But actually, the real problem is never immigration. The real problem I see is this: people are homeless, kids watch hard core porn, kids use drugs, masturbation is said to be ok, contraception is used, people are never taught how to sing hymns, consumerism and black friday (even in sweden).
Is immigration even the root of all issue we have? No!
Not the case maybe, but it is connected. It’s all a part of the government being unwilling to do things that will help the people who are already their and fix their problems. Instead they invite over a new bunch of people so they can fix the problems of those people instead.
In other words, if you don’t want to fix a problem, make an even bigger problem and people won’t notice you didn’t fix the first problem.
If you want to do something about crumbling moraility, teenage sex, masturbation etc etc what you really need first and foremost is to strengthen the faith. You need Catholic culture as carried and diseminated by Catholic schhols, Catholic parishes, catholic clergy, in brief a Catholic society.
Instead you get a whole lot of non Catholics forced to live in your community, people who in many cases have an active loathing for Catholicism and Christianity, and that objective becomes much more difficult to realize. And then as if to give a big kick in the teeth to the grassroots people who have been trying to defend that catholic society, the bishops even welcome these changes.
And if you ask them why they think like that, then they tell you, we need people to work in our factrories, to pay our pensions, to make sure we can continue living the good life. In other words, better to be rich without faith than poor with faith.