality at everyone they meet- whether that is welcome or not. They dehumanize gay men, by encouraging the gay lifestyle (bars- despite the arguments to the contrary, it’s all about sex, bathhouses- again, it’s all about the sex, gay pride parades- again, it’s all about the sex, PFLAG meetings- which are little more than cookouts and crying/complaining sessions full of men feeling sorry for themselves).
I hope you feel that female beauty pageants aren’t about the whole person, too, and it’s not just the “gay” ones that only focus on vain aspects of the individual. You know wrath is one of the seven deadly sins, too, right? Inappropriate anger, I think. I suggest you try to avoid it, my friend. I pray you can keep it in check in regards to those whom agendas you disagree with.

I’m sorry if I sound like I’m flaming. I’m just trying to respectfully disagree with you, m134e5, and I sometimes come across as being harsh, perhaps – no hard feelings, though. 🙂

I’m not trying to single you out and pick on you, either. I see many people who need to try and cut down on their wrathful (in my opinion) view of the homosexual culture. Homosexuals may be wrong in their acts, but we should still love them as fellow human beings, right? I’m not asking you to accept their sins. We’re all sinners, though, aren’t we? Don’t waste your life hating people … I’m all too familiar with hating people, so I speak from experience, here.

For the record, I think you have valid arguments against the gay community. I just feel you could word them more sensitively. You seem … angry. You should try to settle down a bit, my friend, for the good of your soul.
I feel that there are no “little people” “gay people” “black” “white” “big” “small” “mentally challenged” people are people folks! lets stop putting a label on eachother. there are just PEOPLE! If we all were to love and respect eachother for our individuality the world would be a much nicer place to live.
Albedo said:
I find it repulsive that otherwise good Catholics waste time spouting off their (perhaps justified) hatred of homosexual activities because it makes them feel better, or something.
Unless you can cite specific examples of a poster “spouting off their (perhaps justified) hatred of homosexual activities”, then you are the flamer blowing smoke. Also, how can “spouting off hatred” toward a fellow humnan being ever be “perhaps justified”?
Does it make people feel good to cut down others for something they, perhaps, don’t have the moral fortitude to fight against?
This statement evidences that you are missing the whole point of this thread (I suggest that you reread the OP again).
Heterosexuals can’t feel lust or commit lustful acts? The Church condemns contraceptive use and – I think, anyway – certain sexual acts that She considers inappropriate, right? So at least keep that in mind, I guess … it’s not only homosexual individuals who commit “intrinsically disordered” acts.
Kinda like “I won’t talk about your sin if you don’t talk about mine” sort of reasoning?
homosexual acts are opposed to natural law,
If you are going to speak as a Catholic, then why introduce ambiguity on a no-brainer – homosexual desire is intrisically disordered and to homosexual acts are gravely sinful and opposed to natural law. Period. No “perhaps” here.
…but why take the time out of your day to discuss your personal displeasure with their choices? It just seems like it would breed a very bitter sort of soul – or at least be conducive to it – and that doesn’t seem very Christian at all.
Why do you “take the time out of your day to discuss your personal displeasure” with those who present this important topic for discussion and point out the moral implications of such a degrading and anit-Gospel event? :hmmm:
Anna's Mom:
I feel that there are no “little people” “gay people” “black” “white” “big” “small” “mentally challenged” people are people folks! lets stop putting a label on eachother. there are just PEOPLE! If we all were to love and respect eachother for our individuality the world would be a much nicer place to live.
But, …how this address the problem of evil and the all out bloody [spiritual] war being waged around us for the eternal salvation or damnation of souls?
I find it repulsive that otherwise good Catholics waste time spouting off their (perhaps justified) hatred of homosexual activities because it makes them feel better, or something. Does it make people feel good to cut down others for something they, perhaps, don’t have the moral fortitude to fight against? Heterosexuals can’t feel lust or commit lustful acts? The Church condemns contraceptive use and – I think, anyway – certain sexual acts that She considers inappropriate, right? So at least keep that in mind, I guess … it’s not only homosexual individuals who commit “intrinsically disordered” acts. Perhaps homosexual acts are opposed to natural law, but why take the time out of your day to discuss your personal displeasure with their choices? It just seems like it would breed a very bitter sort of soul – or at least be conducive to it – and that doesn’t seem very Christian at all.

I’m sorry if I sound like I’m flaming anyone. Just adding my two cents. I’m not trying to troll, here. I’m thoroughly Catholic and try to do my best spiritually, don’t worry. I’m not really responding to anyone in particular, either, just trying to add another, perhaps dissenting voice to the crowd. 😜

I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, either, so please don’t take it that way, folks.
I am not repulsed by homosexual activities because it makes me feel better. Sin is repulsive. My sin, your sin, everybody’s sin.

The problem with homsoexual activity is that it is particularly repulsive because it is unnatural and because it is flaunted. Our “ever-family-concerned media” then throws this into our face through the news and “entertainment” on a daily basis.

The reason I am repulsed has a lot more to do with other people such as children, than myself - although I don’t want to see or hear about it either. In no way should children be exposed to such depravity, yet it is thrust upon our TV screens and Internet. It is purposefuly lurring. It makes it’s way into our school systems. Parades of naked people acting depraved occur in public. This type of in-your-face immorality is nowhere more prevalent than in the homosexual community.

This is flatly outrageous that a society would accept a public landslide of unnatural and indecent acts in an effort to normalize them. It doesn’t make the lewd heterosexual behavior that is thrown at us any better. It simply adds a huge layer of anti-family garbage that must be battled by parents to protect the innocence of their children. One image of a “gay-pride” parade destroys the innocent of children. It is a constant battle.

And this says nothing of the homosexual agenda which is working to remove all stigmas against the sinful behavior, including trying to change the defintion of marriage and normalize the behavior, even with children and young adults.

Anyone who is not repulsed should check to understand what is preventing them from being sensitive to grave sin.
I’m not trying to single you out and pick on you, either. I see many people who need to try and cut down on their wrathful (in my opinion) view of the homosexual culture. Homosexuals may be wrong in their acts, but we should still love them as fellow human beings, right? I’m not asking you to accept their sins. We’re all sinners, though, aren’t we? Don’t waste your life hating people … I’m all too familiar with hating people, so I speak from experience, here.
I don’t hate anyone. When homosexual behavior goes back in the closet, I’ll no longer have to spend precious time of my life combatting it’s normalization. As long as the definition of marriage is threatened, the TV has the latest homosexual show of the week, public parks and streets are havens for perverted behavior, and school children are taught about how good this behavior is, I would be negligent in staying quiet.
Anna's Mom:
I feel that there are no “little people” “gay people” “black” “white” “big” “small” “mentally challenged” people are people folks! lets stop putting a label on eachother. there are just PEOPLE! If we all were to love and respect eachother for our individuality the world would be a much nicer place to live.
A much nicer place to live has less sin in it. Love the sinner. Hate the sin.
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