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The US has always been an immigrant nation; we do not have a culture that has developed over hundreds of years as they do in most parts of the world.

We in the US now have a number of people who believe that Columbis day ought be celebrated, that what he did was bad, and brought a calamity on the lands now known as the Americas.

Why would that be? Is it because the cultures and languages of the native peoples were displaced?

And isn’t that what the OP is complaining abo uh t happening in his own nation?
It would seem that is exactly what the OP is complaining about. It is hard for a lot of Americans to empathize with because, for the vast majority of Americans, our country is not our ancestral homeland.
The bible seems to support multiculturalism. One of the things revolutionary about Jesus is that he didn’t just come to save the Jews, but the gentiles as well. He says as much in his Great Comission.
Matthew 28:19-20 (NRSVCE):
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.
Sure enough, Acts show the Apostles doing just that and converting gentiles - people from different cultures.
Acts 2:6-11 (NRSVCE):
And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. Amazed and astonished, they asked, “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs—in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.”
They didn’t all suddenly gain the ability to understand Galilean Aramaic, instead the Holy Spirit translated the sermon into their native languages.

Based on that it’s safe to assume that, as far as God is concerned, culture does not matter as much as belief. If someone is a Catholic then it matters not what culture they belong to, and the only cultural practices they need to renounce are those which are incompatible with Christianity.
I’m not sure the church has anything to say about this as it is a religion, not a nation.

Living in a western country full of different cultures I do know one thing. The government doesn’t immigrate people because they want to help refugees or any other humanitarian reason. The main reason is because they know these immigrants will work for low wages which in turn keeps the wages of everyone else low. It’s all a dirty scam.
But if there are so many foreigners in a society that the native population becomes a minority,
Ungefär så är det.
It is true. But then again the big issue is probably with Swedes who eg do not know the traditional songs anymore. People rather sing a pop tune rather than Kungssången.
I think people should go deeper into their own culture (or cultures).
The main reason is because they know these immigrants will work for low wages which in turn keeps the wages of everyone else low.
You mean like this? Million Programme - Wikipedia
It was a bad article. They never mentioned the connection with miljonprogrammet and immigrants. Anyway, I think a Swede wouldn’t want to visit eg Rinkeby.
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Culture is ever evolving.

I bet you a Swede from the 15th century would find 21st century Sweden unrecognizable.
So even if immigration were to be stopped the Swedish culture would still change.

Besides it’s the Swedes who will decide for themselves and I don’t see any reason why they should care what some Americans think.
Did the Swede populace decide or the government decide? Yes everything changes. It doesn’t mean all change and the pace of change has to be welcome by everyone. As far as not caring what an American thinks someone who identified as a Swede started a thread asking a question. Surely that person is aware that people from all over the world post here, including Americans, and thus is interested in what Americans think.
The Swedish government isn’t a totalitarian government. We’re talking Sweden not China.

As far as I know, Sweden is still a constitutional democracy.
It doesn’t matter. Not everyone agrees with the government in democracies.
I am now learning Italian ans it takes time. I cannot learn too many languages.
I agree. I am trying to learn Hungarian, Greek and Ukrainian. They are hard, but I find it even more difficult to write in Chinese. Yes, it is easy to learn a few phrases here and there in Chinese, but I am having a problem with learning and writing the characters. I can write a few, but what stumps me are the technical and scientific terms written in Chinese. It is not that easy for me to read and write them. And I have looked at Arabic and Hebrew, but I don’t have the time right now to study these. Perhaps others here who support multiculturalism have found this easier than I have.
You do not have to master foreign languages to learn about other cultures.
That is not true. There are many words in Russian that do not have an English equivalent. They point out the different approach Russians have toward philosophy and your place in the world. Take for example, the Russian word nadryv. It is a rapid burst of deeply hidden emotions.
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Ask a black man about white culture in America. He will recite it out of a necessity for survival.

Now I ask you about modern black culture, with no notes, and no google.

I do not condemn you, as this is a problem across all of society, for every society. If anyone can’t understand cultures of others, it is the dominant culture.
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That is not true. There are many words in Russian that do not have an English equivalent. They point out the different approach Russians have toward philosophy and your place in the world. Take for example, the Russian word nadryv. It is a rapid burst of deeply hidden emotions.
This is true not only of Russia but true of basically any country in the world.

You don’t really need mastery of a language to learn some parts of the culture. You can learn parts in order to get a glimpse of the culture.
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I disagree, Japan has almost no immigration and wages are not amazing.

Market forces say “No Wage, Only Spend”. All wages will go down over time. Human Resources debates 100s of candidates for wage negotiation. They are like assassins. You and I on the other hand are above the level of fools in comparison. When the populace is weak the hand strikes everything down.
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Now I ask you about modern black culture, with no notes, and no google.
Are you talking about Black people born in the US? Northern or Southern? How about from the Caribbean? Or immigrated from Africa?

(I’m assuming you’re not talking about Black persons in the UK)
The user base of CAF is America from what I can tell. The assumption was American Black Culture.

This example was a refutation to the notion that the immigrant is the culturally isolated one and the native is the multicultural one.
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