nowhere does the Pope say husbands and wives were not to serve each other…
Yup, we don’t disagree here.
Pope Paul JPII also highly encouraged fighting for the family. What would he say today?
I don’t think he will say anything drastically different. He saw what we are dealing with. He has called for a “new feminism”, which I agree with.
Personally, I do not like the title SAHM. Women who have babies are moms. Moms have responsibilities and there is work involved there. We should just be called moms.
There are mothers with jobs, mothers who are unemployed. The term is to just differentiate the two categories when necessary. As we’re talking about jobs here, the term is pretty relevant. in general we should understand there’s no need for a petty divide as most want the best for their families and themselves.
This too is my point, babies are not balls of chains. Women can and should follow dreams but in seasons. Going slow and waiting is not the encouragement one receives from feminism
Yup. But to be fair, going slow and waiting is not the encouragement one receives from…well anti feminism either. Everyone has their own timelines. Whether that’s a working mom of a 2 year old, or a mother who started after her youngest child became a teenager. Best if we would just trust and love them.
This might be another thread, I am not sure what you are exactly saying.
It’s definitely another topic, but I was just reacting to your statement about how blurred gender roles is causing problems. Conservatives tend to flop flop on this when liberals reinforce gender norms regarding trans issues. But yes, another topic.
Choice is something frequently heard by feminists but who chooses for the children and the family
The whole point of feminism was to advance women’s rights to achieve equality. Emphasis on women. That’s like saying why are people so focused on black issues during the civil rights, when there are other vulnerable groups in the population.
Adopting feminism alone is a fool’s errand. You would have to look at your family and community as well. My point is that sometimes they are not at odds, sometimes they are. we should be critical and understand that there are good areas and bad.
We don’t gives thanks to feminists for anything good
We recognise pioneers, activists, founding fathers, scientists for all the breakthroughs we are having today. We recognise that God’s graces work through them. We thank MLK for his contributions, but we still acknowledge his work reflects God’s view of us.
It’s not wrong to say that one is thankful for feminists and the men who made it possible. Thanks to them, I can be paid fairly. At the same time, I can acknowledge these positive changes are Christian-like (to protect and uplift the marginalised) .