Not possible?
I don’t think it’s “you can’t learn about many cultures” but more a “you don’t want to learn about many cultures.” Human beings are very smart. They’re capable of learning about a lot of things. Trust me.
I realize it’s just an anecdote but I think it illustrates my point. I am American. But my maternal great-grandfather was born in Sweden, oddly enough. We even have his Ellis Island paperwork still. He married a Danish woman. That grandmother married a man (my grandfather) whose parents came from Denmark also. They all spoke Danish around the house. We still say the prayer every holiday dinner “I Jesu navn går vi til bords… Etc etc”. We even have baptismal and marriage records going back to the 1880s. Just found them in my late grandmother’s things.
On my father’s side, my grandfather was native Hawaiian of Japanese ancestry. My grandmother French and Scottish. My grandfather adopted my father though. So my brother and I look like Vikings, but with Japanese names.
We grew up around San Francisco. Near a community that was almost entirely Mexican immigrants. Our school was bilingual in that enclave. My best friend at the time was Filipino. At high school I met new friends - my oldest and dearest has Finnish and German grandparents born in the old country. Additionally my first job when I was 16 was with a restaurant owned and run by Arab Syrians who fled Syria in the very early 80s. And my longest job ever I worked side by side with an elderly Sikh man for about 10 years.
Now to my point of that long rambling story. Just through osmosis I’ve learned quite a bit about 1) American 2) Swedish 3) Danish 4) Japanese 5) Hawaiian 6) Mexican 7) Filipino 8) Finnish 9) German 10) Syrian/Arab 11) Indian/Punjabi cultures by the time I was 25. 11. Without really trying, just living my life.
I don’t say this to toot my own horn or try to win cosmopolitan points. After all, just being exposed to cultures doesn’t mean you understand them completely. I bring this all up just because it’s a personal example I’m sure of that shows a human can learn quite a bit about other cultures if they approach it with an open mind.